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TV Licence

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My biggest issue with it is that you must pay a TV licence even to watch other channels like STV, Channel 4, Sky one etc. Even though the licence fee goes entirely to the Beeb.

Either make the BBC a subscription service (other channels available for free, where your “fee” is having to sit through 12 minutes of ad breaks per hour), or just find it out of taxes.
Sky is a subscription service full to the brim with adverts.
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16 hours ago, Hillonearth said:

It's frankly incredible that their business model is allowed to continue in 2020. Imagine that a completely new form of energy became available, but the current power companies were allowed to continue to charge a tariff to former customers regardless of whether they continued to use their products or not?

That's basically the BBC...their apologists continually make the case that the licence fee allows for them to make quality content, but that argument is flying in the face of most of the available evidence.

To be honest, that’s how I was treated by Scottish  power when I was with them years ago.

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Given the amount of anti-Scottish, anti-independence bile that spews forth from the likes of Andrew Marr, Andrew Neil, Laura Kuenssberg, Nick Robinson, et all, I wouldn't blame anyone in Scotland for refusing to pay for a license.

BBC Scotland aren't much better.


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On 05/12/2020 at 19:53, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Explain the difference to me then. It's not free, by law you pay for it if you use it. In the same way you would for other services you use. It's really not difficult. As with all public services if enough people did what you do the BBC wouldn't exist and we would have to rely on the private sector which in media I don't think is a good idea.  "I can get away with not paying for something which is supposed to benefit it us all while still using it" is a very Tory position tbh and if you were so comfortable with it you wouldn't be throwing your unconvincing arguments at every reply

You still need to pay for a TV licence even if you never watch, listen or read anything on a BBC channel, station or website. Even if you deleted all the BBC channels from your TV and only watch commercial channels you are still required to get a licence for the privilege of having television receiving equipment capable of watching live broadcasts. Would be bit like having to buy tickets for a rival football club when you want to go and watch your own team.

Plus the TV licence and the publicly funded BBC are two separate issues. The TV licence money collected by the BBC gets paid to the government who then give it back to the BBC . It costs £100million+ annually for Capita to collect the licence fees - why not just cut out the middle man and have the BBC's licence fee income come from the government's budget?

7 hours ago, welshbairn said:
8 hours ago, Donathan said:


Part of the licence goes to C4, and you pay for the others when you buy anything that's advertised on them. The theory of the licence fee is that it's better than being funded directly out of taxes as it gives them some independence from Government, but that argument seems to have fallen by the wayside in recent years. 

Not according to Channel 4 it doesn't: https://www.channel4.com/corporate/about-4/operating-responsibly/freedom-information/frequently-asked-questions

Screenshot_2020-12-07 Frequently Asked Questions Channel 4.png

Edited by Ginaro
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50 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:

The only thing the BBC are good for is wildlife and nature programmes with Sir David of Attenborough.

That was always the argument folk made before but he's in Sky and Netflix now so the Beeb can f**k off.

The Netflix documentaries are as good as anything else, although admittedly a bit to American focussed.

Probably the only thing to be said for the BBC is regional output. I mean it's fucking dire whats the alternative


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10 minutes ago, Ginaro said:

You still need to pay for a TV licence even if you never watch, listen or read anything on a BBC channel, station or website. Even if you deleted all the BBC channels from your TV and only watch commercial channels you are still required to get a licence for the privilege of having television receiving equipment capable of watching live broadcasts. Would be bit like having to buy tickets for a rival football club when you want to go and watch your own team.

Plus the TV licence and the publicly funded BBC are two separate issues. The TV licence money collected by the BBC gets paid to the government who then give it back to the BBC . It costs £100million+ annually for Capita to collect the licence fees - why not just cut out the middle man and have the BBC's licence fee income come from the government's budget?

Not according to Channel 4 it doesn't: https://www.channel4.com/corporate/about-4/operating-responsibly/freedom-information/frequently-asked-questions

Screenshot_2020-12-07 Frequently Asked Questions Channel 4.png

Dunno why you're quoting me mate, I've not said anything to the contrary of that. What you're describing is a position I'm completely sympathetic towards, what I was replying to is not 

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18 minutes ago, Ginaro said:

Bit surprised by that. It's fully owned by the Government and they appoint its boss. They were bunged a big wedge to switch to digital and they get free use of the terrestrial network unlike ITV, but other than that they're self funding as you say.

Edited by welshbairn
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On 07/12/2020 at 01:38, Hillonearth said:

It's frankly incredible that their business model is allowed to continue in 2020. Imagine that a completely new form of energy became available, but the current power companies were allowed to continue to charge a tariff to former customers regardless of whether they continued to use their products or not?

That's basically the BBC...their apologists continually make the case that the licence fee allows for them to make quality content, but that argument is flying in the face of most of the available evidence.

We're not alone though - 2/3rds of other European countries have it and a few outside Europe as well

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21 hours ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Given the amount of anti-Scottish, anti-independence bile that spews forth from the likes of Andrew Marr, Andrew Neil, Laura Kuenssberg, Nick Robinson, et all, I wouldn't blame anyone in Scotland for refusing to pay for a license.

BBC Scotland aren't much better.

I am tempted to write to them and say I no longer need a licence but never get round to it.


I don't pay the licence for this very reason.  I don't think that I could have it on my conscience that I would be funding such biased nonsense.  Get letters every other week but ignore them.

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  • 3 months later...

Apparently an Enforcement Officer is to visit us soon.

I've went online to declare I don't watch live TV etc., which is actually the case given we only watch Catch Up, Disney and Netflix. But I can't be fucked taking down ariels. I'm doubtful this will stop the arseholes trying to pursue me.

I'm just so angry they are sending threatening letters about visits and if someone tries to get gain access to my house during these times I can see myself shouting at them on the doorstep.

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They can't enter without a warrant.

If they do visit without one and, after they try all sorts of nonsense and probably lies, you tell them bolt, that will be the time to take stuff down as they will then get a warrant for their next visit.

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16 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Apparently an Enforcement Officer is to visit us soon.

I've went online to declare I don't watch live TV etc., which is actually the case given we only watch Catch Up, Disney and Netflix. But I can't be fucked taking down ariels. I'm doubtful this will stop the arseholes trying to pursue me.

I'm just so angry they are sending threatening letters about visits and if someone tries to get gain access to my house during these times I can see myself shouting at them on the doorstep.

They can’t gain any access just tell them to bolt and shut your door.

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36 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Apparently an Enforcement Officer is to visit us soon.

I've went online to declare I don't watch live TV etc., which is actually the case given we only watch Catch Up, Disney and Netflix. But I can't be fucked taking down ariels. I'm doubtful this will stop the arseholes trying to pursue me.

I'm just so angry they are sending threatening letters about visits and if someone tries to get gain access to my house during these times I can see myself shouting at them on the doorstep.

I would be polite with them, and simply say 'No thank you' and close the door.  Doesn't matter if you've got an ariel, as long as the lead is cut, also, highly unlikely they will get a warrant. It's just scare tactics.

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I would be polite with them, and simply say 'No thank you' and close the door.  Doesn't matter if you've got an ariel, as long as the lead is cut, also, highly unlikely they will get a warrant. It's just scare tactics.
Wasn't aware of that. Saves the hassle of taking the actual ariel down, cheers!
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