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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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11 minutes ago, Swarley said:

I used to like it. Then one day around 2007 I was driving to work and thought what the f**k are they talking about this is just utter rubbish. So I switched to Radio 2 and started listening to the djs/music that I used to listen to on radio 1 in the 90s/early 00s.

It was a downward spiral once they got shot of Mark and Lard. Once they got rid of Moyles I listened almost exclusively to 5 Live. Constantly hearing about Syrian kids getting blown up and who the Tories have shafted this time cannot be good for the soul.

18 minutes ago, mizfit said:



A few years back the BBC admitted the breakfast shows listeners had dropped to the lowest in years, but said it was a good thing as they were the older people they wanted listening to other stations.

Just sounded like a massive excuse for appointing the worst presenter they could've.



They were obviously scared to admit they made a c**t of it. Surely millions of 30 year old + listeners is better than twelve 14 year olds.

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14 minutes ago, Swarley said:

I used to like it. Then one day around 2007 I was driving to work and thought what the f**k are they talking about this is just utter rubbish. So I switched to Radio 2 and started listening to the djs/music that I used to listen to on radio 1 in the 90s/early 00s.

I listen to Chris Evans' show despite never being his biggest fan. The music is pretty good, and even he is toned down from his TV stuff.

Vasos the sports guy is an absolute c**t though.

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8 minutes ago, Swarley said:

I used to like it. Then one day around 2007 I was driving to work and thought what the f**k are they talking about this is just utter rubbish. So I switched to Radio 2 and started listening to the djs/music that I used to listen to on radio 1 in the 90s/early 00s.

That's been the pattern for decades; the sign you're no longer in the financially useful demographic is when the DJ you listened to on Radio 1 gets punted to Radio 2. I think it was Steve Wright and Simon Mayo for my generation. They're all shite anyway, whatever station they're on.

Just discovered that, apparently, the world's first DJ dance party was hosted by some unknown shaver called Jimmy Savile, who entertained his young guests with both jazz records and, most likely, magazines. Wonder what happened to him?

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2 hours ago, Dee Man said:

I'm one of only two people I know who enjoyed the Chris Moyles' show. That type of inane, childish banter is right up my street.

Get the Radio X app and you'll get his breakfast show every weekday morning. Or don't.

I think his show is brilliant. The best thing about commuting from Glasgow to Edinburgh was getting to hear an hour or so of his old Radio 1 show, now I get about 15 minutes unless there's a tractor on the road. 

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13 hours ago, Mr Pikey said:

Graduations... no the ones where you' ve split the atom and got yer masters degree fom Strathy Uni. The ones where you leave nursery and you graduate even though you can't pull yer own pants on. Put all that crap in a bin along with having a prom when you leave primary school
Just GTF with that tripe

When I left primary school we had a Qually. Which was all the pupils in the top class, plus the teachers. We walked to school, no stretch limos or any of that crap. (I lived so close to the school that the front of the car would almost have been at the school before the back end had left my street!). From what I recall the girls wore their best party dresses, but not the elaborate designer stuff that wouldn't disgrace the Oscars. Send all this prom nonsense back across the Atlantic where it belongs. And it can take trick-or-treat with it.

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On 6/24/2017 at 20:15, Melanius Mullarkey said:

All those fucking stupid flags at Glastonbury. If I was there right now I'd Zippo the lot of them.

Yip.  You pay a squillion quid and, very possibly, wallow about in mud, get attacked by midges (do they have them down there?) paying through the nose for warm lager, shitting into a barrel and surrounded by Pre-Oxbridge types....and you can't even see the bands for their hilarious wee flags.

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Every fukin time I go out for a breakfast my fried egg is always overcooked and the yolk is set. Only seems to happen to me and everyone else has a nice runny egg for dipping into. This mornings one was just taking the biscuit though. My egg was solid as usual but my 2 year old grandson had a double yolker and both yolks were perfectly soft. :angry:

I was going to fight him for it but I was scared in case his wee brother jumped in for him so I just sat and seethed in silence.:lol:

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Being at a talk for whatever reason and becoming bored to tears within the first 5 mins of 30 (god forbid an hour), knowing that it's not what you hoped for and that standing up and leaving is one of the worst social faux pas that you could commit.  Also when the person chairing it can really rub salt in the wound at the very end:  

Any questions from the audience? No?  [I think "brilliant! Finally, let me go, pleeeeeease!!"]

No? Ok, I have a couple of questions...

FFS  :(

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Adele is on at Wembley this weekend, and it seems most of the office is going. Predominately women, and by f**k it is killing me hearing them plan their trip. 

Cannot decide on the best route in or out, a few have said they will drive as the queues won't be THAT bad. They just seem to make such a meal out of the most basic things. 


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9 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

And so the annual end of year "ooh what shall we get for the bairn's teacher" hullabaloo begins.

She got a salary and she's got the next 6 weeks off. Isn't that enough?


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1 hour ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

And so the annual end of year "ooh what shall we get for the bairn's teacher" hullabaloo begins.

She got a salary and she's got the next 6 weeks off. Isn't that enough?

No. She's looked after your arsehole offspring for the year, so buy her a fucking box of Celebrations, you cheapskate.

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Roger fucking Hodgson and Rick b*****ding Davies. Since their petty fall out I can't get any of Supertramp's stuff on YouTube. Means I have to buy their CDs to replace the cassettes I sold in 1989 to help fund an Inter-Rail holiday...  

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