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The Gender Debate


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15 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

@oaksoft downvoting genuine concerns about the American far right and ultra orthodox Christians pumping dark money into AstroTurfing groups. Sad 

Livingston and Killie up to no good as usual. 


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34 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

I'm happy to say I won't ever be voting for Fergus Ewing again. He and the rest of the bigots can go f**k themselves.

Fergus Ewing voted against repealing Section 28/Clause 2a in the early 2000s and against gay marriage in the 2010s.  

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33 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Oh FFS get a grip.

Tell me this then. Your pish a couple of pages back about trans folks can *feel* they're a certain gender, but actually they're not and they're what's on their birth certificate. Lots of folks here will identify as Scottish, will *insist* they're Scottish, but according to their paperwork, they're British citizens. By your logic, nobody here is Scottish. Same shit. 

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9 hours ago, Ginaro said:

What's the point in standing for a party but then voting against something which is in their manifesto?

A) Not everything in a party manifesto has unanimous support - elected politicians should not act as an unthinking bloc to just execute it all. 

B) If a consultation period highlights serious flaws with any policy then the onus is absolutely on elected representatives to use their best judgment whether to proceed or not. 

Regardless of the merits of the gender recognition bill both the SNP politicians who voted against it - as well as Tories and others who voted for it - are doing their job as much as any MSP who just follows their party whip. 

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I find it difficult to understand the (JK Rowling style) argument that allowing people to identify as a specific gender is in some way a danger to women and girls. 

The thought that this legislation will have loads of potential rapists identifying as a trans woman is faintly ludicrous.

The trans population is tiny, and if a small number of people genuinely want to change gender they have a difficult, stressful journey - lasting the rest of their lives.

Seems to me that any legislation which assists a small, scared and marginalised section of society to live a life that the rest of us takes for granted is to be welcomed.

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Can someone give me a quick TLDR explanation of what this GRA actually means?

From what I can gather, the current situation is that a person who wishes to become transgender and legally change their gender has to jump through a bunch of hoops, e.g., permission from doctors and prove they’ve been living as their new gender for a minimum period, whereas the new act will make it much simpler, i.e., a person would have the right to change their gender at the stroke of a pen?


Can’t say I see a huge issue with it, especially given the current state of NHS waiting lists. Must admit though that I always thought the process of becoming trans actually involved surgery so that your body resembles that of your new gender. 

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