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Living with cancer (and madwullie memorial thread)

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8 hours ago, Day of the Lords said:

My Dad finally passed yesterday morning. We'd collectively decided to take a break from the hospice for a few hours - I got a phone call at 1:05am saying his breathing had changed and I might want to come in, I got there at 1:15am and he was gone. On balance it's maybe for the best. Mum's last sight of dad shouldn't have been of him breathing his last when he was too out of it on morphine to know we were even there. We all went back to mum's afterwards to celebrate him with a couple of his favourite whiskies and reminisce. 

Sorry for you and your families loss. A horrible time for you all.

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10 hours ago, Day of the Lords said:

My Dad finally passed yesterday morning. We'd collectively decided to take a break from the hospice for a few hours - I got a phone call at 1:05am saying his breathing had changed and I might want to come in, I got there at 1:15am and he was gone. On balance it's maybe for the best. Mum's last sight of dad shouldn't have been of him breathing his last when he was too out of it on morphine to know we were even there. We all went back to mum's afterwards to celebrate him with a couple of his favourite whiskies and reminisce. 

I'm so sorry for you loss mate. Remember the good times rather than the end. I know we're all just strangers on the internet but I took a great deal of comfort and strength at my lowest ebb in hospital from the messages I received on here and I hope it helps you as well. Best wishes to you and your family.

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When my Dad died there was so much to do organizing everything that it didn't really hit home for a while. Everything had to be done quickly because there was a family wedding in 2 or three weeks so we didn't want anything to do with the funeral to impinge on everyone's mood for that, but of course it did a bit. Think it helped me a bit getting through the first few weeks having to run around not having time to think. Burst into tears at the end of my speech at the funeral though which isn't like me at all. Hope you're bearing up @Day of the Lords

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  • 2 weeks later...

The last time I was in here I'd had some encouraging news regarding treatment.  Unfortunately this rug was pulled out from under me and all they can do now is give me radiotherapy to slow things down. I start a week's worth of it tomorrow. So, apparently I've got a year to live. Maybe a bit less, maybe a bit more. I'm absolutely devastated for my partner of 16 years and my Dad. From a personal point of view, now  that I've got my head around things a bit, positive thinking is really important and I am heartened by experiences like that of @Honest Saints Fan a couple of pages back. Beginning to look into alternative medicines. If anyone has any ideas on that, give me a shout. 

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Whilst I have no expertise Jimi, I can offer you a positivity in the face of adversity. Be assertive and demand the best.

My wish for you is for better news and days.

Love to you.


Edited by sophia
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1 hour ago, Jimi Shandrix said:

The last time I was in here I'd had some encouraging news regarding treatment.  Unfortunately this rug was pulled out from under me and all they can do now is give me radiotherapy to slow things down. I start a week's worth of it tomorrow. So, apparently I've got a year to live. Maybe a bit less, maybe a bit more. I'm absolutely devastated for my partner of 16 years and my Dad. From a personal point of view, now  that I've got my head around things a bit, positive thinking is really important and I am heartened by experiences like that of @Honest Saints Fan a couple of pages back. Beginning to look into alternative medicines. If anyone has any ideas on that, give me a shout. 

Live every day to its fullest mate, that’s all I can say. Best wishes. 

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1 hour ago, Jimi Shandrix said:

The last time I was in here I'd had some encouraging news regarding treatment.  Unfortunately this rug was pulled out from under me and all they can do now is give me radiotherapy to slow things down. I start a week's worth of it tomorrow. So, apparently I've got a year to live. Maybe a bit less, maybe a bit more. I'm absolutely devastated for my partner of 16 years and my Dad. From a personal point of view, now  that I've got my head around things a bit, positive thinking is really important and I am heartened by experiences like that of @Honest Saints Fan a couple of pages back. Beginning to look into alternative medicines. If anyone has any ideas on that, give me a shout. 

Awful; I'm so sorry. Folk will miss you.

I don't mean to get your hopes up, but my father's second wife was given a similar diagnosis and ended up with four years extra that she wasn't expecting, albeit with a variety of different medications and radiotherapy that she found quite gruelling. Hopefully something similar can happen for you, and you get to enjoy your time.

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1 hour ago, Jimi Shandrix said:

The last time I was in here I'd had some encouraging news regarding treatment.  Unfortunately this rug was pulled out from under me and all they can do now is give me radiotherapy to slow things down. I start a week's worth of it tomorrow. So, apparently I've got a year to live. Maybe a bit less, maybe a bit more. I'm absolutely devastated for my partner of 16 years and my Dad. From a personal point of view, now  that I've got my head around things a bit, positive thinking is really important and I am heartened by experiences like that of @Honest Saints Fan a couple of pages back. Beginning to look into alternative medicines. If anyone has any ideas on that, give me a shout. 

The looks I got when I was first diagnosed when I told them I'd be away on holiday in a a couple of months were like "aye well, you'll be lucky".. Still doing fine 18 months later and off again in October, so you never know. As far as alternative therapy, they told me to keep doing whatever I was doing when I responded well to chemo, so a bottle of dry white wine a day, minimum.

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Sorry to hear your news, make everyday count.  Friend had liver cancer and was helped by this.  Proton Beam Therapy or Photodynamic Therapy. Don't know if you have heard of it but may be worth investigating. Everything is at this time. Best wishes.


"Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) kills cancers by starving the cells of oxygen, and uses light to activate a chlorophyll-like drug. The song’s lyric tells the story of a man dying of cancer, wanting and knowing that PDT is his best chance of defeating his killer disease.  PDT is a single, one-off treatment cancer treatment where tumours are killed within minutes. It is a treatment that can be repeated without any toxic damage to the body, and few sides effects, compared to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. PDT can also be an alternative to surgery.

PDT is available now for skin, head and neck, mouth, oesophageal and some lung cancers on the NHS now. But the potential for PDT to successfully treat other cancers and conditions means that £50m has to be raised to fund the trials. Breast, cervical, prostate, bile duct, brain, throat, bladder and stomach cancers are on the target list. So is PDT for arterial disease and MRSA."

Edited by Elric
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The last time I was in here I'd had some encouraging news regarding treatment.  Unfortunately this rug was pulled out from under me and all they can do now is give me radiotherapy to slow things down. I start a week's worth of it tomorrow. So, apparently I've got a year to live. Maybe a bit less, maybe a bit more. I'm absolutely devastated for my partner of 16 years and my Dad. From a personal point of view, now  that I've got my head around things a bit, positive thinking is really important and I am heartened by experiences like that of [mention=15536]Honest Saints Fan[/mention] a couple of pages back. Beginning to look into alternative medicines. If anyone has any ideas on that, give me a shout. 
Sorry to hear that Jimi. I sincerely hope they've given you a total worst case scenario and you have much, much longer. All the best man.
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17 hours ago, Jimi Shandrix said:

The last time I was in here I'd had some encouraging news regarding treatment.  Unfortunately this rug was pulled out from under me and all they can do now is give me radiotherapy to slow things down. I start a week's worth of it tomorrow. So, apparently I've got a year to live. Maybe a bit less, maybe a bit more. I'm absolutely devastated for my partner of 16 years and my Dad. From a personal point of view, now  that I've got my head around things a bit, positive thinking is really important and I am heartened by experiences like that of @Honest Saints Fan a couple of pages back. Beginning to look into alternative medicines. If anyone has any ideas on that, give me a shout. 

Jimi - I'm so sorry to hear this.

My pal's father-in-law has cancer, and has lived longer than the family had been told to expect.  He has an amazing spirit, and the family take turns to take him for a walk in the hills everyday, which is his favourite thing to do. 

Got everything crossed for you, Jimi - good that you are looking at alternative medicines and staying positive.

My very best wishes to you, sir. 



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