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Tory Lies, Corruption and Hypocrisy- Add Them Here


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52 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Suggest you read up on what a mandate is.

I know exactly what a mandate is.

Maybe you can explain it to the raving fat lying useless haystack. 

What I mean explicitly is he doesn't care about mandates, he only cares about himself.

The authority to carry out a policy, regarded as given by the electorate to a party or candidate that wins an election.
"he called an election to seek a mandate for his policies"
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13 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

At the very most, one person might resign, and it won't be c**t Johnson. Maybe they'll lose a seat or two. But that's it.

They'll get away with, same as they've gotten away with everything else, including stealing £11 billion recently.

They and their types having been taking notes, as it were, for a while now, and have noted that they can get away with more and more. The past couple of years have just been the start, the toe in the water. They'll soon be acting more and more like even worse scum and will become more and more corrupt, stealing more and more money from us all.

They'll start focusing on their big target, the NHS. They're aching to sell it off (to their pals, pocketing a huge slice of cash themselves) and set up corrupt insurance type schemes (their pals again, and their own cut again) like in the US. And they will do it, cheered on by scores of thick filth who vote them in every time. If they are ever questioned, they'll whip out some populist bullshit like the death of the queen (not far off) or push through racist, xenophobic policy. They'll surely have a load of the latter tucked in to their top pockets, ready to go if ever questioned.

But sadly it looks like they are being questioned less and less. Their pals in the media are doing a great job of spinning things in their favour. Soon they'll begin ramping up the jingoism and start accusing opponents of treason and hating the UK and queen etc. Once that begins you know it's nearing the worst time, so don't dare ever get sick or injured again, unless you're rich.


There is only one way out of this for the people of Scotland. But it won't happen. There's far too many here who are either part of the clapping, cheering, thick filth who vote these scum in or who are shitebags who enable it by not voting to rid us of it. 

They have shown to get off the hook you just have to give the press something else to chew over and rinse and repeat. The parties are clearly the best example of "do as I say not as I do" but the amount of cash that has at the very least been immorally if not illegally sent into the pockets of Tory donors has enough material in the story to have nothing else happening for years.

But like you say they have gotten away with it, and sadly will push and push until there is nothing left.

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Nothing will happen. The media will move on in a day or two, as they always do, the BBC being the main culprits in being utterly terrified to keep pressure on the government night after night.

As for those who continue to vote Tory, they are beyond contempt as human beings. Being tied to that shower of shite is even more horrendous.

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58 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

There is only one way out of this for the people of Scotland. But it won't happen. There's far too many here who are either part of the clapping, cheering, thick filth who vote these scum in or who are shitebags who enable it by not voting to rid us of it. 

I hope you’re wrong, but there’s every likelihood that your not.  Apathy is the single biggest problem, maybe by the next Independence Referendum we can find a way to motivate people but if we can’t then Scotland is screwed for generations to come.

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7 hours ago, Arch Stanton said:

Indeed, yesterday was the 2nd anniversary of my Dad dying.

At his funeral, only a few weeks before May 20th, only 10 people at the crematorium, no order of service because the printers were closed, no flowers because the florists were closed, not allowed to pall bear the coffin, not only nowhere open to hold a wake but couldn't gather at anyone's house.

f**k these c***s who think they are above the law.

My auld man's wife died in 2020. He was on his tod at the funeral.

He's a raging Daily Mail Tory. I've deliberately not brought up any of this stuff with the government, and he's not mentioned it, so I can't imagine what must be going on in his head right now.

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9 hours ago, Wile E Coyote said:

Boris's defence seems to be he didn't know he was at a party while sitting at a party. He is taking us all for fucking mugs.

A 5 year old literally knows when they are at a party but this lying scumbug is trying to pretend he didn't know. His defence is basically saying he is an imbecile and other tories are actually trying to defend this

He is not taking me for a mug, I didnt vote for him. I have always known he was a lying c**t.

Unfortunately England (and some areas up here) will continue to vote for his party - lets just see what impact this has on the local elections next month.   My prediction? minimal.

The English electorate are mostly tory poodles, and the current government demonstrates that they can (and will) get away with whatever they want. 

The English electorate will then justify this by saying they "cant trust Labour" or some other bullshit.

If people still think we couldnt run Scotland in a better way without these arseholes in Westminster, they havent been paying attention for the last 10 years.

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9 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:




I've been busy with work I missed this war being declared can someone tell me who we have declared war on? You would think this would have been on the news or something

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17 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

A £50 (fifty) fine. What's the fukin point. Oh and Shapps has made the point it was only £50 at least 4 times now in a car crash attempt to sweep it under the carpet as a "token" gesture.

Is that correct (sorry not had chance to read any articles on this)  I thought a number of students were fined an unbelievable £10,000 last year for having parties?  What's the justification for fining multi-millionaires £50?

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4 minutes ago, Caledonian1 said:

Do tell more.....

One gem was that he stated that Boris Johnson was a truthful man...........but that the Met Police have decided that he was not.

Tied himself in knots, total fanny.

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