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Incels, and their insane world view.


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3 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:


Some of them call themselves "political lesbians", which always puzzles me because I always thought the prime requisite to be a lesbian was to actually be gay and exclusively sexually attracted to women.

Also a fact that the founder of the entire Incel movement was a woman.

Wow. You try and do something nice for people and somehow they end up turning it into an absolute shitshow.


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28 minutes ago, johnnydun said:

I think a lot to do with it is confidence. If you project confidence and feel confident, it makes a person much more attractive. The confidence shown doesn't have to be an arrogance, which comes across in a 'bad boy' image. A person can be confident in themselves and a nice person, which is where I think these Incel types fail so badly.

Exactly, and building confidence from nothing is incredibly difficult, you might even have to get a whole new social circle too as your old one may never take you seriously. It takes more effort and self awareness than many would realise and you never fully reach the level of a naturally confident person

If you grow up as an attractive person, especially if your parents are attractive, sucessful and well liked, then most people will generally be very nice & warm towards you and you will have confidence in abundance. If your none of the above then you won’t

However, once you get older it is entirely in your own hands. 

The hardest thing to accept in life is responsibility for your own situation, thats why we are seeing so many gravitate to these online communities. Its simply easier to blame feminism for not getting your hole than admitting that your patter is shite and they just don’t like you 

Edited by effeffsee_the2nd
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There are a lot of neurodivergent people getting sucked into these communities because they, unfortunately, completely lack that sense of self-awareness, or are unable to pick up on the cues that suggest that the fundamental problem is indeed their own behaviour.

It's a huge problem, because I don't think it's in anyway appropriate to hold people responsible for something they genuinely have no control over, but at the same time, you can't just ignore it and then wail about how terrible it all is after another Jake Davison decides he's had enough.

As someone with a diagnosis who does struggle with certain aspects of social integration, I can almost understand how "it's someone else's fault" explains away something which is extremely difficult to rationalise otherwise. I'm not a fan of anything which implies there is something "wrong" with people who are autistic or have ADHD and so on, because it reinforces the notion that these are illnesses and that people are "sick", but I'm able do that because I know the things I struggle with are entirely "me" things, and I've come to peace with them as I've aged and just accepted that some of the things I do, or don't do, are part and parcel of me living a reasonable mentally healthy life. I can totally empathise though with younger people who feel they just don't fit in the world, and despite giving it no end of thought, invariably come back to the conclusion that it's the rest of the world that is wrong and not them. It's exactly how I felt in my teens and through most of my 20's. I never struggled with interpersonal stuff and relationships though, so I would never have bought into "incel" stuff regardless, but that's just me, and some other people on the spectrum certainly do struggle with those aspects of life, so I can see why anything that offers an explanation for the way they feel the world is entirely discordant and they don't really have a place in it would be appealing.

I watched the Jake Davison documentaries, and to be honest, I was genuinely upset just by watching Jake alone, never mind what actually happened to his victims. It's clear he was just desperately lonely and confused about why, despite doing all the things he thought would make him attractive, he had no success in terms of attracting romantic interest. It's easy for most people to say "well mate, you sat in your f**king bedroom all day, and had a reputation for being wide with local bairns. You're an arsehole pure and simple, nae wonder", but that ignores the fact Jake himself wasn't able to see himself like this. The guy was an absolute unit. Built like a tank, worked out, lifted, as far as he's concerned, it's a mystery then why women wouldn't find him attractive, because that's what he's led to believe they like. It's not like he was a jobless layabout, he actually had a pretty good job, he just didn't socialise or do the sort of things where he was actually likely to meet people who might have a romantic interest in him. Again, entirely common in ND people, so it isn't actually true that he was just a sweaty bedroom-dweller. A lot of romances start off as an online thing these days anyway, so even if he was terminally online, even that is not a bar to finding a romantic partner.

I think if you have been going around in circles, banging your head off a brick wall for months or years, oblivious to why precisely things aren't going the way you'd like, and you stumble across a fairly active community with a sizable user base, and they all agree that it's simply because you have the wrong shape of head, or because you don't drive a supercar, or you are shite at sports, then that is surely going to resonate with someone who lacks the capacity to see it for the nonsense it is, and also is unable to view themselves with any sort of objectivity either. I think it's the resentment and genuine, inherent belief that it's the world at fault, and not themselves, that causes Jake Davison types to go off the deep end. Why the f**k though the police gave him his shotgun back is beyond me.

How you explain neurotypical people being dragged into this is a bit more difficult I think. I did watch the "secret world of Incels" doc, or whatever it was called, and I remember the young lad in that who the researchers actually took on a night out to meet some typical people to try and show that the world was not, in fact, the way he imagined. The thing that struck me was the naive ignorance. He'd genuinely never encountered anything that contradicted the Incel narrative about the nature of the world and the people in it. So in a way, for that lad at least, he had something in common with JD in that he honestly had no ability to comprehend that the Incel narrative didn't bear any resemblance to reality, but for entirely different reasons. It seems like it's all rooted in ignorance, but the cause of that ignorance can be a multitude of things, and it isn't always, invariably sinister, which is why I'm not keen on just writing off the entire movement as a bunch of evil beardy weirdos hell-bent on making women's lives a misery and locking the whole lot up. I think it's far more complex than that, and fundamentally rooted in a lack of education and information. Tackling it from the other end seems to me like locking the stable door after the horse has bolted, although it's undeniable that just getting a lot of this shit closed down and punted from where it's hosted would be a big help in tackling the whole phenomenon.

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Incel hero Andrew Tate has had his home in Romania raided yet again amidst further accusations of trafficking minors.

No doubt when tried and convicted it will be portrayed as a ‘conspiracy’ by the Incel community and other assorted weirdos who worship him.


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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Incel hero Andrew Tate has had his home in Romania raided yet again amidst further accusations of trafficking minors.

No doubt when tried and convicted it will be portrayed as a ‘conspiracy’ by the Incel community and other assorted weirdos who worship him.



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12 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Arrest photos of Andrew Tate.  I think we know where his paranoia and conspiratorial thinking comes from...

Andrew Tate outside the Tate brothers' residence on Wednesday night

How much of a cretin do you have to be to wear a t shirt with a picture of yourself on it?

It's almost as bad as rocking a Celtic shirt.

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5 minutes ago, tongue_tied_danny said:

How much of a cretin do you have to be to wear a t shirt with a picture of yourself on it?

It's almost as bad as rocking a Celtic shirt.

Tragic stuff, and people see him as a role model.

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On 20/08/2024 at 17:39, BFTD said:

You'll occasionally see some of these guys claiming to have "switched sides" because of all the mean wimmin who are nasty to them. Same with lassies who'll claim they're only in a relationship with a woman because men are awful/dangerous/awful dangerous.

I presume there has to be a bit of denial going on there, but imagine being in a relationship with someone who admits this. Everybody deserves better than that.

Scared of the baird imo

That said, I've known a few ladies who were lesbian when I med them an ended up back on the boab. I guess they were always bi, but hadn't yet found any guys that weren't complete knobends.

Having not read this thread the first time around, can you now tell us who your horrible employer was? (apologies if you did elsewhere). 

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:


His tweets are utterly lame.  He's not even a good poster.  This is just a rip off of a far better South Park joke



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1 hour ago, milton75 said:

Scared of the baird imo

That said, I've known a few ladies who were lesbian when I med them an ended up back on the boab. I guess they were always bi, but hadn't yet found any guys that weren't complete knobends.

Having not read this thread the first time around, can you now tell us who your horrible employer was? (apologies if you did elsewhere). 

Is this some kind of satire or are you saying that you're such a gentleman you can turn gay women straight?

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1 hour ago, placidcasual said:

Is this some kind of satire or are you saying that you're such a gentleman you can turn gay women straight?

I guess you just haven't found a poster that wasn't a complete knobend yet.

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1 hour ago, placidcasual said:

Is this some kind of satire or are you saying that you're such a gentleman you can turn gay women straight?

I read it as a load of women told him they were lesbians to get away from his advances

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