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Biggest Audience You've Performed In Front Of

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Thread title should be self-explanatory.

- Stripper for a small stag party?

- School nativity in front of a couple of hundred?

- Furry mascot at a football match?

- You're an A-list musician and playing to sell-out tours is par for the course?


For me, it's been doing the (b*****ding) Dashing White Sergeant in front of a ~30k crowd as part of a Scout Jamboree.  Had to rehearse it a million times (that may not be an exaggeration), and hated it to the point I suffer from the mildest of PTSD at the start of most ceilidhs.

I've given a handful of conference talks too, but perhaps strangely prefer to present to a room full of strangers.  Those that just "come along for support" can gtf.  Used to be a tour guide, and although I enjoyed that without issue (folk have happily parted with cash to hear what you've got to say), I hated it when somebody I knew turned up as it just throws me off for whatever reason.

Anyway, over to you...

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Probably Kelvingrove Bandstand back in the 80s which I think holds about 7000...wasn't one of the Radio Clyde festivals though, as they were always a bit shy of hard rock bands....somebody had approached the council for funding for a metal festival and surprise surprise they went for it. We weren't sure how many would turn up, but it was rammed.

Interesting day all in...the ex-boyfriend of a girl I'd recently got in about turned up early in the day with two mates to give me a doing for some reason - I think he thought he was a bit less out of the picture than he actually was - but were dissuaded by the man-mountain drummer of the band Heavy Pettin who defused the situation by wandering up to me:

"That's you up for soundcheck....what are these fannies wanting anyway...?"

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I was in the johnnie foxes pub in the dublin mountains and there was a trad night on with 100+ tourists. The guitar player was going for a ten minute break and asked if anyone wanted to play a tune and despite behind terrible on the guitar I went up. There is a bit in the song with a weird chord change and I paused to find it and said the father ted bit "hang on I can do this"

Got a few laughs and claps.

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1 hour ago, Richey Edwards said:

I was briefly broadcast on numerous news channels in 2020. Unfortunately, I had an absolute lockdown haircut. Skip to about 42 minutes in.


Did you hear anything more or did anything change? Good precise question, you didn't leave him any room to waffle.

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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Did you hear anything more or did anything change? Good precise question, you didn't leave him any room to waffle.

I sent him an email explaining exactly why my then-workplace could not reopen during the pandemic i.e. the people who attended were vulnerable or lived with vulnerable relatives, could not tolerate wearing masks or would not adhere to social distancing etc.


I received a generic "thank you for participating in the briefing" letter in return and heard nothing more about it.


My old work did not reopen until late 2021. I was away to university by then so did not get to work there again.

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I've taken part in a  number of Oral Evidence Sessions before various Parliamentary Select Committees, so potentially tens of millions of viewers through the Parliament Channel. In reality, probably an audience of one. My wife watched a bit of one session, commented on how much I sounded like Gordon Brown, and (I suspect) switched off after five minutes.

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Played in King tuts a few years ago now, as the drummer of the band. For all the mythology about the venue, its a run down dump compared to other venues in Glasgow, still, thumping out a set infront of more than 100 people was some experience. Bounced out of a new job to make the gig and didn't regret it.

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2 hours ago, johnnydun said:

Was on the telly box for Pick A Number back in the 90's. Sticking my head in a bowl of custard for the whole Grampian TV audience.

My biggest brother was on that! He was in Dundee city centre though. Now you've reminded me I'll need to find the VHS and get it on DVD for him.

Played in front of a couple thousand at 14 year old at a select game in Derby.

About the same age ayed in front of about 1000 in the final of some European tournament in Coudekerque(?) In France.

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Done speeches/presentations at conferences - probably about 400 folk.

Last year I did a turn at halftime of a rugby game at Hong Kong stadium. Scampered about to try to catch as many kicked balls as I could in 30 seconds. Didn’t embarrass myself - probably 2000 people

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