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Incels, and their insane world view.


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I wonder how many women over the years have used the ‘I’m not into men’ line to avoid talking to guys they didn’t fancy?

On an unrelated note there was a very high lesbian population in Dundee in the late 1970s and early 1980s…


The more candid ones just told me to f**k off.  :(



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4 hours ago, placidcasual said:

Is this some kind of satire or are you saying that you're such a gentleman you can turn gay women straight?

No, they didn't end up on MY boab! 😂

They just happened to end up with men (and indeed having kids) having previously ID's as lesbians. I assume they were always bi, but I don't tend to interrogate people on these things. Then again, I assume everyone is probably bi to some extent.

These incels that I've heard about seem to usually be as homophobic as they are misogynistic, and I wonder if they protest a tad too much. So my advice to them is that they all give each other a Hakan and stop being so grumpy.

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6 hours ago, milton75 said:

Scared of the baird imo

That said, I've known a few ladies who were lesbian when I med them an ended up back on the boab. I guess they were always bi, but hadn't yet found any guys that weren't complete knobends.

Having not read this thread the first time around, can you now tell us who your horrible employer was? (apologies if you did elsewhere). 

Check your PMs in a minute  :P

36 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I wonder how many women over the years have used the ‘I’m not into men’ line to avoid talking to guys they didn’t fancy?

I've known women who said they used that line to get annoying men to leave them alone on nights out.

Embarrassingly, it seems to have the opposite to the intended effect on some of us  :rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

I read it as a load of women told him they were lesbians to get away from his advances

That may have been a happy additional benefit, but as they were in relationships I do feel they took the tactic to an extreme.

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I can’t fathom how you’d get angry enough to kill folks when your lifestyle involves not having a bird and weans constantly bursting your arse and spending every day chugging it til you’re spiffing out dust and ghosts from a raw link. Sounds kinda dece to me. 

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1 minute ago, carpetmonster said:

I can’t fathom how you’d get angry enough to kill folks when your lifestyle involves not having a bird and weans constantly bursting your arse and spending every day chugging it til you’re spiffing out dust and ghosts from a raw link. Sounds kinda dece to me. 

Can confirm.

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1 hour ago, milton75 said:

No, they didn't end up on MY boab! 😂

They just happened to end up with men (and indeed having kids) having previously ID's as lesbians. I assume they were always bi, but I don't tend to interrogate people on these things. Then again, I assume everyone is probably bi to some extent.

These incels that I've heard about seem to usually be as homophobic as they are misogynistic, and I wonder if they protest a tad too much. So my advice to them is that they all give each other a Hakan and stop being so grumpy.

how dare you snl GIF

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18 hours ago, tongue_tied_danny said:

How much of a cretin do you have to be to wear a t shirt with a picture of yourself on it?

It's almost as bad as rocking a Celtic shirt.

Not just his face but Sdaddy, whatever that means. Probably makes perfect sense to his odd fan boys

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8I don't really know anything about the Incel online subculture, but if the definition is "young man who wants a ride and cannae get one" that pretty much describes me and loads of my mates at various stages in our teens/early 20s !



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57 minutes ago, 101 said:

Not just his face but Sdaddy, whatever that means. Probably makes perfect sense to his odd fan boys

It's a $ not an S.  Not a fan boy but I'm assuming it's sugar daddy.  Creepy p***k that he is.

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1 hour ago, Leith Green said:

8I don't really know anything about the Incel online subculture, but if the definition is "young man who wants a ride and cannae get one" that pretty much describes me and loads of my mates at various stages in our teens/early 20s !

Yeah, only imagine if you and your mates had felt entitled to access to women's bodies and started hating them for not being instant-access sex toys. Then you came up with all sorts of bizarre pseudo-scientific conspiracy theories about why women don't like you, eventually deciding that you'll just take sex from them without asking permission, or murder them as revenge.

Sounds OTT, and I thought people were making a lot of this shit up until I looked into it, and they're really not. That's what's going down in these communities. I know some people feel sorry for them, and no doubt there'll be some poor confused simpletons who fall down their rabbit hole and get radicalised, but it's amazing how often these guys will completely dismiss any woman who doesn't fit the supermodel body type and has a docile, passive personality.

Edited by BFTD
Has, not have.
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The Incel community is certainly something that has ‘benefited’ from social media.

Before then a bunch of sad losers barely able to express their frustration now having their feelings vindicated by arseholes telling them that it’s not their fault and that their horrendous attitude towards women is wholly justified.


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6 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

The Incel community is certainly something that has ‘benefited’ from social media.

Before then a bunch of sad losers barely able to express their frustration now having their feelings vindicated by arseholes telling them that it’s not their fault and that their horrendous attitude towards women is wholly justified.

There's a weird leap of faith in terms of logic going on. I presume most of them have female family members, will have had female friends they like (but rejected for not looking like whoever's this generation's equivalent of Brigitte Bardot), will have had other female authority figures in their lives that they respect...yet they're willing to drink the "women are just naturally awful" Kool-Aid despite all evidence to the contrary.

When my son was maybe 11 or 12, he started repeating some of the "this is how women are" guff that he'd read on the internet, and all it took to dissuade him from that path was asking him a few questions along the lines of, "is this what you've seen in the real world from life so far?" Never been so glad that he feels comfortable telling me what's going through his mind  :shutup

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3 hours ago, Loonytoons said:

It's a $ not an S.  Not a fan boy but I'm assuming it's sugar daddy.  Creepy p***k that he is.

It’s a new crypto he’s meant to be launching/fronting. Hopefully he tries to barter with it on the inside and someone takes the hump when they realise the value is 2 billion to the dollar. 

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30 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

It’s a new crypto he’s meant to be launching/fronting. Hopefully he tries to barter with it on the inside and someone takes the hump when they realise the value is 2 billion to the dollar. 

Shocked that Tate would be a crypto shill!

@Div should give it a go. That, and NFTs. What's the worst that could happen?

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3 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Shocked that Tate would be a crypto shill!

@Div should give it a go. That, and NFTs. What's the worst that could happen?

The time for NFTs would’ve been Liam’s drawings or the misspelt footballers thread. The exclusive 10 new colorways of Jordan Rode might’ve gotten some take up. 

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Once again

On 20/08/2021 at 17:45, Miguel Sanchez said:

It absolutely is. The guy in the BBC article I linked to mentioned porn addiction, and it's easy to see how/why that warps guys' view of how sexual relationships work. Impeccable man and woman meet. They take off their clothes and start f**king. Rinse and repeat as the only sexual outlet/knowledge these people have.

If you sit inside all day are on the internet all day are reading shite from losers all day are watching porn all day, you're not going to understand how people actually behave outside the confines of your bedroom. The one guy I've known online who was a (self-identified) incel fit this description. His mum died when he was young, the only job he'd ever had was in a warehouse or some such and all he did besides that was smoke weed, watch porn and archive porn and it wasn't free range, ethical stuff. Internet porn effectively industrialises sexual relations in a way that didn't exist for the previous 99.9999% of human history, and lots of people can't handle that. 

I remember reading a throwaway comment once on twitter or youtube or something once that went along the lines of "it's amazing that we produced exactly one generation that understands how to use the internet." I think the way online communication affects an individual's understanding of human relationships is so vast, so rapidly changing and so frequently replaced by new mediums that's it's almost impossible to ever chronicle properly even as we exist within it, but the rise in ideologies like inceldom can easily be traced to various things that I and others have already said in this thread over the years. Self-fulfilling, easy access, instant gratification echo chambers for people too afraid to go outside allow them to be convinced that it's everyone else's fault, rather than the fact they sit inside all day wanking and playing video games. The fact that, like 'troll', the very term 'incel' has been co-opted by people outside of the community as a general term for weirdo shows how badly they're missing the point of the problem. It's no surprise that the resident simpletons on here are prone to misapplying it.

As generations are now born and grow up with access to this sort of thing instantly and virtually inescapably, how are interpersonal relationships going to be formed in the future? It's one thing to communicate about something platonically - 99% of posters on here appear reasonable, normal people like anyone you'd meet and get on with in real life. Other forums I post on are the same, and on more modern, instantaneous platforms like Discord the concept still stands up even if it's just a bit quicker. 

Can you learn how to establish a meaningful intimate relationship on there in the same way? I don't know. Personal experience would say yes, but then it's easy to idealise people online. The point is, if you've spent your life consuming media and communication in basically the same way - instantly, digitally - then it's not only going to warp your idea of how to establish genuine relationships with people, but for anyone right now from about the age of 25 or up, their brains are going to work completely differently so understanding how to manage this issue as things change is... well, not my problem. I'm away for a game of Rocket League and a w**k. 

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