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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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27 minutes ago, Drew Brees said:

Woman in front of me in farmfoods, only popped in for bog roll, she had a full trolley and when it was all rung through she took out the flyer they send through the doors with the money off coupons in it, gave it to the checkout girl, pointed at the coupons and grunted. Not sure if she couldn’t speak english or couldn’t be bothered but she didn’t, just grunted, her daughter looked more than embarrassed. Anyway the checkout girl tells her than none of the items in the coupons were in her trolley so she decides to go back in and shop for 5 different items leaving me and a few others just stood in the queue waiting. She took a good 5 mins or more and not even a look at any of us to apologise, the girl serving her must’ve apologised several times and it was f**k all to do with her.

I'm on a roll now...

Another one here is that people think it's totally OK to half-fill your trolley and then join the queue to pay and then continue shopping. And not just the odd item either. Worse still is people like my wife aiding and abetting such cunterry by moving their trolley forward for them if they're alone.


Now, i realise old folk sometimes need a bit of help but, in my book if they're fit enough to be out shopping they're fit enough to queue like everybody else. Here, they get priority everywhere and the smug look on their faces as they skip the queue is enough to push anybody over the edge. I'm fuckin convinced they hire themselves out to queue jumpers. 

ATM behaviour is another one...why the f**k do they need so long for a simple transaction? Check phone for PIN only once they get to the machine, balance enquiry, print balance, check balance, return card, re-enter card, withdraw money, check receipt whilst standing in front of the machine. Every 2nd cnut does this.

Anyhow, Merry Christmas to one and all!



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1 hour ago, hk blues said:

Happening more and more here...in a fast food shop with several queues, 2 friends each join adjacent queues and wait until they are next to be served and then one will jump over to join the other in whatever queue is faster. Absolutely boils my piss beyond belief. The wife makes it worse x10 by saying what difference does it make...and I'm unable to give a good reason! Anyway...cnuts.

My mates and I used to employ the same tactic when out on the lash in crowded pubs and clubs- all pick different bits of the bar, and whenever 1 of us started getting served, the rest ducked out of the scrum. Whoever's round it was went and paid.


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16 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Fair fa your honest sonsie face

I’ll post you now so just in case

You dinnae make it for Burns Night

Cos Royal Mail is total shite

Fair fa you badly-wrapped Christmas parcel

The folk in the queue think I'm an arsehole

For waiting till now to write the address

I don't care - I'm a Jambo - my life is a mess

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8 minutes ago, Drew Brees said:
3 hours ago, pozbaird said:
‘Popped into Farmfoods for bog roll’ - you deserve everything you get. emoji3.png

Was the only place local that there wasnt a 20min wait to get in the car park. Any port in a storm.

Absolutely. Running out of bog roll? No siree. Unless you have a supply of Morelos Sevco shirts to hand....

Joking, joking, only kidding, etc...

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On 23/12/2019 at 10:58, coprolite said:

Waiting in the bank to put £50 in notes into my account, using the fantastic new time saving machine which has a human permanently showing people how to use it. 

Some bint had a heroes tub full of change and folded notes that kept getting rejected. 10 minutes down, she finishes, I go second in the queue. The old couple in front have just presented the helper with a carrier bag of change. 

Fucking fucking fuckitty f**k

Thats what the machine is for. Folk with a wad of notes should go to the human 

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He probably had a coupon. 

I was gonna add that when my 17yr old daughter is at her mums 1 roll lasts me weeks, when she stays with me, like this week, we seem to go through about 4/5 rolls a week. And now it’s came to a head, I’ve a blocked toilet with water literally pissing out the waste pipe when I flush, I’m currently trying to unblock it.
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On 25/12/2018 at 10:01, Shotgun said:

Santa forgot to bring me a Terry's Chocolate Orange this year so I had nothing for first breakfast. Fortunately, he did bring me a bottle of Baileys so I was able to improvise.

Almost a year on and the Light of my Life finally admitted what I suspected all along. Rather than having "forgotten where she put it", she'd really forgotten to buy my Terry's Chocolate Orange.

There'd better be one tomorrow. 

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Morrisons charging 25p for a paper bag. I thought the bag charge came in to effect because plastic is the problem. If paper is biodegradable then I don't know why they are charging for them in the first place let alone charging more than plastic ones. Robbing b*****ds.

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Folk that drop in around this time of year, at the exact time your kids are getting dinner, and claim they wont stay long.

Then stay for fucking ages, resulting in my kids eating precisely f**k all because these other folks kids are here too.

How can you not have the awareness to just stay 10 minutes then GTF when its clear that someone elses kids are never going to sit and eat while you are there?

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Wife's Auntie does this either in person or on the phone. "Anyway I'll not keep you" indicates another 20-30 minutes of her telling us about people we don't know who have had kids/died/emigrated etc.
Fucking murder. Do folk not think you might have plans with your kids on Chrustmas eve, or be on a tight timescale to sort all of your shit for tomorrow [emoji849]

Was hoping to get their bath done early so I could watch a film with them and get them to bed at normal time as I still have toys to build etc. Just f**k off for christ sake
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