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58 minutes ago, BFTD said:

No, most Scots are republicans, even if it's not an overwhelming majority. We are the people.

There was dead silence at our match yesterday, but it's because making a tit of yourself during a silence for a dead person is generally arsehole behaviour. It's not worth the candle and changes nothing. That said, kudos to a couple of dozen Arabs who felt otherwise.

at ours yesterday it was a minutes applause. Heard some sporadic booing, some started doing football related chants, most just clapped along politely.

I kinda gave a half arsed clap then stopped after a few seconds. Saw a few folk that just stood with arms folded/hands behind back through the whole thing. Actually probably a smart way around it, observers can either construe it as i) preferring a minute of quiet, personal reflection to clapping along or ii) not clapping along out of protest, but you dont have to justify it either way. More likely the latter but its not as flagrant.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Most people in the away end at Easter Road either seemed to be applauding or, like me, just stood with their hands in their pockets or behind their backs. There was a fairly subdued rendition of Stand Free, which seems a lot less out of place during an applause than a silence, but that was about it. If it had been a silence I wouldn't have booed despite being a republican, but having the applause gave me and probably a lot of others a bit of a route out as you did not have to create a scene by refusing to take part. 

From what I could see, despite what has circulated on social media, most home fans were either applauding or standing in silence too. More applauded in both ends than I thought might, to be honest.

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1 hour ago, DrewDon said:

Most people in the away end at Easter Road either seemed to be applauding or, like me, just stood with their hands in their pockets or behind their backs. There was a fairly subdued rendition of Stand Free, which seems a lot less out of place during an applause than a silence, but that was about it. If it had been a silence I wouldn't have booed despite being a republican, but having the applause gave me and probably a lot of others a bit of a route out as you did not have to create a scene by refusing to take part. 

From what I could see, despite what has circulated on social media, most home fans were either applauding or standing in silence too. More applauded in both ends than I thought might, to be honest.

Yep I just stood with my hands in my pocket and kept my mouth shut.

Edited by Lyle Lanley
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I wonder how wild you'd have to get for people to actively disrespect a minute's silence en masse.

You'd imagine an impromptu announcement that we'd be honouring Hitler or Thatcher would go down like a lead balloon in most of Scotland, but what if you were asked to take a minute to remember Peter Tobin? I reckon most folk who remembered the name would keep schtum just in case there was a Peter Tobin who raised funds for the club by knitting socks for kittens.

There's probably money for somebody willing to turn this into a study, @LeodhasXD

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My wife is in Starbucks and spent the entire minute's silence worried she was going to do a massive fart as she'd just eaten a packet of cheese and onion crisps.

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Why do Sky News, BBC, ITV etc continually talk about the Nation in mourning? What Nation? The U.K. is NOT a nation you f***wits!
Sky Sports Mix cut away from NFL redzone completely to show us people observing the silence around the UK, including from what looked like a social club in Newport.
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