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Tory Lies, Corruption and Hypocrisy- Add Them Here


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13 minutes ago, Frank Quitely said:

Interestingly there was no mention of this on the BBC Six O'Clock News.

No mention of Sunak claiming that he forgot to back up his WhatsApp messages when he changed phones in the Covid enquiry piece either. I used to defend the BBC but it's getting so fucking obvious. BBC radio's a bit better. 

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37 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Along with their new openly Far Right rhetoric, they are still also finding time to play some of heir greatest hits.


And every one of you has your free unicorn just like we promised; look out you window at it grazing, isn’t it magnificent?

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9 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

Seriously though, is Braverman actually insane?

No she’s not insane, but she’s a political extremist willing to exacerbate major societal divisions in order to achieve her ends.  She’s also a populist who hopes that what has happened in the USA can be replicated here.

Let’s not forget that the Americans voted for a black man for President twice immediately before voting for a lying populist grifter.  No one could have predicted that and it’s that uncertainty and the promotion of populist and divisive policies that she’s hoping emulate to win her the Tory leadership.

Remember the good old days (a couple of years ago) when we thought no one could be more nasty and divisive than Priti Patel?

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First prisoners get tvs & iphones now it's holidays

The UK will seek to rent prison space from foreign countries to combat the shortage of domestic jail places, under plans announced at the Conservative party conference.

The Tories said that they have already begun exploratory discussions with possible partners in Europe, with plans that would be introduced when parliamentary time permits.

The Conservatives cited the example of Norway and Belgium, which both struck similar deals with the Netherlands. But the announcement was described by prison reformers and Labour as indicative of a failure to find an alternative solution to the problem.

Under any agreement struck, inmates could be moved to another country provided the facilities, regime and rehabilitation met British standards. Those standards were recently deemed to be so poor that a German court refused to extradite a prisoner to the UK.

The lord chancellor and justice secretary, Alex Chalk, told the conference: “This government is doing more than any since the Victorian era to expand prison capacity.

“Alongside our extra 20,000 prison places programme, refurbishment of old prisons and rapid deployment cells, renting prison places in other countries will ensure that we always have the space to keep the public safe from the most dangerous offenders.”

Announcing the measure, the Conservatives said the average custodial sentence has increased by 57% since they entered power in the coalition government in 2010. While prison reformers argue that more should be done to keep people out of jail, the Tories said they were “committed to protecting the public by taking the most dangerous offenders off our streets for longer, by clamping down on crime, toughening sentences for the worst offenders, and increasing their time behind bars”.

Andrew Neilson, director of campaigns at the Howard League for penal reform, described the move as “desperation” on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Pia Sinha, chief executive of the Prison Reform Trust, said: “The government’s response to dangerous and growing levels of overcrowding in our prisons is a half-baked idea to rent foreign prison places. Prison leaders will be in despair at such a superficial response to their very real and urgent concerns.

“The red warning light of a looming capacity crisis has been flashing on the Prison Service dashboard for a number of months. Ministers can’t say they haven’t been warned. They urgently need to bring forward practical plans to reduce pressure on the system, including the executive release of some prisoners. The risks of not doing so are too perilous to ignore.”

England and Wales has the third highest prison population in Europe after Russia and Turkey, with 87,793 prisoners as of 29 September. That figure is projected to rise to 94,400 by March 2025 and to 106,300 by March 2027. The capacity of the entire prison estate on 29 September stood at 88,561.

Shabana Mahmood MP, the shadow justice secretary, said: “There’s no greater symbol of the way in which the Tories have run our criminal justice system into the ground than the fact they are ‘exploring’ putting prisoners in foreign jails because they are incapable of building the prisons places this country needs to keep our people safe.

“After 10 justice secretaries in 10 years, we saw no acknowledgment of their failings across the criminal justice system – from the crumbling prison estate, to the courts backlog and sky-high reoffending rates.

“Labour will get on top of the prison crisis by delivering all 20,000 prison places we need, driving down the courts backlog by increasing the number of crown prosecutors to put criminals behind bars and by opening specialist rape courts.”

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There's something deeply unsettling and fashy about a muttered disagreement leading to the plod physically restraining and removing that man, while that Nazi boot delivers her evil mantra in the background.

Braverman is the worst of a party full of complete c***s.

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Sunak set to formally scrap the leg of HS2 to, er, Manchester; the place he's holding his party conference... ooft.

So, effectively, HS2 becomes a comically overblown project to connect London and Birmingham - two cities already connected by the West Coast Mainline (which continues as far as Glasgow), and the Chiltern Mainline (which is direct, but diesel.)

I feel like it would have been much, much more sensible just to electrify the Chiltern line and invest in straightening curves in that line as much as possible. It's a direct corridor that, currently, is pretty underused, and continues to be overlooked.

Ultimately, the Tories said "go big or go home", and ended up doing both.

I'm beginning to miss the Johnson Government. Not because I liked it, because it now seems sensible compared to these c**ts.

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49 minutes ago, GiGi said:

There's something deeply unsettling and fashy about a muttered disagreement leading to the plod physically restraining and removing that man, while that Nazi boot delivers her evil mantra in the background.

Braverman is the worst of a party full of complete c***s.

The timing here of Braverman "When the left gets the upper hand, those who fail to conform are persecuted" - meanwhile the tamest dissenter is papped by the police. What a country. One for the Normal Island thread.

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They may as well have binned HS2 years ago tbh. The moment it was scaled back to Manchester, you could see the direction of travel. Covid has probably sunk the business case for it as well. Given where it's at now, they may as well just pap the Birmingham leg as well. 

It'll go down as a textbook example of how not to run a project and the consequences of NIMBYism. Repeated delays caused by government dithering and challenges from NIMBYs, which ended up increasing the costs. Another almighty infrastructure failure, even greater than expanding Heathrow/Gatwick or building a new nuclear power plant. What a legacy of thirteen years. 

Some laugh binning it in the place it was meant to go, though. A proper tinpot moment in British politics. 


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2 hours ago, cyderspaceman said:

Seriously though, is Braverman actually insane?

In a few years time when the UK has lurched further to the right than the likes of Sunek, Patel and Braverman could even imagine, they will be the ones that the racists turn on and when innevitably they complain about their treatment, clips like the ones from today should be played back to them.

They are putting short term political gains and playing to the gallery above what they know to be right and proportionate, yet they do not care. Its down to the sane sensible people to retain some sort of sense of a fair, inclusive and just society when even those who don't realise they have and will need that society, try their best to destroy it. 

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