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Rwanda bill published; gist seems to be that anyone seeking to prove Rwanda is unsafe and they shouldn't be shipped there will have to do so individually. Probably unworkable as soon as the first judge rules in favour of the prospective deportee as then every other person can point to the same point of law that the deportation was rejected on. Immigration lawyers likely to be very busy and mostly having to work for free. Or rounded up and put into camps, more likely. 


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Seemingly Jenrick has resigned for the Rwandan deal not being tough enough this evening 

Confirmed and it's for not leaving the ECHR the absolute maddo 

Edited by doulikefish
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35 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

Seemingly Jenrick has resigned for the Rwandan deal not being tough enough this evening 

Confirmed and it's for not leaving the ECHR the absolute maddo 

The spineless, two faced, unprincipled kunt did the full media rounds a few days ago defending even trumpeting the new bill. Fast forward a few days and he has resigned allegedly because he felt the whole policy had been watered down too much.


I'm not buying this for 1 second, there's more to this for sure. I suspect the whole charade might finally be about to be booted into the Channel where it belongs.

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😛And yet when I pointed out on the "oh shit labours going to win" thread that STARMER was obviously picking on immigration because it was a Tory Achilles heel i was downvoted

Shows how much some posters know eh? (And how much I do about all things always 🙂)

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A senior Tory MP has told the BBC that "lots of MPs are concerned about their seats and the polls".

They said MPs are "rapidly forming the view the current management is not performing and will not deliver an election win”.



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You're through the looking glass when you reach a point where your immigration minister is resigning because new UK laws won't sufficiently decouple this country from the ECHR. 

Instead of dealing with the 170k backlog, we're being pushed towards fascism as the preferred solution.

Get us to f**k out of this - although you just know this govt would put tanks on the streets to avoid a land border they didn't fancy.

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When Jenrick was on R4 a couple of days ago he sounded rather frustrated, but to resign because he doesnt think the new bill goes far enough is quite staggering.

This incarnation of the Conservative Party needs fired into the sun as soon as is practical. I have never been a fan of them, but if ever a political party needed a purge and a reset to its traditional values it is this lot.

There is a rather worrying potential endgame to this shitshow - that they invite bampots like Farage in, continue to call themselves Conservative, and attract traditional voters AND those with views even farther to the right.

Its MAGA reincarnated on the Thames.

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I used to think that Sunak was just keeping the seat warm for a new Conservative Party leader after they get hammered at the next general election.

Now I find myself wondering who will lead the Tories into the next election as I can't see Sunak holding on.  Facing one deranged gang on the right would be hard enough but facing a general uprising from even his best pals mean Sunak is toast.

Time to escape from the Westminster asylum including its ermine wrapped appendage.

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Sunak is toast and Braverman will be the new leader. There is absolutely zero chance of this brand of tories re-inventing themselves other than by lurching even further to the right. Hopefully the polls are wrong to the effect that they take an even sounder beating in the next GE than is predicted. Hopefully they have mis-read the room badly and actually no-one gives a f**k about migration as much as they seem to think. f**k the tories and all that sail in her. 

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