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The Pie and Bovril Dead Pool 2023

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Week 24 update

I actually do think this is a record. First thing this week is Ted Kaczynski who it seems has died by suicide: Unabomber: Ted Kaczynski believed to have died by suicide, source says | CNN

It's been widely reported as such and nothing seems to be coming out to correct that. This means 50 extra points for @Arabdownunder, @chomp my root and @djchapsticks.

On a related note, this article caught my eye: Opinion | What Ted Kaczynski, Silvio Berlusconi and Cormac McCarthy Have in Common - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

I also discovered you can buy the Unambomber Manifesto from Amazon. Maybe his death had something to do with him finding out.


Next up was a death from a few weeks ago, religious man Tim Keller: Prominent NYC-based pastor and best-selling author Timothy Keller dies at 72 | The Independent


Timothy Keller, a pastor and best-selling author who founded the influential Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, died this morning at home after three-year bout with pancreatic cancer. He was 72.

His family announced that he had been in hospice care, and that he died with his wife of 48 years, Kathy, by his side.

Keller and his family launched Redeemer in 1989, and the congregation went on to welcome more than 5,000 attendees across its multiple locations each week.

A new evangelical church in Manhattan filled with young adults was unique in a city known more for its secularism and the Gothic spires of its older sanctuaries. But Keller was passionate about evangelizing to people in cities, and his ministry would go on to help start 1,000 churches in 150 other cities around the world.

Keller became an evangelical Christian in college, and he was ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America in 1975. Active in the so-called New Calvinist movement, Keller brought a gentleness to a brand of Christianity known for its emphasis on sin and the depravity of humanity.

You know how last week Pat Robertson was an arsehole? This guy seems like the opposite. Keller died at 72 so he's worth 53 Base Points for @Melanius Mullarkay and @psv_killie, with a Deadly Duo bonus taking that to 78 points apiece.


First death this week was noted shagger Silvio Berlusconi: Silvio Berlusconi, scandal-ridden former Italian prime minister, dies aged 86 | Silvio Berlusconi | The Guardian


Allies and critics have paid tribute to the former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, the country’s longest-serving postwar leader and one of its most divisive, who has died aged 86.

The billionaire media tycoon and former AC Milan owner who entered politics at the head of his own Forza Italia in the 1990s as the traditional parties of the right collapsed led three governments between 1994 and 2011 and succeeded in making a comeback in 2017 despite a career tainted by sex scandals, allegations of corruption and a tax fraud conviction.

He died at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan, where he had spent six weeks this spring undergoing treatment for a lung infection linked to a chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia before being readmitted.

I might have read or posted more about his influence and his indiscretions if there wasn't so much going on today. Have this picture instead:

Silvio Berlusconi (centre) with Milan’s Marco van Basten, manager Arrigo Sacchi, Franco Baresi, Frank Rijkaard and Ruud Gullit in 1990 with the European Cup

Berlusconi died at 86 so he's worth 39 Base Points for @Oceanlineayr, @Salvo Montalbano, @Shipa and @statts1976uk.


Next up was writer Cormac McCarthy: Cormac McCarthy obituary | Cormac McCarthy | The Guardian


McCarthy seemed to come from nowhere and for most of his career wrote in the hermit-like obscurity of a JD Salinger or Thomas Pynchon. Refusing all attempts to publicise his work, McCarthy politely declined to be interviewed, never signed copies of his own books, attended no literary conferences, did not teach, and was more interested in science and cosmology than fiction. He was an American original.

Working at first in the southern gothic mode, he remade himself as a southwestern writer after settling in Texas in 1976. He carried the influence of Faulkner, Herman Melville (Moby Dick was reportedly his favourite novel) and Ernest Hemingway along with him, and remained true to the literary values that those richly complex writers had made their own. McCarthy had no time for Marcel Proust or Henry James; he had no interest in the psychological intricacies of motivation, sensibility or modernist thinking about consciousness. His novels, early and late, were grim, violent tales of life stripped down to the raw fundamentals of existence in a hostile world.

A good summation. Which would be a funnier interview to post - Oprah or Werner Herzog? f**k it, McCarthy for everyone:

McCarthy died at 89 so he's worth 36 Base Points for me. He was my Captain (since 2016) and a Solo Shot giving me a total of 112 points.


Next death this week was singer Christy Dignam: Aslan singer Christy Dignam dies after long illness - BBC News


He formed Aslan in 1982 with fellow Dubliners Joe Jewell, Billy McGuinness and Alan Downey.

The band took their name from the lion in CS Lewis's series of Narnia books.

They went on to release six studio albums, the most recent in 2012.

Among their most successful singles were This Is; Crazy World; Where's the Sun and Shine a Light.

The group split up in 1988 before reuniting after what was intended to be a one-off charity gig in Finglas in 1993.

In a 2022 interview with Irish broadcaster RTÉ, Mr Dignam said: "From the time I can remember, I just wanted to sing. That's all I ever wanted to do.

Much like Aim Here, the only reason I've heard of him is because of the Dead Pool. Let's have a listen:

It's alright. Dignam died at 63 so he's worth 62 Base Points for @gkneil, a Solo Shot taking that to 112 points.


Finally this week, Gordon McQueen: Gordon McQueen, former Scotland defender, dies aged 70 | Football | The Guardian


The former Scotland, Manchester United and Leeds central defender Gordon McQueen has died at the age of 70 after what his family termed “a very cruel battle against dementia”.

Bryan Robson was one of the first of many to pay tribute. “Gordon was a perfect fit for Manchester United with his flair, courage and big personality,” said the former United and England midfielder who, as Middlesbrough manager, employed McQueen as a coach.

He scored a goal for Scotland that did this:

Good guy. I'm listening to this while I finish this post, can't wait to hear Motson wailing all over the place. I wonder if any P&B posters were on that pitch. There's a lot to be said about footballers and dementia but it would just be lost in this giant post.

McQueen died at 70, so he's worth 55 Base Points for @alta-pete, @dagane, @Desp, @Dunning1874, @gkneil, @peasy23, @psv_killie, @qos_75, @Scorge, @Shotgun and @sophia, with @Billy Jean King getting a Vice-Captain bonus for 83 points.

After all of this, the standings (probably) look like this:

1. JustOneCornetto 405
2. psv_killie 318
3. gkneil 234
4. Arbroathlegend36-0 230
5. Arabdownunder 228
6. buddiepaul 226
7. qos_75 221
8. peasy23 220
9. The Naitch 208
10. Desp 206
11. Miguel Sanchez 199
12. LoonsYouthTeam 187
13. Billy Jean King 167
14. D.V.T., microdave, throbber, weirdcal 166
18. chomp my root 161
19. The DA 153
20. Ned Nederlander 151
21. Karpaty Lviv 145
22. Sweaty Morph 140
23. alta-pete 139
24. get_the_subbies_on 138
25. Bully Wee Villa, cdhafc1874, Frosty, HK Hibee, Mark Connolly 134
30. Ludo*1 133
31. lolls 122
32. Donathan 121
33. Shotgun 112
34. Bert Raccoon, Savage Henry, tamthebam 111
37. Melanius Mullarkay 110
38. Arch Stanton, mozam76 101
40. Lofarl, Michael W, pub car king, The_Craig 99
44. Aim Here, Oystercatcher, weemac 97
47. Ray Patterson 96
48. djchapsticks 94
49. Moomintroll 93
50. dagane, Scorge 87
51. ParsJake 86
52. Indale Winton, sparky88 84
54. blackislekillie, Herc 74
55. ICTJohnboy 69
56. paulathame 68
57. atfccfc, DG.Roma, Fuctifano, HI HAT, lichtgilphead, thistledo 67
63. HTG 66
64. Dunning1874, sleazy, sophia 55
67. Empty It, The Hologram 48
69. DeeTillEhDeh, Jimmy Baker 42
71. Oceanlineayr, Salvo Montalbano, Shipa, statts1976uk 39
75. 10menwent2mow, dee_62, Enigma, parxyz, scottsdad, senorsoupe, superwell87, Suspect Device 32
83. amnarab, choirbairn, Derry Alli, expatowner, stanton 31
88. BillyAnchor, German Jag, superbigal 29
91. Everyone else 0

The spreadsheet has also been updated with these scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RxCIfczRUmrRrW79tUQ0vJ5KaHZpYENsTKmDqW4X3W4/edit?usp=sharing

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And since I had to throw him in with a bunch of other people, the last word to my captain of seven years:

Lastly he saw his brother standing in a place where he could not reach him, windowed away in some world where he could never go. When he saw him there he knew that he had seen him so in dreams before and he knew that his brother would smile at him and he waited for him to do so, a smile which he had evoked and to which he could find no meaning to ascribe and he wondered if what at last he'd come to was that he could no longer tell that which had passed from all that was but a seeming. He must have knelt there a long time because the sky in the east did grow gray with dawn and the stars sank at last to ash in the paling lake and birds began to call from the far shore and the world to appear again once more.

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3 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Week 24 update

I actually do think this is a record. First thing this week is Ted Kaczynski who it seems has died by suicide: Unabomber: Ted Kaczynski believed to have died by suicide, source says | CNN

It's been widely reported as such and nothing seems to be coming out to correct that. This means 50 extra points for @Arabdownunder, @chomp my root and @djchapsticks.

On a related note, this article caught my eye: Opinion | What Ted Kaczynski, Silvio Berlusconi and Cormac McCarthy Have in Common - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

I also discovered you can buy the Unambomber Manifesto from Amazon. Maybe his death had something to do with him finding out.


Next up was a death from a few weeks ago, religious man Tim Keller: Prominent NYC-based pastor and best-selling author Timothy Keller dies at 72 | The Independent

You know how last week Pat Robertson was an arsehole? This guy seems like the opposite. Keller died at 72 so he's worth 53 Base Points for @Melanius Mullarkay and @psv_killie, with a Deadly Duo bonus taking that to 78 points apiece.


First death this week was noted shagger Silvio Berlusconi: Silvio Berlusconi, scandal-ridden former Italian prime minister, dies aged 86 | Silvio Berlusconi | The Guardian

I might have read or posted more about his influence and his indiscretions if there wasn't so much going on today. Have this picture instead:

Silvio Berlusconi (centre) with Milan’s Marco van Basten, manager Arrigo Sacchi, Franco Baresi, Frank Rijkaard and Ruud Gullit in 1990 with the European Cup

Berlusconi died at 86 so he's worth 39 Base Points for @Oceanlineayr, @Salvo Montalbano, @Shipa and @statts1976uk.


Next up was writer Cormac McCarthy: Cormac McCarthy obituary | Cormac McCarthy | The Guardian

A good summation. Which would be a funnier interview to post - Oprah or Werner Herzog? f**k it, McCarthy for everyone:

McCarthy died at 89 so he's worth 36 Base Points for me. He was my Captain (since 2016) and a Solo Shot giving me a total of 112 points.


Next death this week was singer Christy Dignam: Aslan singer Christy Dignam dies after long illness - BBC News

Much like Aim Here, the only reason I've heard of him is because of the Dead Pool. Let's have a listen:

It's alright. Dignam died at 63 so he's worth 62 Base Points for @gkneil, a Solo Shot taking that to 112 points.


Finally this week, Gordon McQueen: Gordon McQueen, former Scotland defender, dies aged 70 | Football | The Guardian

He scored a goal for Scotland that did this:

Good guy. I'm listening to this while I finish this post, can't wait to hear Motson wailing all over the place. I wonder if any P&B posters were on that pitch. There's a lot to be said about footballers and dementia but it would just be lost in this giant post.

McQueen died at 70, so he's worth 55 Base Points for @alta-pete, @dagane, @Desp, @Dunning1874, @gkneil, @peasy23, @psv_killie, @qos_75, @Scorge, @Shotgun and @sophia, with @Billy Jean King getting a Vice-Captain bonus for 83 points.

After all of this, the standings (probably) look like this:

1. JustOneCornetto 405
2. psv_killie 318
3. gkneil 234
4. Arbroathlegend36-0 230
5. Arabdownunder 228
6. buddiepaul 226
7. qos_75 221
8. peasy23 220
9. The Naitch 208
10. Desp 206
11. Miguel Sanchez 199
12. LoonsYouthTeam 187
13. Billy Jean King 167
14. D.V.T., microdave, throbber, weirdcal 166
18. chomp my root 161
19. The DA 153
20. Ned Nederlander 151
21. Karpaty Lviv 145
22. Sweaty Morph 140
23. alta-pete 139
24. get_the_subbies_on 138
25. Bully Wee Villa, cdhafc1874, Frosty, HK Hibee, Mark Connolly 134
30. Ludo*1 133
31. lolls 122
32. Donathan 121
33. Shotgun 112
34. Bert Raccoon, Savage Henry, tamthebam 111
37. Melanius Mullarkay 110
38. Arch Stanton, mozam76 101
40. Lofarl, Michael W, pub car king, The_Craig 99
44. Aim Here, Oystercatcher, weemac 97
47. Ray Patterson 96
48. djchapsticks 94
49. Moomintroll 93
50. dagane, Scorge 87
51. ParsJake 86
52. Indale Winton, sparky88 84
54. blackislekillie, Herc 74
55. ICTJohnboy 69
56. paulathame 68
57. atfccfc, DG.Roma, Fuctifano, HI HAT, lichtgilphead, thistledo 67
63. HTG 66
64. Dunning1874, sleazy, sophia 55
67. Empty It, The Hologram 48
69. DeeTillEhDeh, Jimmy Baker 42
71. Oceanlineayr, Salvo Montalbano, Shipa, statts1976uk 39
75. 10menwent2mow, dee_62, Enigma, parxyz, scottsdad, senorsoupe, superwell87, Suspect Device 32
83. amnarab, choirbairn, Derry Alli, expatowner, stanton 31
88. BillyAnchor, German Jag, superbigal 29
91. Everyone else 0

The spreadsheet has also been updated with these scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RxCIfczRUmrRrW79tUQ0vJ5KaHZpYENsTKmDqW4X3W4/edit?usp=sharing

Blinking flip, you would have thought I might have picked one of them, but nope, another pointless week.

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Bloody hell, I had totally forgotten McQueen was on my team this year. I was wondering why @Miguel Sanchez had tagged me. 😁

So, after eons of being nothing but a passenger on the Dead Pool train, 2 hits in the space of a week. Let’s keep ‘em coming ya coffin dodgers. 

(Still a bit sad about McQueen though)

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7 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

No-one have Big Pokey?

Tributes to Big Pokey came from Juice J, Slim Thug, Lil Flip, and Bun B.

Some five-a-side team. Could have made an eleven-a-side team with Fanny A, Twatty Z, Kunty Kuntz, BellEndz, Penis Boz, and FcukOffWithYourStupidFcukingNames.

Having said that, RIP Pokey, whoever you were.

Add "ton" to each of those words and you've got yourself a Morton thread.

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On 18/06/2023 at 10:10, Moomintroll said:

Blinking flip, you would have thought I might have picked one of them, but nope, another pointless week.

You’re on the board, quit whining…there’s 38 of us still in the gates.

@Aim Here, a random question, can you tell the latest first hit for an eventual winner?

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