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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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On 20/08/2021 at 22:14, Monkey Tennis said:

I hate this guy more than I can articulate.

His accent is forgivable enough, but it's the pauses he inserts, as if trying to convey that whatever mindless pish he is about to offer is somehow momentous.  The pace at which he speaks combines with the shit shallow content of what he says to make him literally unlistenable for me.

I don't think it even really qualifies for here, as there's nothing petty about my loathing of him.  It's entirely rational and I'm actually understating it here.

I don't even think he's deluded enough to be attempting to add weight to the drivel he spouts; I think he's simply an idiot who can't read and speak at the same time. He does those mad pauses in the middle of sentences, words, everything. There's no consistency to it except that it's consistently annoying, and I have zero idea why anyone hired him to do it. It sounds like someone doing a bad Terry Wogan impression.

"Celtic are though.
                              ...to the semi-finals of the cup, but.
                                                                                 ...it wasn't all plain             ...sailing for the team.
                                                                                                                                                                ...that has struggled of             ...late to...."

etc. Idiotic.

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48 minutes ago, GordonD said:

People who seem to think that a 'draw' is part of a piece of furniture that slides out so you can keep things in it. Bad enough when they say it, but when they write it down...

machine gun.gif

Do they keep four candles in it?


No, 'andles for forks


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2 hours ago, GordonD said:

People who seem to think that a 'draw' is part of a piece of furniture that slides out so you can keep things in it. Bad enough when they say it, but when they write it down...

machine gun.gif

Shooting is too good for them. I know someone who does it in writing, "the file is in the draw"

Putting them in a drawer and keel hauling them might go some way to address it.

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52 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:


I'm with you on this. Experiencing it for the first time in my life at the moment. Starting to feel uncomfortable with how many days I've been dosed up on painkillers to deal with it. A call to the dentist to get my next appointment brought forward is needed.

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12 hours ago, GordonD said:

People who seem to think that a 'draw' is part of a piece of furniture that slides out so you can keep things in it. Bad enough when they say it, but when they write it down...

machine gun.gif

You make morons write things down they say to you? I'll give it a try.

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1 hour ago, die hard doonhamer said:

I'm with you on this. Experiencing it for the first time in my life at the moment. Starting to feel uncomfortable with how many days I've been dosed up on painkillers to deal with it. A call to the dentist to get my next appointment brought forward is needed.

Started having toothache on Saturday, like yourself first time i’ve experienced this pain. Phoned my dentist this afternoon and couldn’t get an appointment to Wednesday. Painkillers will have to do for me for the next day or so. 

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I'm with you on this. Experiencing it for the first time in my life at the moment. Starting to feel uncomfortable with how many days I've been dosed up on painkillers to deal with it. A call to the dentist to get my next appointment brought forward is needed.
Started having toothache on Saturday, like yourself first time i’ve experienced this pain. Phoned my dentist this afternoon and couldn’t get an appointment to Wednesday. Painkillers will have to do for me for the next day or so. 

Had it a few weeks back and it was genuinely the worst pain I've ever experienced. I had the tooth filled in and a couple if days later it felt like a balloon had been blown up inside my tooth and the pain was excruciating. I couldn't move off the couch all day (a Sunday). Thankfully got an emergency appointment on the Monday and just had the fucker ripped out. Turns out the root was infected.

The only thing that made it close to bearable was an ice pack wrapped in a towel and kept on the area cheek. Try that to see if it helps. There's only so much co-codamol you can take.
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