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Pretty much everything that’s been posted already.

Also people crunching ice cubes, people cracking their knuckles, babies crying, toddlers screaming, muzak, especially Christmas muzak, people using the speaker on their phones in public, people with speakers attached to their bikes or backpacks, the neighbours’ party I wasn’t invited to, dentist’s drills, Kenny G, cockney accents, the theme from the Great Escape when England fans sing it all the way through games against Germany, the sound my car’s brakes have just started making, people who sound like Joe Pesci (with the exception of Joe Pesci), people repeating back what I say in what they think is my accent, Velcro pulling apart and probably many more things if I had the energy to think of them. 

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10 hours ago, Shotgun said:

Pretty much everything that’s been posted already.

Also people crunching ice cubes, people cracking their knuckles, babies crying, toddlers screaming, muzak, especially Christmas muzak, people using the speaker on their phones in public, people with speakers attached to their bikes or backpacks, the neighbours’ party I wasn’t invited to, dentist’s drills, Kenny G, cockney accents, the theme from the Great Escape when England fans sing it all the way through games against Germany, the sound my car’s brakes have just started making, people who sound like Joe Pesci (with the exception of Joe Pesci), people repeating back what I say in what they think is my accent, Velcro pulling apart and probably many more things if I had the energy to think of them. 


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18 hours ago, accies1874 said:

When certain sounds drive you mad - does anyone else suffer from this?

I think chewing/eating/talking with your mouth full is the most famous trigger and is defos what I find most challenging - so much so that I've stopped having lunch at work as my colleagues are pretty terrible eaters.

Do you get triggered by folk talking and eating? Do you talk with your mouth full? Are there any other noises that trigger you? 

Folk who say defos. 

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Sirens go right through me. Ambulances and the like, not mermaids (I always make sure they're cooked through). People playing piano badly on public pianos.

Oh, just remembered, Flower Of Scotland being played on the bagpipes and playing that note wrongly. Horrible irony that our national instrument can't play the national anthem 

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Misophonia is horrible. I have it with people eating, sniffing and repetitive sounds. I have just about learned to manage it as an adult but it is hard. It goes beyond annoyance it is an irrational anger made worse by knowing that you are the one being unreasonable as the majority of people dont get triggered to that extent. I also focus in on the sound just to make.myself more pissed off. Its caused arguments in relationships for me because it can be hard to hide. The best advice I read was to be honest about it and leave the room if you have to. My girlfriend is very understanding about it . The difficulty is its very hard for other people to understand and you just look like a  supercillious p***k.  There are theories its related to ASD, which to be fair wouldnt surprise me with some of my other behaviours.

Tldr I have it and its relatively trivial but a day to day ballache.

Edited by Swordfishtrombone
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10 hours ago, Zetterlund said:

The short, shrill beep from smoke alarms when the battery is low. Feels like I'm being stabbed in the ear.

I am somewhat surprised that there aren’t more stories of smake alarms being shot in ‘Merica.

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