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2 minutes ago, CCB19035 said:

So you will you fucking gype.


White Lives Matter rally at the next home game? 

No longer engaging with someone as daft as yourself. 

If you ever call me a gype again I will firstly go off to find out what it is then if it is offensive I will bombard your inbox with lyrics about your immediate family members. 

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59 minutes ago, CCB19035 said:

Absolutely don't. 

Wretched behaviour. 

Just wondering where lines are drawn,

You Aberdeen fans hate Rangers, much like the rest of us, so I am going to use them as gauge here to see where the line is drawn...

Is it OK to mock Mrs Mols?

Is it OK to mock Ian Durrant?

Is it OK to mock David Murray?

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24 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

If you ever call me a gype again I will firstly go off to find out what it is then if it is offensive I will bombard your inbox with lyrics about your immediate family members. 


6 minutes ago, CCB19035 said:

Ones that you don't know, so couldn't offend me. 


Just mind the protocol lads. PM's to be sent by COB Saturday then posted on Sunday.

Thank You

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4 minutes ago, CCB19035 said:

Mols, too old for me. Never heard it sung. 

Ian Durrant- fucking right it is. 

David Murray- calling him a c**t, fair enough. Anything about his disability, beyond the pale. 

I believe the song was "Oh I'd rather shag a sheep than Mrs Mols" in response to Rangers fans singing sheep shagging b*****ds.

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20 minutes ago, johnnydun said:

Just wondering where lines are drawn,

You Aberdeen fans hate Rangers, much like the rest of us, so I am going to use them as gauge here to see where the line is drawn...

Is it OK to mock Mrs Mols?

Is it OK to mock Ian Durrant?

Is it OK to mock David Murray?

Bringing up Mols is a strange one. It was sung as a response to a song where we are accused of being unpleasant people who engage in bestiality.

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3 minutes ago, CCB19035 said:

I do love that fans think calling us sheep shagging b*****ds is a thing we're arsed about. 

A matter of pride, more than anything else. 

I think it's the sheep that are probably more arsed by it to be honest.

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31 minutes ago, johnnydun said:

Just wondering where lines are drawn,

You Aberdeen fans hate Rangers, much like the rest of us, so I am going to use them as gauge here to see where the line is drawn...

Is it OK to mock Mrs Mols?

Is it OK to mock Ian Durrant?

Is it OK to mock David Murray?

I’m in the same boat as you, whilst you cannot have racist abuse it is interesting to see others views about what is ok?

For example - Dean Shiels would at times get abused due to his eye. Directed at him and/or his dad.

Which is completely unacceptable.

However if I shout “you are fucking useless McKenzie” at Rory McKenzie tomorrow then that is acceptable?

I’m not sure if anyone else has experienced this but I know a couple of ex Kilmarnock players who live locally and who basically just wouldn’t have anything to with our club because of the abuse they’ve had from fans and how it impacted them. So is that abuse, even if just about the quality of their play, acceptable?

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4 minutes ago, Sortmeout said:

I’m in the same boat as you, whilst you cannot have racist abuse it is interesting to see others views about what is ok?

For example - Dean Shiels would at times get abused due to his eye. Directed at him and/or his dad.

Which is completely unacceptable.

However if I shout “you are fucking useless McKenzie” at Rory McKenzie tomorrow then that is acceptable?

I’m not sure if anyone else has experienced this but I know a couple of ex Kilmarnock players who live locally and who basically just wouldn’t have anything to with our club because of the abuse they’ve had from fans and how it impacted them. So is that abuse, even if just about the quality of their play, acceptable?

Unless being useless at football counts as a disability those two examples are in no way comparable.

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3 minutes ago, Sortmeout said:

I’m in the same boat as you, whilst you cannot have racist abuse it is interesting to see others views about what is ok?

For example - Dean Shiels would at times get abused due to his eye. Directed at him and/or his dad.

Which is completely unacceptable.

However if I shout “you are fucking useless McKenzie” at Rory McKenzie tomorrow then that is acceptable?

I’m not sure if anyone else has experienced this but I know a couple of ex Kilmarnock players who live locally and who basically just wouldn’t have anything to with our club because of the abuse they’ve had from fans and how it impacted them. So is that abuse, even if just about the quality of their play, acceptable?

I think fans shouting someone is useless is generally okay as it’s normally as a result of a poor bit of play but on the flip side, they sing their praises if they play well. I think the boundary starts to get crossed when it becomes personal about something other than their footballing ability.

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18 hours ago, Meldrew said:

whatever happened to Derek Johnstone ?

He burst.

2 hours ago, AJF said:

I tend to agree with a lot of that regarding distasteful chants are usually accepted and can be seen as an attempt to wind up players/opposition fans.

However… it does start getting quite close to the bone and in some instances I would consider it abusive. Including other people’s family members is verging on the unacceptable in my opinion, but as you say, is nothing in comparison to genuine discrimination.

Personally I thought the Morelos’ mother banner was in extremely poor taste, particularly given they used his own language to convey the message. I’m sure Morelos thought so too as he has gone on to often bully Aberdeen since. But it wasn’t on a level with other chants or abuse.

The main issue I see with it is that people use football as an excuse to release their anger, and often it does go too far. When people start mocking the dead and stuff like that, while it’s not sectarian or racist it is most definitely unacceptable.

I'm working on a song about Grant Adam stealing his Granda's pension? How do you think the Adam family will like it. It'll probably be set to The Adams Family tune.

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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