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Which Male Comedian Do You Hate The Most?

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2 hours ago, scottsdad said:

I remember going to a Rangers v Falkirk game at Ibrox. They brought on Andy Cameron to warm up the home support. It was dire.

The guy next to me shouted "You're as funny as Lenny Henry"

How very fucking dare you. His renditions of Loyal and True to the tune of Will Your Anchor Hold were worth the admission fee alone. 

I mind an Aberdeen (?) fan took exception to it and ran on to, I assume, tell him this and fell on his c**t as he got there. 

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1 minute ago, KnightswoodBear said:

How very fucking dare you. His renditions of Loyal and True to the tune of Will Your Anchor Hold were worth the admission fee alone. 

I mind an Aberdeen (?) fan took exception to it and ran on to, I assume, tell him this and fell on his c**t as he got there. 


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5 hours ago, Chris Partlow said:

If we keep going, I reckon we can get every single vaguely known stand up on here.

Does anyone actually like any stand up comedians ?

Pretty much no.

I find they all fall into types and cliches, most of which I fucking hate.

I enjoy going to live stand-up. You get some good ones doing the rounds in clubs, and I enjoy Stewart Lee.

But for such a large pool, the ones that make it famous tend to have to fit into a certain box that leads to them just being annoying copies of someone else. Typically you'll get a new one with one good bit, or a couple of stand-out bits that they dine out on for years. But few deliver consistently. Can't think of anyone famous I'd pay to see.

Shite, imo.

Edited by VincentGuerin
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7 hours ago, Chris Partlow said:

If we keep going, I reckon we can get every single vaguely known stand up on here.

Does anyone actually like any stand up comedians ?


Stewart Lee completed it and dismantled it about 15 years ago and its now a wholly redundant art form.


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27 minutes ago, eindhovendee said:

I think we can all agree that we hate everyone whether they are a comedian or not.

I had an inkling.

I googled.

Fucking Hell!




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23 hours ago, Busta Nut said:


He's an act created by Gervais. 

That is close to impossible listen to the first episodes when they ask Karl to speak and it's pretty natural and then the have thousands of hours of radio shows there is no way they could have written the character to be as funny.

Stephen Merchant to me holds the radio and podcasts together, but there is no way Karl is an act, never mind that he has gone on to do his own acting and projects away from Ricky and Steve.

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Strange thing about Lenny Henry is that back in the 70s when he won New Faces he was doing a routine that was indistinguishable from Jim Davidson's who also won that show.

LH has done nothing funny since TISWAS - OooooooKaaaaaay!

Have just googles this old TISWAS sketch which I think 21st Century Lenny would wish had stayed buried!

Bing Videos



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Joe Lycett.  The only thing I'd seen him do was the car parking fine thing (I think it was on 8 out of 10 cats does countdown) which I thought was mildly amusing.

During the Covid years he was hired by the company I worked for to present our end of year get together/awards etc (virtually over Teams).  10 minutes of listening to him prattle on without raising so much as a smile and I left the call.

Christ knows how much he trousered for the gig.

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31 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Joe Lycett.  The only thing I'd seen him do was the car parking fine thing (I think it was on 8 out of 10 cats does countdown) which I thought was mildly amusing.

During the Covid years he was hired by the company I worked for to present our end of year get together/awards etc (virtually over Teams).  10 minutes of listening to him prattle on without raising so much as a smile and I left the call.

Christ knows how much he trousered for the gig.

^^^Didn't win anything.

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