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The Wildcat Douglas Ross Experiment


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24 minutes ago, HTG said:

Annie Wells getting it tight from the swivel eyed loonball brigade.


The crazy element of BritNattery going even more nuts is glorious. “ANNIE, WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING DEAR LEADER [separatist in a good way] BORIS AND NOT THAT EVIL [separatist in a bad way] STURGEON? iS iT bEcAUsE oF heR sEcReT eViL SUPER INJUNCTIONS?!?!?”

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5 minutes ago, MONKMAN said:

You’ve got to laugh at the linesman getting put well and truly back into his box, by Rees-Mogg.

It's fantastic. He probably thought yesterday was finally his chance to be relevant and to put on a fake show of having some baws, and instead he's been roundly humiliated on national TV by genuinely powerful Tories. 

Conservatives are of course all absolute fucking vermin, but seeing them turn on each other should be a legit spectator sport. 

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You almost* feel sorry for Wee Dougie, spends his entire political career campaigning for a union that believes him to be an irrelevance and treats him with utter disdain.

*not in the slightest

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14 minutes ago, Ric said:

I'm sure the traveller/roma community that Ross publicly discriminated against are feeling sorry for him.

That interview is still absolutely nuts.

It wasn't a serious interview, it was totally light-hearted. He could have said "free ice cream for all" or something like that but no, it's "let's come down on the gyppos".

What a tool.

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15 minutes ago, Zern said:

It could be a prelude to a leadership challenge by Ross. He is a Westminster MP in addition to everything else he gets called.

Next few weeks will be all about Ross being humiliated one way or another. 😎

I don't think Ross has a chance in hell. I'd say the Rory lad who I forget the name of, but was really earnest about everything yet looked as electable as Corbyn, had more chance of being PM than Ross.

Now, Davidson, that is still my dark horse should a run happen.

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Davidson, lol.

Not. A. Chance.

Permanent power in the upper house and not being accountable to the electorate is Tory heaven. It is the goal of their political careers. She's got that.

Let the farmer fight in the muck.

Of course Ross doesn't stand a chance of actually winning. He's not popular anywhere. Bona fide arsehole that one.

Rory Stewart is the one you're thinking of. Not even an MP anymore i think. Was running for mayor of London last i heard.

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2 minutes ago, Zern said:

Davidson, lol.

You may laugh but I posted a page or two back the "benefits" Davidson has.

And, yes, "Stewart", thanks! I could see his face, just couldn't grab the name from the back of my head.

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1 minute ago, Ric said:

You may laugh but I posted a page or two back the "benefits" Davidson has.

And, yes, "Stewart", thanks! I could see his face, just couldn't grab the name from the back of my head.

It won’t happen, but I’d love the baroness to get the gig. It would be good to see her systematically broken down by the UK media rather than being given the soft soap treatment she enjoyed as the jolly, true-blue colonel in Scotland. 

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7 minutes ago, Zern said:

Davidson, lol.

Not. A. Chance.

Permanent power in the upper house and not being accountable to the electorate is Tory heaven. It is the goal of their political careers. She's got that.

Let the farmer fight in the muck.

Of course Ross doesn't stand a chance of actually winning. He's not popular anywhere. Bona fide arsehole that one.

Rory Stewart is the one you're thinking of. Not even an MP anymore i think. Was running for mayor of London last i heard.

Did he not make a documentary trying to say the borders were their own country.  Also pretty sure he was working for MI5 when he was wandering about the middle east and the architect of 77th Brigade when he was at the MOD office.

Edited by dirty dingus
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This is some message coming from Westminster here, basically the Scottish Tories, and that entire branch of the party are irrelevant, and hold no sway or influence whatsoever, except the one that was appointed by London. That's out there now, it's everywhere and if there is another indyref it's going to be played on repeat. It's going to be very difficult to talk about nations of equals and leading, not leaving when that is there, especially if the same mob are still in power at Westminster.

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Just now, Ric said:

You may laugh but I posted a page or two back the "benefits" Davidson has.

And, yes, "Stewart", thanks! I could see his face, just couldn't grab the name from the back of my head.

She's got zero chance, all the "one nation" Tories have been purged, only a true believer Brexiteer has a chance.

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