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Tory Lies, Corruption and Hypocrisy- Add Them Here


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The House of Lords yesterday voted to delay deciding on the UK-Rwanda treaty until Government ministers can demonstrate that Rwanda is safe.

Sunak urged peers not to 'block the ''will of the people'' '  So we are the People??? Aye the country democratically voted for Brexit.

Meanwhile on X Farage has a meltdown about the Lords exercising their right to not just take the Government's word on this as fact and lashes out that all current members of the House Of Lords should be sacked. No idea why this wee pr**k is still relevant to mainstream media, must be the idea of him jumping up and down with rage when things don't go his way.

So now the Government have until the middle of March to address 10 flaws in their case that Rwanda is safe, does this mean that the 2nd reading of the bill is delayed until after? Sunak has insisted that this delay will not delay the bill moving through the Lords. So how is he going to make that happen? Sack the Lords and replace them to stack the deck in his favour, threaten them, bribe them?


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1 hour ago, Artie said:

The House of Lords yesterday voted to delay deciding on the UK-Rwanda treaty until Government ministers can demonstrate that Rwanda is safe.

Sunak urged peers not to 'block the ''will of the people'' '  So we are the People??? Aye the country democratically voted for Brexit.

Meanwhile on X Farage has a meltdown about the Lords exercising their right to not just take the Government's word on this as fact and lashes out that all current members of the House Of Lords should be sacked. No idea why this wee pr**k is still relevant to mainstream media, must be the idea of him jumping up and down with rage when things don't go his way.

So now the Government have until the middle of March to address 10 flaws in their case that Rwanda is safe, does this mean that the 2nd reading of the bill is delayed until after? Sunak has insisted that this delay will not delay the bill moving through the Lords. So how is he going to make that happen? Sack the Lords and replace them to stack the deck in his favour, threaten them, bribe them?


No practical way to sack members of the house of Lords except in specific circumstances.  Criminality being one of them.  Inciting a punch up in the bar and having them all arrested for affray might do it.  Would be an excellent laugh.

In theory he could appoint a whole raft of new peers that would support his plan to get it through any votes but I doubt that's going to happen.

He's grandstanding so he can say at election time "we tried and such and such group blocked it.  Don't vote for them or we'll be flooded with immigrants".

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17 hours ago, MazzyStar said:

@Freedom Farter your pal Alicia Kearns was on politics live earlier. Didn’t catch much of it but unsurprisingly she was advocating for more money to be thrown at the armed forces. 

Aye, she's becoming a bit of a media darling, I've noticed. Her and Tom Tugendhat are almost like MI6's representatives in parliament. Kearns was quoted in a BBC artice I read yesterday calling for the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps to be designated a terrorist group by UK. They're loving this Houthi situation and are using it to whip up as much anti-Iran sentiment as they can. Tugendhat is actually far worse than Kearns and he's been banging the drum on Iran for almost a decade now, The Spectator published him in 2015: "Iran's hidden war with the West - and what we can do to fight back". That weaselly framing, "we" are under attack. His reasoning was that Iran were arming militias in Afghanistan - that's the same Afghanistan which neighbours Iran yet isn't even on the same continent as us. More annoying is Tugendhat is a member of Conservative Friends of Pakistan. Well it was Pakistan's ISI (military intelligence) who created the Taliban with Saudi oversight before unleashing them upon the Afghans in the mid-90s. Naturally, Tugendhat is also a big fan of Saudi and has praised Mohammed bin Salman.

Edited by Freedom Farter
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I believed Boris when he revisited Wilson's white heat of technology energy and his promise that as each new year dawns we would get another nuclear power station. Perhaps not too cheap to meter but a exciting promise all the same. 

In 2016 Theresa May signed up and confirmed the state aid promised by the likes of David Cameron, George Osborne and Ed Davey to Hinkley Point C and it should've been producing electricity by now. Ach well, we'll just have too wait until nearer 2030 and double the price to circa £50,000,000,000 for some strong and stable power. 



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I saw that Mrs Johnson's pal (ex) Harry Cole was excitedly tweeting that a 'senior party figure' was going to go public against Rishi Sunak. Turns out it was Simon Clarke, a Johnson loyalist whose only senior position was short-lived under Liz Truss. Boris Johnson game him a knighthood for his troubles. 

This is Simon. He's 6ft7. I don't think I've ever seen someone of that height look less intimidating. 


images (4).jpeg

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3 hours ago, Michael W said:

I saw that Mrs Johnson's pal (ex) Harry Cole was excitedly tweeting that a 'senior party figure' was going to go public against Rishi Sunak. Turns out it was Simon Clarke, a Johnson loyalist whose only senior position was short-lived under Liz Truss. Boris Johnson game him a knighthood for his troubles. 

This is Simon. He's 6ft7. I don't think I've ever seen someone of that height look less intimidating. 


images (4).jpeg

If nothing else it creates even more division and at least this lanky streak of piss acknowledges that they are heading for a total hiding albeit by the diet variety.

ETA minutes after posting I see James Cleverley who was sent in to bat for Sunak this morning doing the media rounds and had to laugh at his hot take that a leadership change now would "open the door at the GE for Starmer". Deluded doesn't even start to describe these idiots !

Edited by Billy Jean King
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On 23/01/2024 at 10:31, Leith Green said:

Another one of these chinless fucks who cant understand the difference between comedy and news - 



It’s actually both quite sinister and worrying that this p***k is giving an example of the government being criticised as evidence of bias.

Worrying that he thinks (or more likely thinks that the electorate will buy) a ten minute sample from a half hour programme as evidence of bias. That programme will be policed by producers with stopwatches to make sure that tories and labour get exactly equal amounts of slagging.

 It’s worrying because he seems to be suggesting that there should be no biased content, rather than no bias overall.

It’s also sinister that this looks like a proper part of the Tory strategy to try to influence coverage in the run up to an election (possibly the run up to launching another crusade against the saracens?). Any criticism is bias now.  

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4 hours ago, Michael W said:

I saw that Mrs Johnson's pal (ex) Harry Cole was excitedly tweeting that a 'senior party figure' was going to go public against Rishi Sunak. Turns out it was Simon Clarke, a Johnson loyalist whose only senior position was short-lived under Liz Truss. Boris Johnson game him a knighthood for his troubles. 

This is Simon. He's 6ft7. I don't think I've ever seen someone of that height look less intimidating. 


images (4).jpeg

His pal Carl seems nice 


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3 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

His pal Carl seems nice 


Imagine keeping a screenshot of texts from 2005 to embarrass someone with. Obviously the Tory boy was (and presumably still is) a fucking dreg but that's proper arsehole behaviour too. 

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1 hour ago, coprolite said:

Imagine keeping a screenshot of texts from 2005 to embarrass someone with. Obviously the Tory boy was (and presumably still is) a fucking dreg but that's proper arsehole behaviour too. 

If you click on the tweet it shows it’s a Facebook Messenger convo. The only way he wouldn’t still have it is if he’d manually deleted it, I’ve still got convos on there from when I joined it in 2009. 

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1 minute ago, carpetmonster said:

If you click on the tweet it shows it’s a Facebook Messenger convo. The only way he wouldn’t still have it is if he’d manually deleted it, I’ve still got convos on there from when I joined it in 2009. 

Ah right. I don’t face book. I humbly apologise to that Jones guy.

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1 hour ago, D Angelo Barksdale said:


This is one that Starmer won't have to copy because they got there first with Gordon Brown's "British jobs for British workers" awfulness 

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