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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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39 minutes ago, hk blues said:

I suppose some folk don't see any difference between sitting on the plane and sitting in the lounge, and they get first dibs on the overhead lockers as well as being able to settle in quickly.  Personally, the less time I have to sit on the plane the better, and hate the toing and froing as folk come on so being amongst the last few on is better but I can see why some may see it differently.  

I pay for an aisle seat so I can stroll over from the bar as the last punters go through the gate and straight to my seat. Now Easyjet and Ryanair have made use of the overhead lockers conditional on reserving a seat there's always plenty room.

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29 minutes ago, hk blues said:

Our record in Hong Kong from getting off the plane and into the terminal to our front door was something like 40 minutes - that included picking up bags, getting the train to the city and a taxi up the road.  Needed everything to fall into place for that though.

Yes Hong Kong is/was hugely efficient and a cracking train into the city. The ferries and back from Shekou we're also great.

Singapore is amazingly efficient.

Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, not so much 😉 Although the old airport was pretty cool.




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12 minutes ago, Tight John McVeigh is a tit said:

Yes Hong Kong is/was hugely efficient and a cracking train into the city. The ferries and back from Shekou we're also great.

Singapore is amazingly efficient.

Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, not so much 😉 Although the old airport was pretty cool.




I only flew from Jakarta the once - about 20 years ago so I guess the old airport?

Don Muang (???) in Bangkok used to be my favourite - the 3 hour ride to the hotel was like a mini-excursion and great to see the city like that. 

We have a great wee airport here in Iloilo, 15-20 mins from my place but only a few flights a day so no noise problem.

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4 minutes ago, hk blues said:

I only flew from Jakarta the once - about 20 years ago so I guess the old airport?

Don Muang (???) in Bangkok used to be my favourite - the 3 hour ride to the hotel was like a mini-excursion and great to see the city like that. 

We have a great wee airport here in Iloilo, 15-20 mins from my place but only a few flights a day so no noise problem.

Your showing your age now. Don Muang is a ‘domestic/low cost’ airport now. Go through it every so often.

Yes some of the regional airports in Philippines are cool, same with the wife's local airport in Indonesia. Handful of flights a day, next to no security and not a care in the world. 

Coolest airport for me is Songshan in Taipei.

Now cursing Covid while thinking about this


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3 hours ago, BFTD said:

I really don't get the plane thing. Everyone has an allocated seat, so getting on first doesn't help you in any way. Do they think the plane is liable to take off without the people at the end of the queue?

I have, however, noticed a correlation between the folk desperate to get on quickly, and the arseholes who block the aisle until they've arranged themselves and their shit 100% to their own satisfaction.

Dave Gorman told how he was going on holiday with his wife and baby son so they paid extra for early boarding. Thus turned out to mean they were in the first group to get on the bus that would take them to the plane, after which everybody else piled on board. So when they got to the plane they were last off, meaning they had paid extra to be last on the plane.

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I pay for an aisle seat so I can stroll over from the bar as the last punters go through the gate and straight to my seat. Now Easyjet and Ryanair have made use of the overhead lockers conditional on reserving a seat there's always plenty room.
I don't pay for any seat but board last and claim the best one left, usually an exit row, tend to avoid chancing row 1 though.

Do you sleep in the overhead locker as there is plenty room?
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9 minutes ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:

I don't pay for any seat but board last and claim the best one left, usually an exit row, tend to avoid chancing row 1 though.

Do you sleep in the overhead locker as there is plenty room?

Since being sat one row away from the toilet on a transatlantic flight once, I don't take chances.

Edited by jimbaxters
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7 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I leave my house 75 minutes before catching a flight from Inverness, and still have time for a pint before boarding. :)

Nightmarish behaviour. Even when I'm getting a train or bus from Aberdeen I'm in the city centre a good 45 mins before departure. Planes it's at least a couple of hours. Time to relax, read and stare into space. Perfect.

My own pttgomn is simply when people call initialisms acronyms. It's truly petty.

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People sprinting to get on a plane first are almost certainly arseholes with 6 carry on bags, holding up everyone in the aisle then staring at people when they eventually sit down.

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9 hours ago, milton75 said:

RE the planes and buses, etc. 

Anyone that gets up and queues may as well announce that they are a moron to the room. 

Maybe true in the UK, but for example when I lived in Hong Kong the difference between being 1st off the train and last off could mean an extra 30 minutes in a taxi queue.  Or an extra 10 minutes waiting on the next train which could mean being late for work or an appointment.  

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