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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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4 hours ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

BBE date being in tiny writing on foodstuff.

Cooking instructions being on the inside of the label so you can't read them until after you have bought the product.

Obviously trying to discourage you from attempting to cook the food without unwrapping it first I suspect.

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On 10/04/2024 at 13:54, scottsdad said:

I remember playing Under 11's football. We were in a mini bus going from Alloa to Falkirk, over the Kincardine Bridge and one boy genuinely thought we had gone into England. He'd never been out of Alloa before. 

You should have asked if he remembered to take his passport.

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9 hours ago, scottsdad said:

Pepsi gives me premature ejaculation.

Coke are bringing out a drink that does that as well - I don't know exactly when but I heard it's coming soon. 

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On 06/04/2024 at 23:05, MazzyStar said:

The bank app telling me I could reduce my carbon footprint by buying second hand clothes. c***s using private jets isn’t what’s important, it’s buying used clothes that will stop climate change. Right enough 

It's alright mate, I get the same messages when I've slipped into the overdraft again.

On 08/04/2024 at 17:17, Joe Terrapin said:

I have a work colleague who never hangs up the phone after a call no matter who has instigated it. It rips my nipping particularly as I'll more often than not put the conversation on speaker whilst I complete mundane tasks whilst he whitters on. 

My mother appears to have just given up on pressing the "end call" button. Every call for years has finished with me hanging up after listening to her talking to her cats for a minute.

She swears blind she presses the button and it doesn't work, but I've been there when she's taken calls from elsewhere and she just does a weird wave of her hand in the general direction of the phone and puts it down. Really great when she immediately starts bitching about whoever she was just talking to and I have to run over to end the call before she says anything actionable  :lol:

11 hours ago, scottsdad said:

Pepsi gives me premature ejaculation.

I'll genuinely be amazed if Barr haven't run an "Irn-Bru gave me a massive tadger" campaign at some point.

Bonus points if it's a shocked auld lady saying it.

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13 minutes ago, BFTD said:

I'll genuinely be amazed if Barr haven't run an "Irn-Bru gave me a massive tadger" campaign at some point.

They got into enough trouble with the woman singing "Even when I used to be a man!" while her shocked family look on.

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12 hours ago, FK1Bairn said:

I've tried the stuff twice, had migraines the following day each time. 

The triple vodkas with the coke was probably more responsible though? 

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10 minutes ago, GordonD said:

They got into enough trouble with the woman singing "Even when I used to be a man!" while her shocked family look on.

I remember that! Unsurprisingly the comments on the video are a binfire.

I liked the implication that somehow being transgender would normally preclude someone from liking Irn-Bru.


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12 hours ago, FK1Bairn said:

I've tried the stuff twice, had migraines the following day each time. 

Christ, this brings back the days of endless email chains saying "BAN ASPARTAME NOW!" because someone (who usually didn't even exist) claimed that it gave them headaches.

(not saying that's you, BTW)

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2 hours ago, BFTD said:

Christ, this brings back the days of endless email chains saying "BAN ASPARTAME NOW!" because someone (who usually didn't even exist) claimed that it gave them headaches.

(not saying that's you, BTW)


A campaign we can all get behind... 

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On 08/04/2024 at 09:40, pozbaird said:

The  ‘shuffle’ feature for music you have on your devices these days. I’m currently using an app’ called Evermusic, and it is excellent for ease of use, organising playlists, has an excelkent EQ feature… blah blah. However, you’re on a long flight, or whatever sees you listening to your choons, and ‘shuffle’ (even though I have 17,000 plus songs on my iPhone), sees a song by the same artist pop up pretty regularly. To the point where you think ‘this isn’t really shuffling’…. All music playback apps’ I’ve used does the same thing. I read somewhere that the shuffle feature in all music apps’ works like this - say you have 17000 songs, you hit shuffle. The app plays ‘Song 1’, then it effectively ‘starts afresh’ by thinking there’s now 16999 songs to shuffle from. So it cannot take into account anything it has already played. After ‘Song 2’, it once more ‘shuffles afresh’ from a choice of 16998 songs, and so on.

I read somewhere that ‘boffins’ are working on these types of apps’ to make them take into account what they’ve already played, and to be more humanlike. In that we think, if you’ve got 17000 songs, and you’ve played one by Foo Fighters, I won’t expect another Foo Fighters song for a good while.

Was going to post this as a new thread somewhere, to see if any P&B ‘boffins’ are ITK about AI and this important work being undertaken by worldwide boffins.

Get it sorted. Etc. 😎

Iphone...you deserve all you get.

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