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The Official Liz Truss no longer PM but still a Clusterfuck thread

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4 hours ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

Unless you resort to magical thinking. Which brings us to the second causal connection between the craziness of now and the turning point of 2016. Brexit broke the link between governance and reason, between policy and evidence. Until Brexit, politicians only rarely got away with defying the empirical facts or elementary logic. But in 2016 they pretended that a country could weaken its trading ties to its nearest neighbours and get richer, which is like saying you can step in a bath of ice and get warmer. Once the taboo on magical thinking was broken, once fantasy became a Conservative habit, Trussonomics became inevitable – smilingly insisting that you could cut taxes for the richest, make “absolutely” no cuts to public services and control borrowing, all at the same time."

This. She just says stuff that sounds upbeat and positive with absolutely no basis in fact.

Partick Thistle is a football club with a great history and loads of young players and will win the Champions League every year for the coming decade.                             

Anyone can do Truss talk..  

Edited by cyderspaceman
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"Most Conservative MPs would be rid of her tomorrow if they could agree on a way to do it that wouldn’t make their predicament even worse, by which they mean avoiding a contest that might promote someone even less suitable than Ms Truss.

There is also concern that a replacement would face an immediate crisis of legitimacy. There are ways to arrange a succession, bypassing a ballot of Tory members, but the case for a general election would then be overwhelming. Few Tory MPs feel safe enough in their seats to relish that prospect.

The problem of a threadbare mandate is an issue already. The unwritten rules of British democracy allow for changes of prime minister without nationwide electoral ratification, but the legitimacy of a government thus installed demands humility in recognising that power is derived from a parliamentary majority won on a particular manifesto. Ms Truss’s maverick budget adventure defied that principle. She embarked on a destructive course with a revolutionary zeal that had no democratic basis."

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2 hours ago, Detournement said:

How would that be possible?

You can't become independent and join the Euro on day one.

Who knows how long it would take? Scotland has been in the EU for decades. Small transition period required.

Sterling, then Euro and eventually Scottish currency all feasible within a few short years

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1 hour ago, virginton said:

1) Ejecting your leader after tanking the economy within 50 days of taking office ends any chance of a recovery. It's far worse for them than 'Black Friday', which supposedly eviscerated their credibility for years but looks a work of consumate statesmanship compared to current events. 

2) It's the exact same electorate who chose that moron Truss in the first place, who gets to choose the next leader as well. Tory politicians are obsessed by staying in power and would ruthlessly choose leaders to do so - their party members are not. 

1) I take it you mean Black Wednesday?  The Tory government who oversaw that had a much slimmer majority than this one, and faced a Labour party capable of sweeping up Scotland.

2) Welshbairn has got this. If/when Truss gets deposed, there is no way on earth that the Tory party membership will again be entrusted to install her replacement.


Anyone old enough to actually recall the year of Black Wednesday, will never treat electoral defeat for the Tories as inevitable.

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1) I take it you mean Black Wednesday?  The Tory government who oversaw that had a much slimmer majority than this one, and faced a Labour party capable of sweeping up Scotland.
2) Welshbairn has got this. If/when Truss gets deposed, there is no way on earth that the Tory party membership will again be entrusted to install her replacement.
Anyone old enough to actually recall the year of Black Wednesday, will never treat electoral defeat for the Tories as inevitable.
Kinnock snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

And who could forget the Sheffield Rally?
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Even once they appoint yet another new leader in the next few weeks, bring Johnson back, whatever, the game is up.

Their only card was traditionally the economy and how Labour would always bankrupt the country.

Now that any economic credibility they had with the most died in the wool Tory voters has gone.

Doesn't matter who the leader is now, Labour just have to wait it out 

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He didn't and that wasn't the reason the Tolies won 
I know it wasn't the reason - I said who could forget it.

The first point is correct though - Labour were 7 pts ahead and blew it - they apparently knew on the evening of the Sheffield Rally that their lead had gone. Probably more to do with the lies over the War of Jennifer's Ear than anything else.
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5 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

I know it wasn't the reason - I said who could forget it.

The first point is correct though - Labour were 7 pts ahead and blew it - they apparently knew on the evening of the Sheffield Rally that their lead had gone. Probably more to do with the lies over the War of Jennifer's Ear than anything else.

They didn't blow it and it wasn't a singular event or issue.

Rather it was England's predisposition to what they have become accustomed to and vote for.

If your name isn't Tony, then go back to 1974 for a good year.

If your name isn't Harold, well you're welcome to do the math and think about a time almost a bombed out century ago.

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Such is the fabulous success of His Majesty's Government's handling of the economy, and the commitment to world leading public services, one find one's self amazed that no countries are publicly stating their desire to leave the EU and take advantage of the boundless opportunities offered by being run from Westminster. 

Ireland will obviously be first, but it's only a matter of time before others like France and Germany join the queue. 


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3 hours ago, Fullerene said:

Personally I suspect Brexit will destroy the next one and the next one and the next one until everyone realises that Britain is not global superpower it pretends to be.

The worry is that the electorate refuses to admit it and continues to chase more extreme solutions.

1 hour ago, Baggio said:



Political commentary from an unexpected source...


I can't be the only one disappointed that Busi didn't whisper "Awooga" into Anne Diamond's ear and pat her on the fanny.

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19 minutes ago, sergie's no1 fan said:

Even the most staunch unionist has to be a bit concerned about this latest farce.

Can any of the unionists or even soft NO voters explain to me how being a part of this shit fest is the best Scotland can do.


The answer is, for now and evermore, that everything would be worse with Scots in cherge. We'd make poorer decisions, voting in terrible useless people, and anyone with a modicum of competence would leave to pursue a career in London, so we'd have no choice anyway.

There's absolutely no point in asking because, no matter how it's dressed up, that's the fundamental bottom line. No matter how venal, corrupt and, more likely than not, fascist the government in Westminster becomes, many people will always prefer to hope that, some day, England will elect a government that does more than feather its nest in the South-East and provide exactly as much as is required to buy the necessary votes in the rest of the island, and not a penny more.

Edited by BFTD
Too much "required"
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One of the challenges for the Tory party is that Truss was elected by its members on the basis of the stuff she said during the leadership campaign. Once elected, she and Kwarteng set about delivering the things she said she'd do. They might have been batshit mental but that was good enough for those who had a say in her getting the job. If the next candidates come along with wishy-washy pish like "stabilise the economy", they'll be out of the ballot before you can blink and two more lunatics will be left standing. Meanwhile, they're not going to call an election and there aren't enough Tory MPs who will vote themselves out of a job in a no confidence vote. The UK is a basket case but Scottish Labour, Scottish Tories and Scottish Liberals couldn't give a f**k. 

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