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Are YOU Voting for the Alba Party?


Who's Voting for the Alba Party?  

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The deluded ALBAnauts btl on Wings were convinced they were going to take over from the SNP: who, despite the mauling they've taken, look like Real Madrid compared to ALBA'S Gretna 2008.

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2 hours ago, Ned Nederlander said:



Dum dum dum dum 🫰🏻🫰🏻

Dum dum dum dum 🫰🏻🫰🏻

They're cuddly and they're sleepee

But jist a wee bit creepee

They havnae got an empee 

The Alba faimilee 



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The usual collection of oddballs will probably hang on for dear life but last night was surely the coup de grace for Alba

They've failed to gain any significant traction and their place as an alternative List party to the Greens is negated by a reduced SNP vote share that will surely see SNP/SNP pick up more list seats than previously.

Edited by Ned Nederlander
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34 minutes ago, Ned Nederlander said:

The usual collection of oddballs will probably hang on for dear life but last night was surely the coup de grace for Alba

They've failed to gain any significant traction and their place as an alternative List party to the Greens is negated by a reduced SNP vote share that will surely see SNP/SNP pick up more list seats than previously.

Pretty much this. The way it’s going the Indy vote will likely go SNP/SNP in 2026. Looks like Alba are done and it remains to be seen how the Greens get on in 2026.

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I caught a few minutes of Eck on the UK-wide BBC election feed after watching the BBC Scotland one for most of the night.

He doesn't look in the best of health. The bad night for the SNP is down to "divisive issues" (genitals) and not having devised a method to force independence (nobody picked him up on the fact that he doesn't have one either). Abla will pick up 5% of the vote at Holyrood and win some seats, mark his words, he'll be back to rub the hosts' faces in his success.

Frankly, that was more depressing than the SNP losing seats, although still not as bad as the level of support for the fascists.

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On 04/07/2024 at 11:16, welshbairn said:

 his supporters are mainly bitter old party hacks who feel bypassed and forgotten by the younger generation of progressives in the SNP, so it was bound to go a bit tartan gammon.

The above is pretty much what the SNP itself represented in the closing decades of the last century.

The progressive elements really are relatively recent developments.

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4 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:

Well done, lads.


0.5% of the popular vote in Scotland IIRC. Not sure if this is better or worse than normal.

I did notice that, in Alloa, the independent former Abla candidate beat off actual Abla candidate Kenny MacAskill by 881 votes to 638. She at least seemed to make an effort, although it's still cost her five hundred quid.

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10 hours ago, Scary Bear said:

Pretty much this. The way it’s going the Indy vote will likely go SNP/SNP in 2026. Looks like Alba are done and it remains to be seen how the Greens get on in 2026.

The SNP wish that the entire independence vote magically reverted to themselves, but there's absolutely nothing from the GE outcome to suggest that will be the case.

The salience of independence (a referendum?) or any steps towards that goal for majority of voters is not obvious. It has to be argued for which none of the pro-independence parties managed to achieve effectively. 

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9 hours ago, BFTD said:

0.5% of the popular vote in Scotland IIRC. Not sure if this is better or worse than normal.

I did notice that, in Alloa, the independent former Abla candidate beat off actual Abla candidate Kenny MacAskill by 881 votes to 638. She at least seemed to make an effort, although it's still cost her five hundred quid.

They should start hating immigrants and talking about stopping boats. That’s a vote winner.

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An utterly dismal result for these this week. It was always going to be tough/impossible to break through at WM with the voting system and this particular election, but to lose every single deposit is fucking hilarious.

Holyrood 26 might be a last throw of the dice.

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8 hours ago, virginton said:

The SNP wish that the entire independence vote magically reverted to themselves, but there's absolutely nothing from the GE outcome to suggest that will be the case.

The salience of independence (a referendum?) or any steps towards that goal for majority of voters is not obvious. It has to be argued for which none of the pro-independence parties managed to achieve effectively. 

How many votes did they get yesterday? Transfer that to the PR system at Holyrood and it would be a decent enough night. I’d imagine Labour will do well enough too. What happens then? I’m assuming it’s for the largest party to either try minority government or for two parties to join up.

The rump of independence supporters will likely vote SNP as always. The new additions since 2014 may move to the Greens or Labour, seen as there is no obvious path to independence.

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7 hours ago, Scary Bear said:

They should start hating immigrants and talking about stopping boats. That’s a vote winner.

This is my main concern about Abla. Their idea seems to be that nothing is more important than independence, so they're going to chase what they feel is likely to be popular with the public, but how far are they willing to run with that? If the public turns against homosexuals again, does Abla agree? If Scotland starts becoming more xenophobic, is that also worth pursuing to gain support for independence?

If they make themselves the Scottish REFUK and still end up with nothing to show for it - which is likely - they'll have done more active good for Unionism than any other party.

7 hours ago, Cheese said:

An utterly dismal result for these this week. It was always going to be tough/impossible to break through at WM with the voting system and this particular election, but to lose every single deposit is fucking hilarious.

Holyrood 26 might be a last throw of the dice.

Yeah, but this is what we were all saying about the anti-EU parties in the Nineties. Crushing defeat after crushing defeat; surely they'll give up eventually.

Eck could still end up Scottish independence's James Goldsmith in twenty years' time, but I doubt we'd be thanking him. Either way, I don't think he'll be giving up, as he's clearly a guy who needs to be in the spotlight.

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On 05/07/2024 at 14:50, BFTD said:

I caught a few minutes of Eck on the UK-wide BBC election feed after watching the BBC Scotland one for most of the night.

He doesn't look in the best of health. The bad night for the SNP is down to "divisive issues" (genitals) and not having devised a method to force independence (nobody picked him up on the fact that he doesn't have one either). Abla will pick up 5% of the vote at Holyrood and win some seats, mark his words, he'll be back to rub the hosts' faces in his success.

Frankly, that was more depressing than the SNP losing seats, although still not as bad as the level of support for the fascists.

"Self ID" being the reason for the reason for the SNP having a bad night is such a weird take given the fact that 18/22 Labour, all Lib Dems and Green MSPs plus 3 Tories voted for the GRR Bill at Holyrood. 

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6 minutes ago, Ginaro said:

"Self ID" being the reason for the reason for the SNP having a bad night is such a weird take given the fact that 18/22 Labour, all Lib Dems and Green MSPs plus 3 Tories voted for the GRR Bill at Holyrood. 

As someone who supported GRR I'm going to play Devil's Advocate on this.

The SNP fell in to the Tory trap with Self-ID because they kept pushing on it when Jack overruled instead of punting it back to Jack.

It was clear that the Tories were playing Woke Wars - hammering home the idea that the SNP were only interested in gender-ID (and other related issues) and not wider issues.  That may not be the reality (and it isn't imho) but they ultimately ended up dying on a hill that the vast majority of voters couldn't care less about.

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11 minutes ago, Ginaro said:

"Self ID" being the reason for the reason for the SNP having a bad night is such a weird take given the fact that 18/22 Labour, all Lib Dems and Green MSPs plus 3 Tories voted for the GRR Bill at Holyrood. 

It was quite amusing all night on BBC Scotland to see how many nervous euphemisms the commentators could come up with for GRR  :lol:

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17 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

As someone who supported GRR I'm going to play Devil's Advocate on this.

The SNP fell in to the Tory trap with Self-ID because they kept pushing on it when Jack overruled instead of punting it back to Jack.

It was clear that the Tories were playing Woke Wars - hammering home the idea that the SNP were only interested in gender-ID (and other related issues) and not wider issues.  That may not be the reality (and it isn't imho) but they ultimately ended up dying on a hill that the vast majority of voters couldn't care less about.

Agreed. It hurt them because they couldn't deal with the issue like a party of competent adults. Or at least couldn't make it look like they dealt with it like a party of competent adults.

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