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10 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I reckon it's quite legitimate to be upset at the loss of someone who you don't know personally, but there are, as you say, different drivers for the emotions. There have been a few personalities (for want of a better word*) whose deaths have affected me over the years - I was devastated at the murder of John Lennon, for instance. There will be many who struggled to cope with Kurt Cobain's demise, and I can empathise, as he would clearly have been able, positive treatment outcomes willing, to produce more of what they liked. The same applies to fellow 27 club members Jimi, Janis, and (maybe, not convinced he hadn't already peaked creatively) Morrison. 

The loss of any artist has to be balanced against the stage of their productive life they had reached before dying. I still can't hear or see any work of terry Pratchett without remembering with a heartfelt sorrow that there will never again be the joy of cracking open a new Discworld book, and the death of Iain Banks was only softened for me by the fact I had a few of his back-catalogue still to discover. I'm savouring each and every release by Stephen King, as well - one of them will be his last, and it can't be long now.

The point I make above is easily illustrated by two of popular music's elder statesmen - The Rolling Stones have long been nothing other than their own tribute act, so Sir Mick dying will, for me, be a case of an old man checking out at an appropriate time. We won't be losing a new "Satisfaction" or "Brown Sugar". When Neil Young finally shuffles off, he'll leave a massive hole in my life as, after nearly sixty years as a recording artist, he's still recording and releasing relevant material, still rattling the cages of US politics, still actively supporting oppressed groups, just basically still being yer everday Godlike Genius. 

The common factor with all those listed - yes. even Cobain - is that, by their contribution,  they enriched the lives of others, and the world lost a creator when they passed away. This elderly Greek and his family have done precisely the opposite, not just by leeching financially from this country but by existing as some kind og "higher caste" which us plebians could never aspire to emulate, so we should just wave our wee flags and idolise the Special Ones. I hope , and would pray if there were anything listening, that this is the beginning of the end for this whole nonsense of a shitshow. 

So, yeah. Elderly racist dies. Wouldn't even make the inside pages of the Kilmarnock Standard. I feel much more saddened by the death of the lassie from Big Brother, who I hadn't heard of until now. There are too many people sucked into the public eye for others' enrichment, and left to drift when the GBP move onto the next "celeb". She's far from the first, and nothing is more certain than she will be far from the last. And you know what? We all have to share a wee bit responsibility for that. 

* Reading back, I'd say "artist" is a afir description of the names I came up with.

Greenie for most of it, but most of all because I will never again know the joy of a new Discworld Novel. I really miss Terry Pratchett

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52 minutes ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

Fernando Ricksen hit hard, the documentary covering his suffering was hard to watch, unimaginable what he was going through. Him struggling to take a penalty at a testimonial game... that's one of the worst I can think of, MND is just awful.

Outside of that, I remember feeling a little bit of sadness at Alan Rickman and Christopher Lee dying off the top of my head.

If somebody committed suicide by jumping off of my head, I'd probably be sad, too.

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"It's a term Catholics use". I've never heard a single Catholic say it. I've only ever heard it used by non-Catholics in a derogatory manner towards Catholics. As for it being insensitive or offensive for several people to have pulled you up for using such derogatory language, well that's just about the stupidest doubling down bullshit I've ever seen. You also accuse others of pretending to be stupid, when that is literally the tactic you're using, and forewarn others against accusations of defending yourself by having Catholic friends. You're describing your own actions. Incredible. I don't think I've ever seen a worse attempt at defence or justification.

This isn't playground infant behaviour no matter how desperately you try and deflect it as such. You've been pulled up for saying something derogatory and you're not mature enough to take your medicine like an adult and move on. That's what's playground here.

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18 hours ago, Marshmallo said:

You can't type T I M on here but "bead-rattlers" is allowed? OK.

No, its not allowed, which is why the post has been removed. Presumably because you reported it. I mean, you did report it, right? You wouldnt just quote it to complain, would you?

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1 minute ago, Sweet Pete said:


"It's a term Catholics use". I've never heard a single Catholic say it. I've only ever heard it used by non-Catholics in a derogatory manner towards Catholics. As for it being insensitive or offensive for several people to have pulled you up for using such derogatory language, well that's just about the stupidest doubling down bullshit I've ever seen. You also accuse others of pretending to be stupid, when that is literally the tactic you're using, and forewarn others against accusations of defending yourself by having Catholic friends. You're describing your own actions. Incredible. I don't think I've ever seen a worse attempt at defence or justification.

This isn't playground infant behaviour no matter how desperately you try and deflect it as such. You've been pulled up for saying something derogatory and you're not mature enough to take your medicine like an adult and move on. That's what's playground here.


I'll not use the term here again because it's obviously not as widely understood as I thought, but I'll certainly keep using it among my friends, because they know what it means.

And I'm done with this.

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1 hour ago, tamthebam said:

When Diana died there were lots of floral tributes laid down at Holyrood Palace (tbh I went there out of curiosity and walked past them all shaking my head. But I'm a traitorous republican) 

I passed the Palace last night and apart from a few bored looking polis and the flag flying at half mast I didn't see any flowers. I can't believe Edinburgh doesn't have any buckled Royalists who would leave a tribute so do the staff remove any flowers at night?

Drove by earlier too (was working on Easter Road). Two Police standing at the front gates, two cars parked at the side and a bunch more police patrolling the street. Not a single mourner.

It’s almost as if a 99 year old dying is part of everyday life for everyone except some hysterical BBC monarchists and @Jacksgranda

Edited by Abby Normal
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Just now, Smokie_D said:

Says everything about you and your friends if that's an acceptable term you use for catholics 👀

Did it not occur to you that they're Catholics?

And that none of use the term to mean anything other than how I described it? I know a priest who uses the term FFS. One that did our wedding and I've been friends with for 25 years.

This is as fkn stupid as white people compalining about black people calling each other the N word.

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5 minutes ago, GordonS said:


And I'm done with this.


Just now, GordonS said:

Did it not occur to you that they're Catholics?

And that none of use the term to mean anything other than how I described it? I know a priest who uses the term FFS. One that did our wedding and I've been friends with for 25 years.

This is as fkn stupid as white people compalining about black people calling each other the N word.

Clearly not done with this.

But really should be done with this

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I will say in G's defence, that if you are a Catholic (and "lapsed" counts too) then using "bead-rattler" is fine. He may have used it for provocation, he's certainly a bellicose poster, but I for one am not at all bothered.

I never heard of it until I was about 16 but my mate got called it at work and thought it the funniest thing he'd ever heard. I was in bits too. My da has rosary beads in the picket of all his jackets (every.single.one) and whenever I hear the term I remember my old school pal and think about my eccentric as f**k auld man.

It was an attention seeking post. Best ignored rather than engaged with.

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2 minutes ago, Abby Normal said:

Drove by earlier too (was working on Easter Road). Two Police standing at the front gates, two cars parked at the side and a bunch more police patrolling the street. Not a single mourner.

It’s almost as if a 99 year old dying is part of everyday life for everyone except some hysterical BBC monarchists. 

Not for me it isn't.

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6 minutes ago, Abby Normal said:

Drove by earlier too (was working on Easter Road). Two Police standing at the front gates, two cars parked at the side and a bunch more police patrolling the street. Not a single mourner.

It’s almost as if a 99 year old dying is part of everyday life for everyone except some hysterical BBC monarchists and @Jacksgranda


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