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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I went to work to be greeted by an accusation of skiving yesterday, from someone in a senior position to myself no less. Gays!

Gets on my nerves when folk say things like that , "why were you off yesterday, there's nothing wrong with you" Aye, what are you, a fuckin doctor?

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Trecked all the way into the city for a 8:50am apointment with a doctor for the benefits agency and when I got there they proceeded to tell me that I wasn't to be see.

This was arranged three weeks ago ffs, surley thats enough time to get a cancellation letter out.

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Gets on my nerves when folk say things like that , "why were you off yesterday, there's nothing wrong with you" Aye, what are you, a fuckin doctor?

Chances are, if you've just been off for one day that there hasn't been much wrong with you and you've just woken up and thought "I cannae be arsed going in today."

Stop being so fucking lazy and haul yer arse oot o' yer bed! :P

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Ah, but I hadn't been in work since the Thursday before, and had been ill since the Friday. Therefore her suggestion was completely unfounded, not to forget downright rude. I have a mouth, if I didn't want to do the shift, I just wouldn't do it. The fact that I've been doing it as a favour to them since before Christmas suggests I don't mind doing it. But she's like that with everyone, likes to get peoples backs up.

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Ah, but I hadn't been in work since the Thursday before, and had been ill since the Friday. Therefore her suggestion was completely unfounded, not to forget downright rude. I have a mouth, if I didn't want to do the shift, I just wouldn't do it. The fact that I've been doing it as a favour to them since before Christmas suggests I don't mind doing it. But she's like that with everyone, likes to get peoples backs up.

Tell her the next time that you're ill, you'll bring the evidence in and leave it on her desk. ;)

Dont expect thanks from an employer, most of us are just seen as a number.

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Tell her the next time that you're ill, you'll bring the evidence in and leave it on her desk. ;)

Dont expect thanks from an employer, most of us are just seen as a number.

She doesn't even have a desk! She's a lowly team leader! :lol:

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