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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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But how often do errors occur at these self service checkouts? If it's often then there's obviously a design fault or instructions aren't clear enough for the customers.

It's no good saying that a lot of customers are stupid (which they no doubt are), stupid customers are still your customers. They're not trying to make your life difficult, you're there to give them the best/easiest shopping experience. After all, they effectively pay your wages.

The reason I'msaying all this is that I decided to use the self service tills after reading about how convenient and easy it was ON THIS VERY FORUM. The wifey had to give me assistance 4 times. I could have been through a normal till about 7 times over. In my defence there was a 'technical problem', but it was quite embarassing.

To be honest... The system basically goes...

Scan - Pack - Scan - Pack. Essentially, it really is not that difficult. I believe 100% that whilst the machines do have their faults - which occur no more often than they do at normal tills which also suffer technical problems - the majority of customers that are held back at self service are so through complete fault of their own. People blatantly do not listen to what the machine is telling them. It talks them through it. I don't think it could possibly be any easier for customers to be honest. At Asda there is an option to skip bagging which could possibly be introduced in the Tesco machines but they are an older model than the Asda ones hence why they don't possess that feature.

People just don't listen to what it's saying and make it a whole load more difficult for themselves in the process. I don't know about you but when I use things for the first time, I tend to look for instructions and follow them. Far too many people just fire in and then don't understand why it goes wrong. Proper technical faults which are faults totally outwith the control of the customer probably happen once or twice per night. I had two coin jams tonight. That's two out of four tills all night which held no customers up and were cleared within minutes.

Majority of problems come from people too stupid to listen. That said, for every customer who does everything wrong, there are ten customers going through doing everything right. I just probably focus on the people who do things wrong because I literally cannot believe the stupidity that greets my eyes sometimes, and cannot tolerate the people who argue with me when I'm plainly just trying to help them - as you say - experience a better time in the shop.

Self Service tills are currently operating about 26% of the entire customer checkout usage. Four little tills are competing with 29 mainbank checkouts remarkably well, which is why they are becoming more and more common throughout Tesco stores and have moved into Asda now too. Tesco have never advertised self service tills as being quicker than mainbank checkouts, they just offer something different for customers to use. Kids especially enjoy using them.

Edited by SaintSam
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Oh the site's back up is it? It was down last night so I had to spend yet another 15 minutes trying to get through on the phone :angry:

So that's why we didn't get any online applications to process today! Suddenly it all makes sense.

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Self service is fabulous, I use it all the time. It's even in Asda now :P

Piece of piss to use. :D:P

True, the future is here :D

What's next? Replace all the whiny members of staff with attentive robots? Trolley's that move to your every command? The possibilities are endless.

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True, the future is here :D

What's next? Replace all the whiny members of staff with attentive robots? Trolley's that move to your every command? The possibilities are endless.

I'm not whiny. I'm obviously just having a particularly hormonal day. Leave me alone! <_<:lol:;)

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Majority of problems come from people too stupid to listen. That said, for every customer who does everything wrong, there are ten customers going through doing everything right. I just probably focus on the people who do things wrong because I literally cannot believe the stupidity that greets my eyes sometimes, and cannot tolerate the people who argue with me when I'm plainly just trying to help them - as you say - experience a better time in the shop.

Having worked in one form of customer service or another for nigh on 20 years, I can totally empathise with this paragraph.

Sam, I'm on your side with this one. :D

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A better one...

Tesco won't refund anything - say, electrical - that's been bought, used and then returned for no good reason. This woman bought a phone charger which said on the packaging "compatible with most motorolas and samsungs". However, when she tried it on her Samsung phone (having cut the packaging in half, meaning Tesco could not resell it upon her bringing it back in) it didn't work. I warned her that it was highly unlikely that she would get a refund for it because she'd opened it to which she replied "It says it's compatible with most Samsungs, how was I to know it wouldn't work in my *Samsung* phone". I was stumped, I had no answer! :lol:

Needless to say she didn't get a refund and put in a complaint. Tesco never refund anything that they'll not be able to resell. And people wonder how they are so well off! :ph34r:

Would it not give a full list of models on the back in small print? If not then that's a real flaw in the packaging.

Normally I'm inclined to take Tesco's side with idiotic returns but if it says "most Samsungs" then leaves it at that, then that's pretty negligent.

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Would it not give a full list of models on the back in small print? If not then that's a real flaw in the packaging.

Normally I'm inclined to take Tesco's side with idiotic returns but if it says "most Samsungs" then leaves it at that, then that's pretty negligent.

I wouldn't buy electrical goods from Tescos. For my dads birthday a few years back I bought him a widescreen TV and a Freeview box. We had to take the telly back and then the replacement as they had the purple haze thingy you get when the telly's been bashed. The set top box conked out after a year or so as well.

To be fair to Shirley Porters Groceries they did give us replacements no bother and I think that buying electrical goods from these places is always going to be a bit hit and miss. My parents have that old-school Presbyterian thing where if we'd bought them expensive stuff they'd have taken it back :lol:

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Aye, you're no wrong. When I worked with Norwich Union a few of my friends went over to do some coaching in Bangalore. They got to watch Eastenders and teach them how "British" people live. One of my mates said it was both the funniest and most surreal thing he has ever done.

Talking of Indian call centres, I remember one tale going around NU when I worked there. Apparently a guy phoned up to claim on his house insurance and got through to India somewhere. The customer wanted to claim for his dishwasher as it had broken down. The Indian chap told him that "we do not cover dishwashers sir, you cannot make a claim".

The customer had the policy booklet out and was going mad but the Indian chap kept on saying that we didn't cover dishwashers.

Eventually, the customer demanded to know why we didn't cover dishwashers, after reading about two pages of his policy booklet out loud to the Indian fellow.

To which he replied "You cannot claim for your dishwasher sir, as we do not cover people on your house insurance".




I would never ever pay at the pump. Check your bank statements very carefully. I used to work in the petrol station at tesco and there were often payments taken off twice. I would never use them now after knowing that.

I pay at the pump regularly, it's so much easier and less hassle.

I worked in the Tesco Petrol Station for nigh on 4 years and we never had any problems.

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Purple Haze is an amazing song.

I bought my DVD player from Tesco - Tesco Value, in fact - for 20 quid. One Google search later and it's in fact a region free DVD player with a rather snazzy TESCO logo upon booting. If I can get a year out of it then I'll be most pleased. :)

And, yeah, this bulk-buy, Honest-Jao's-Discount-Electronics-That-Might-Work deal is always going to be pretty unreliable, especially if it's the rapacious Tesco who are in charge of it all, as opposed to some marginally shady .com company.

And there is nothing wrong with the Protestant work ethic and its parsimonious brother, the keen sense of economy.

Edited by Swampy
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Would it not give a full list of models on the back in small print? If not then that's a real flaw in the packaging.

Normally I'm inclined to take Tesco's side with idiotic returns but if it says "most Samsungs" then leaves it at that, then that's pretty negligent.

I know the exact thing she's on about, as I used to take them back all the time. I took the stance that it was false advertising, because it didn't have a list of all the models it was compatible with on the back of it. Not everyone on the CSD did though.

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And another thing........... (I can feel a rant starting, so I'll keep it short!)

Has anyone else notice old folk at cash machines stand right behind you, I dont mean the customary 5 feet or so space you give someone, but 6 inches behind you and a wee bit to the side. Nosey auld b*****ds.

I was buying a case of 1664 in Asda the other week and this old giffer was so close his nose was resting on my shoulder :angry:

I pretended to sneeze and stepped back and shunted him. He wasn't pleased. :)

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I was buying a case of 1664 in Asda the other week and this old giffer was so close his nose was resting on my shoulder :angry:

I pretended to sneeze and stepped back and shunted him. He wasn't pleased. :)

I hate when you're speaking to someone face to face and they really come up quite close and stare at you intently when you're talking.

Arrghh you're too close! Back off! Stop staring! At least blink!

It really makes me feel uncomfortable, but then I have difficulty making eye contact with people which probably makes me a bit shifty looking, like I'm playing with myself through my pockets.

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