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Buses bricked

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When I moved to Bonhill about 15 years ago I got a bus from Alexandria station up the hill home. It goes through some weird grey estates with names and numbers instead of streets. Some ned decided the bus was pulling away to swiftly as he was disembarking so pulled a clawhammer out his plastic bag and smashed the bus doors in as it pulled away. Also while living there some wee p***k pointed a crossbow out a close window at me.

Aged about 17 on a number 2 bus in Clydebank on a Friday night some ned appeared out of the darkness as the bus slowed at a roundabout leaving Faifley and fucked a Buckie bottle off the window my old dear was sitting at. Window held and I counted my lucky stars she had given me the aisle seat.

Got on the wrong train to work one morning and found it was some limited stop express service.  Somewhere after the train voice said chatelherault we went under a bridge and some p***k chucked a rock onto the carriage roof at about 9am on a Wednesday.

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My wife had a near miss a  couple of years ago. We were on a bus heading to Edinburgh and we decided to move further up the bus and just after we shifted, a half brick was lobbed through the window at the seats where we'd been sitting. I just can't understand what's going through the heads of the absolute fucking cretins who are behind these attacks. 

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23 minutes ago, Sweet Pete said:

Got on the wrong train to work one morning and found it was some limited stop express service.  Somewhere after the train voice said chatelherault we went under a bridge and some p***k chucked a rock onto the carriage roof at about 9am on a Wednesday.

Did you end up in Larkhall as Chatelherault is just between Larkhall and Hamilton. If so, condolences 

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Not a brick, but I did hit a Strathclyde Buses no 45 with a golf ball with an awful snap hook off the 2nd tee at Littlehill.

Been on two buses at Petershill games that had stuff lobbed at them. After a 3-0 win at Oakley in Fife all the windows on one side of the bus were smashed as we were leaving. That was a chilly journey home. After a 4-1 win at Cumnock our buses were sent out the back road to avoid locals who the police knew were waiting to brick us, but that didn't stop us from getting pelted with eggs.

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Was on a supporters bus after the 2007 SC Semi final, some guy in a Rangers top randomly started throwing traffic cones at our bus. Confused as we’d just played Celtic.

10 minutes later he reappeared with half a brick and launched it off a window that didn’t smash but cracked.

We found out halfway back to Perth my pal had been giving him the w****r sign just before the traffic cone incident and kept going up until the attempted smashing.

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I have been bricked by a bus.

19-4-80 and Celtic almost winning the league and Dundee just about to be relegated (as usual) and we play them at Dens.

1-0 down after a few mins to nobody's surprise and then carnage as we hump them 5-1.

The atmosphere in The Derry was surreal as we were definitely going down but given Celtic a big f**k you as Aberdeen were now favourites.

Me and my mates decided to walk home and had to walk down Old Glamis Road which if you have ever been to Dens or Tannadice you'll know it as one of the quickest ways to get on the Kingsway and out of Dundee or go to Lochee.

Loads of Celtic fan's busses passed and we were pointing, laughing and giving them the Vs as you do. Problem was as walked down we started to catch up with them as they queued to get on the dual carriage way so we stayed on the opposite side of the road.

We were still laughing and pointing and still giving it big licks but with less confidence now, then we noticed that one of the windows, upstairs on a fucking double decker, had been taken out.

I think we all saw it at more or less the same time as a hail of rocks, bottles and other shite came our way, we jumped into someone's garden behind hedges and all the shite kept coming. The guy in the house didn't look too pleased either mouthing at us to f**k off but thankfully the bus started moving and got away on its travels.



Edited by eindhovendee
Forgot Lochee
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11 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

That reminds me. The protestants going to my school from Caldercruix, picked up the Catholics in Plains. The protestants got off first and quite often tanned the bus before it pulled away.

Similar to me.  I went to a non-denominational school (mostly Protestants) and the Catholic school was a mile or so up the road.  Unfortunately for me, I lived in the opposite direction from 99% of the students in my school so I had to get on the bus with the Catholic kids.

Anyhow, Ibrox was one time our bus was bricked.  Strangely, it's not as common as I'd have thought to get bricked.

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20 hours ago, ICTChris said:


Have any P&Bers ever bricked a bus due to boredom? No

Have any P&Bers ever been in a bus that was bricked? Dundee 1967

what’s the strangest thing P&Bers have done to relieve boredom? That's for me to know and you to wonder



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32 minutes ago, Shandon Par Decorator said:

You really should see a doctor about your farting. 

I'm starting to get a bit worried about the ferocity and regularity of my farts

Edited by Jacksgranda
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12 minutes ago, Buddie Holly said:

st mirren  supporters clubs boycotted easter road for a season in the 80s due to attacks on buses


Used to love a trip to Easter Road. Night time games especially were like being in Apocalypse Now. The buses parking on London Road were like boats going up river.

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17 hours ago, HTG said:

2. Yes - Auchinleck

The season after we lost to them in the cup final, we put them out through therein the quarters with Stevie Dallas scoring the only goal in a 1-0 win. Their fans didn’t too kindly to it. As we were leaving the ground they were throwing everything and anything they had to hand at us. One of them had a wee plastic bottle of juice, unopened, which he launched. My older brother caught it as it came down, opened it and took a swig from it in one smooth motion. c**t could never have done it as well again if he had another million attempts. We all burst out laughing and they disappeared, seemingly deciding the fun was over. We got on the bus and not long after pulling out, it was hit with a hale of bricks, sticks and stones. Shitebags.

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i) armour all buses the same way you see in apocalyptic/zombie films. There's nothing some sheet metal and razor wire can't fix!

ii) alternatively  start using military transport vehicles, maybe even old surplus or repurposing old ww2 captured vehicles. Be some sight for the tourists to get to watch a repainted old Panzerkampfgruppen Half-track start picking up at bus stops.

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1 hour ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

i) armour all buses the same way you see in apocalyptic/zombie films. There's nothing some sheet metal and razor wire can't fix!

ii) alternatively  start using military transport vehicles, maybe even old surplus or repurposing old ww2 captured vehicles. Be some sight for the tourists to get to watch a repainted old Panzerkampfgruppen Half-track start picking up at bus stops.

I've long been a believer that bus drivers should be armed. Some of the shit they have to put up with while lone working, with no support from their employer.

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