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Potty Mouth


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I rarely swear. I can honestly say I never swore in front of my mother and was in my 30s before I swore in front on my father and, even then, as a necessary part of a story, I felt uncomfortable.
In 21 years of teaching I have never sworn in front of a class or an individual kid.
Now, considering I come from Caithness, the sweary capital of Scotland, I’m very proud of this.

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I swear at work a lot, it's a workshop with only male staff so "industrial language" has always been the norm. I don't swear at home, and never ever swore in front of my parents. My late dad also worked in an all male environment but never swore in front of my brother or me, up until his last few days when he had terminal cancer.

Used to work with a guy who swore with every other word, and could even fit a curse inside another word. His most memorable effort was at a union meeting when he accused the management of spreading "misinforfuckingmation".

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A foreign guy I'm working with has evidently realised that everybody working offshore swears on a regular basis (even the bosses), and has therefore started to throw "f***ing" into most sentences (with emphasis on the 'ing').  Trouble is that it sounds forced, unnatural, cringey and rather awkward.  I'm seriously tempted to take him aside and tell him "stop with the swearing, because you're making a rip roaring c*** of yourself".

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20 hours ago, eindhovendee said:

I swear a lot, I've trained myself to swear in Spanish and Dutch at work so that colleagues don't know just how much of a sweary c**t I am. 

When I was leaving the Netherlands back in 2011 I had a leaving interview with my boss (in Dutch) who was genuinely sad to see me go, he said that I had left my mark on the organisation. I asked in what way, he said "just listen".

The canteen was next door and you could hear them all chatting away in Dutch and saying fucking every second word, I only swore in English at work while speaking Dutch, they had all started to do the same.

Some fucking mark to leave.

Dutch swear words can be rather harsh so you probably did the right thing swearing in English.

Anyway have a good Sunday you teringlijer😁

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6 hours ago, Raidernation said:

I rarely swear. I can honestly say I never swore in front of my mother and was in my 30s before I swore in front on my father and, even then, as a necessary part of a story, I felt uncomfortable.
In 21 years of teaching I have never sworn in front of a class or an individual kid.
Now, considering I come from Caithness, the sweary capital of Scotland, I’m very proud of this.

Aye Faither Army isn't a swearer at all, and as such I almost never swear around him. I dont enjoy going to the football with him for this reason 😊

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2 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

A foreign guy I'm working with has evidently realised that everybody working offshore swears on a regular basis (even the bosses), and has therefore started to throw "f***ing" into most sentences (with emphasis on the 'ing').  Trouble is that it sounds forced, unnatural, cringey and rather awkward.  I'm seriously tempted to take him aside and tell him "stop with the swearing, because you're making a rip roaring c*** of yourself".

Maybe this is where I get my sweary gob from, working offshore for 20 years, the air out there is very blue. 

There was also that very sweary local Aberdonian film 'One Day Removals'.

The most sweary film ever made in Scotland.



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1 minute ago, stevieKTID said:

The Dutch love an illness/ disease based insult, teringlijer is one of the more acceptable ones.

My research tells me that the mild term "clutz" in English probably comes "klootzak", Dutch for bawbag.

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13 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

My research tells me that the mild term "clutz" in English probably comes "klootzak", Dutch for bawbag.

When I first moved here I found it very comforting that bawbag was used as an insult.

Some of the disease based ones are horrible though.

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11 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

What like?

Fūck off you arthritic cūnt!...


Well someone once said to me krijg de kanker, which is a f**kin horrible thing to say, I was being a klootzak at the time but that's a shocking insult.

It's less prevalent nowadays but still shocks me when I hear it, even typing it makes me feel uneasy.

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10 minutes ago, stevieKTID said:

Well someone once said to me krijg de kanker, which is a f**kin horrible thing to say, I was being a klootzak at the time but that's a shocking insult.

It's less prevalent nowadays but still shocks me when I hear it, even typing it makes me feel uneasy.

Elaborate, my Dutch is a bit rusty.

Is it just acquired disease, or can you do disabilities, if so, I might move?

Eta, I just looked up Dutch profanity.

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1 minute ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Elaborate, my Dutch is a bit rusty.

Is it just acquired disease, or can you do disabilities, if so, I might move?

Krijg de means "get the" I think you can work out the rest.

It's a broad church when it comes to insults over here.

On the flip side I've been called pannenkoek which means pancake.

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