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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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Sounds like the official is guilty of being incredibly naive/silly.

I'd be very reluctant to write the guy off if it's just a genuine attempt to identify someone. This guy will presumably receive death threats and life made miserable for a few days over this so let's just see how it plays out.

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9 hours ago, Mr Waldo said:

Why would he know his name? 

If it's the most easily identifying feature, why not? 

Coaches literally have their initials plastered on their clothes. Being black also wasn't the most easily identifiable feature given he wasn't the only black guy there. There were numerous ways to identify him without using his skin colour but it's no surprise to see a guy who "stands against" BLM to take this view. 


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9 hours ago, pandarilla said:

There's absolutely nothing wrong with using skin colour as an identifying feature when that's all your doing (assuming he didn't know his name, obviously).

But let's wait and see what was actually said rather than jumping to conclusions.

In the video clip I saw he was literally pointing his finger about an inch from his nose saying the black one. All he had to do was say him. He also wasn’t the only black man in the technical area. 

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8 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Coaches literally have their initials plastered on their clothes. Being black also wasn't the most easily identifiable feature given he wasn't the only black guy there. There were numerous ways to identify him without using his skin colour but it's no surprise to see a guy who "stands against" BLM to take this view. 


Looking at the photos on the BBC, Webo just had a green jacket on, like the rest of the coaching staff. Don’t see any initials.     

Unless the fourth official could come up with a better description of who he was, he would probably have to go across and point him out, which also might look a bit dodgy, but would have at least prevented this.

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4 minutes ago, Rugster said:

In the video clip I saw he was literally pointing his finger about an inch from his nose saying the black one. All he had to do was say him. He also wasn’t the only black man in the technical area. 

Ah, so the pointing bit didn’t go well either. 

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2 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

Looking at the photos on the BBC, Webo just had a green jacket on, like the rest of the coaching staff. Don’t see any initials.     

Unless the fourth official could come up with a better description of who he was, he would probably have to go across and point him out, which also might look a bit dodgy, but would have at least prevented this.

Surprising number of people trying to offer up a defence for these actions. What would've been so dodgy or wrong about pointing him out?

Demba Ba is absolutely correct. If it was a white guy he was identifying do you believe he would've mentioned his skin colour at all?

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2 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Surprising number of people trying to offer up a defence for these actions. What would've been so dodgy or wrong about pointing him out?

Demba Ba is absolutely correct. If it was a white guy he was identifying do you believe he would've mentioned his skin colour at all?

If he was the only white guy amongst a group of black guys would it be wrong to say the white guy?

Genuine question.

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2 minutes ago, hk blues said:

If he was the only white guy amongst a group of black guys would it be wrong to say the white guy?

Genuine question.

I guess this is what people mean when they talk about education on the matter.

The act of using a distinguishing feature to identify someone in isolation seems totally innocuous to someone not tuned into this topic.

In the context of history of treatment of black people and their segregation it becomes a much more sensitive matter to single someone out as 'the black guy'.

If it is the case that he's just tried to identify the guy then I'd be inclined to believe he's guilty of ignorance more than racism.


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3 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Surprising number of people trying to offer up a defence for these actions. What would've been so dodgy or wrong about pointing him out?

Demba Ba is absolutely correct. If it was a white guy he was identifying do you believe he would've mentioned his skin colour at all?

I’m just trying to be reasonable about it. Would you like someone coming up and pointing at you? I would see that as a provocative act; It would anger me.

If they were all white guys, then saying he was the white guy would be pretty much no help. If there was only one white guy, then it would be the most obvious difference at first glance in a team all wearing the same clothing. I understand there were two black men, and that the fourth official is white and I get that in this day and age it has caused an incident. 

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57 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

b) Using the word "Negru" even if it is his native language for "black" would sound pretty fucking serious to anyone in earshot that doesn't happen to speak or understand his native language. 

I don't get this bit, what word should he or Spaniards use for "black"? I wouldn't know what English words sound really bad to Romanians or Spaniards.

Edited by welshbairn
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10 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Just tried to argue with some posters on a millwall YouTube video.
Again and again all you hear is BLM is marxist we are booing them.
After nearly disappearing down that hole myself would like to say that the negative effect that social media has causing more and more people to be racist.

"Blm made me racist"

"All of football is against taking the knee"

"Blm encourages people to loot and fight the police, they are marxist"

Its the same shit again and again. They've been brainwashed.

They haven't been brainwashed. That makes them sound like victims. They are contemptible bigots who have found a flimsy justification for acting like arseholes through social media. It hasn't changed them but it has helped them.

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1 hour ago, hk blues said:

Would it be sexist if you were trying to identify a lone woman amongst a group of men by saying the female over there?  

I've no dog in the fight but interested in where a line is being drawn.

Pretty obviously not.

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Just now, Gordon EF said:

Pretty obviously not.


So we are saying it's OK to define people by their sex but not their race?  

Can we say the blind guy, or the bald guy?  

Or is this no-no only applicable to race/colour?

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In the football situation, which I haven't watched yet, the obvious solution is to wait until things calm down and if language difference is an issue point or touch the guilty parties on the shoulder before taking them aside for any disciplinary action.

Thinking as I go, I suspect the pronunciation of Negru in Romanian might sound a bit like another word that is definitely offensive.

It'll certainly be a lesson that should've been learned earlier for football authorities.

I'm still not sure that every reference to race is racist in other contexts.

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If he was the only white guy amongst a group of black guys would it be wrong to say the white guy?
Genuine question.
But the likelihood is that the description wouldn't be used, as Demba Ba pointed out in his complaints following Webo's red card.
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