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The Stress Thread

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2 minutes ago, SANTAN said:

Yeah 100%. It's far comfier travelling on your own but still a stress for me, I used to enjoy airports and flying up until the age of 21, had 1 panic attack and probably because of that have been extra anxious leading up to any potential flights or that. It's hard to explain because I'm not scared of flying at all, just something about knowing I'll be stuck in the same spot for hours without being in control makes me worry about it. Roughly 2 years ago I actually pulled out of going on a holiday to Rome as boarding was happening 😂

No harm in explaining your situation to your GP and getting a handful of Valium tabs for a journey. They give them for fear of flying which isn't much different from what you're describing. Only tried them once when I was dreading an overnight boat and train trip from Dublin to London. A friendly druggie sorted me out from his stash, and it was all blissfully relaxing, even with delayed connections. Not a habit you want to get into obviously, but a boon for special occasions.

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Just now, welshbairn said:

No harm in explaining your situation to your GP and getting a handful of Valium tabs for a journey. They give them for fear of flying which isn't much different from what you're describing. Only tried them once when I was dreading an overnight boat and train trip from Dublin to London. A friendly druggie sorted me out from his stash, and it was all blissfully relaxing, even with delayed connections. Not a habit you want to get into obviously, but a boon for special occasions.


I did visit the docs shortly after and he mentioned this but I've got a strong personal dislike of valium I'd rather not go near it, I think I can manage it now through basic self care stuff, like when it first happened I hadn't eaten, I was underslept, had tanked a red bull in the morning, hungover etc.. little things like that. I'd happily opt in for a random sedative blow dart at some point in the airport and waking up after landing though! I've yet to try the getting steaming option which seems to work a treat for most folk!

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8 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

No harm in explaining your situation to your GP and getting a handful of Valium tabs for a journey. They give them for fear of flying which isn't much different from what you're describing. Only tried them once when I was dreading an overnight boat and train trip from Dublin to London. A friendly druggie sorted me out from his stash, and it was all blissfully relaxing, even with delayed connections. Not a habit you want to get into obviously, but a boon for special occasions.



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34 minutes ago, throbber said:

I was close to a mental breakdown late February/early March this year. I had 5 months of furlough in 2020 between March - August which was great but when I started back at work the workload was hellish as they had sacked someone and got me to cover all his work as well as a good load of what I had before. My son was born in October and this made our 2.5 year old daughter incredibly tough going and very emotional, there were plenty sleepless nights and the fact that we couldn’t see any of our family due to Covid restrictions made it much, much worse. One fairly serious thing went wrong at work which I don’t even blame myself for due to the workload I had but my contracts manager wouldn’t stop hounding me for it for months as well as bothering me over other wee things on an almost daily basis. This was all during a long dark. wet and cold Scottish winter and by about mid February I was definitely mentally ill to some extent and feeling trapped in an absolute hellish existence of mixed horrors at home and in the work place. Fortunately it all came to a head when my bosses found my cv on indeed and realised I’d been applying for other jobs and we were able to iron out our differences and things have been fine ever since.

So basically, young kids and a demanding job for me. In recent weeks I picture the image of Chielini during Italy’s national anthem before the Euros final if I’m ever feeling stressed.

I totally empathise with all of that.

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6 hours ago, Abdul_Latif said:

These are the same fannies that stayed late at the office pre COVID doing nothing, just so they could say they were in till 7/8 o clock.

Me, I manage my workload properly and get the f**k out of there at 5.

Nonetheless though, the stay late crew put that pressure on others to do the same or look like slackers.

I feel sorry for people who take longer to get anything done. 

By all means work late when the work demands it but if you simply do it as a matter of routine then you will eventually pace yourself for a longer day without actually doing more work.


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8 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Same here, it's got to be other humans, old/young/middle aged, whether it's fuckwittery on the roads, fuckwittery in shops, fuckwittery on tv, I just can't be doing with it, even my friends get on my fucking nerves.😀 Ideal stress relief for me is to chill in the garden on a nice sunny day with the cat and relax, until the arsehole next door powers up his chainsaw.

Thank you.

And listen to the Smiths 👍

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Aside from work, which has been ridiculously stressful during the pandemic, I quite often worry about money despite not actually being badly off/hugely in debt. 

This coming month is going to be pretty difficult because OH has been off work for 2 weeks with a bad chest infection and he gets SSP when he's off work with illness. Can't see him being back next week either so looking at a significantly reduced wage packet next week. We have two weekends away booked this coming month and also one of our dogs has been ill over the whole of August resulting in about £250 worth of vet bills that have had to come out of savings. We also decided to have work done on the garden this year which isn't finished yet and is already turning out to be a lot more expensive than we'd anticipated. 

I deliberately avoid having things like credit cards and try to avoid having to have stuff on the tic so have one credit card with a small limit of <£1000.

If we were really stuck my parents would be able to help us out if need be and we'd be able to pay them back without too much hassle but I hate the idea of using up a load of savings and/or getting into debt. It's a fact of life but it stresses me out.

Edited by Rizzo
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Nothing stresses me out more than having to queue or wait for something.  I took my nephews to Gravity at Braehead and had to wait 15 minutes to fill in the waiver, and another 20 minutes to buy tickets. I was a seething wreck by the time we actually got in.

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18 hours ago, throbber said:

I was close to a mental breakdown late February/early March this year. I had 5 months of furlough in 2020 between March - August which was great but when I started back at work the workload was hellish as they had sacked someone and got me to cover all his work as well as a good load of what I had before. My son was born in October and this made our 2.5 year old daughter incredibly tough going and very emotional, there were plenty sleepless nights and the fact that we couldn’t see any of our family due to Covid restrictions made it much, much worse. One fairly serious thing went wrong at work which I don’t even blame myself for due to the workload I had but my contracts manager wouldn’t stop hounding me for it for months as well as bothering me over other wee things on an almost daily basis. This was all during a long dark. wet and cold Scottish winter and by about mid February I was definitely mentally ill to some extent and feeling trapped in an absolute hellish existence of mixed horrors at home and in the work place. Fortunately it all came to a head when my bosses found my cv on indeed and realised I’d been applying for other jobs and we were able to iron out our differences and things have been fine ever since.

So basically, young kids and a demanding job for me. In recent weeks I picture the image of Chielini during Italy’s national anthem before the Euros final if I’m ever feeling stressed.


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I was getting stressed at work pre lockdown but lockdown actually helped. It was two weeks on, one week off and you could get away with skiving "sorry, skeleton staff, Covid, you'll have to wait, f**k off etc". I've actually found I'm more effective having given up caring quite so much and just going with the general level of blithering managerial fuckwittery.

So what stresses me now? Deliveroo wankers. How do I propose to deal with it? Pavement IUDS that are triggered by detecting cycle tyres.

It's only you that can let things stress you is a good thing to remember.

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1 hour ago, tamthebam said:

I was getting stressed at work pre lockdown but lockdown actually helped. It was two weeks on, one week off and you could get away with skiving "sorry, skeleton staff, Covid, you'll have to wait, f**k off etc". I've actually found I'm more effective having given up caring quite so much and just going with the general level of blithering managerial fuckwittery.

So what stresses me now? Deliveroo wankers. How do I propose to deal with it? Pavement IUDS that are triggered by detecting cycle tyres.

It's only you that can let things stress you is a good thing to remember.

I'm not sure stopping delivery cyclists from getting pregnant is a very efficient way of doing what you're doing.

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I've been bothered with stress, anxiety, depression on and off for years. The last 2 years my life has been shit due to one thing or the next and my stress levels have been at an all time high. Having a bad day with stress today actually. Went to my Dad's grave and some low life p***k has stolen an ornament that was there. Saddened and deflated me tbh

Oh and Ayr U. Plenty of stress supporting them

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