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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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This post from the RTBC thread:

Now, this isn't an attack on the specific poster, but I've seen that Om Nom Nom thing quite a lot on the internet, and specifically on here quite a few times down the years, and it really gets on my wick! Who decided it was going to represent food and eating, and why? It doesn't mean anything, nobody normal makes that sort of noise when eating, its just absurd. Its also completely meaningless in a greater context, for example, you can use "fail" in everyday conversation. So for example you watch someone drop a plate of food, turn to them and say "fail". That works! You can even use "lol" at a push...but can you ever imagine a conversation going thusly:

"Want some cake"

"Ooh, cake, om nom nom."

No, because its ridiculous! So where did it come from, why do people use it, and just what in gods name is it supposed to mean?

If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for everyone.

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I go "Om nom nom" when I'm pretending to eat Charlie's tummy. Parents will know what I mean by that. He loves om nom nom.

I also laughed my bottom off when I first saw this:


Edit: Anyone using "fail" in every day conversation does not deserve to talk to human beings.

Edited by Lyn-Marie
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I go "Om nom nom" when I'm pretending to eat Charlie's tummy. Parents will know what I mean by that. He loves om nom nom.

I also laughed my bottom off when I first saw this:


Edit: Anyone using "fail" in every day conversation does not deserve to talk to human beings.


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I like "Om nom"
I have never made that noise when eating but intend to do so from now on.
Yeah, you would like some cake fat boy!
If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for everyone.


Edit: Anyone using "fail" in every day conversation does not deserve to talk to human beings.


We use fail all the time in conversation! Not just me, but a whole load of us. It sums up things so well.

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The thing that's getting on my nerves the now is the guy who's introducing the golfers onto the first tee at The Open. His voice is just so fake.

Did you know he stands there all day from first tee off to last, and he never once goes to the loo?

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The thing that's getting on my nerves the now is the guy who's introducing the golfers onto the first tee at The Open. His voice is just so fake.

The thing that's getting on my nerves the now is that people who watch golf. Playing it i can maybe, just maybe, understand - but watching it!

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Guest Dunc?


If Fudge wasn't traipsing around the world, I'm sure he'd love that. Tent dog!

Oh, and last year I was living with a gamer geek typed lad who used "Fail" and "lol" in everyday conversation. Except he'd proceed it with a really loud, fake, laugh.

*Someone drops something*

"HA! Fail."

But then he tried to drunkenly pump a lass in the middle of the night but only managed to make her bleed profusely, which caused her to scream, and as he tried to sneak her out of his room, everyone else on the floor who he'd woken up saw his bloody handprint on the wall of his room, and the red bedsheets he'd bundled onto the floor.

So, you know, HA! Fail.

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If Fudge wasn't traipsing around the world, I'm sure he'd love that. Tent dog!

I've seen that photo with a different caption. Its not funny like that though, Om Nom Nom is never funny. NEVER. <_<

But then he tried to drunkenly pump a lass in the middle of the night but only managed to make her bleed profusely, which caused her to scream, and as he tried to sneak her out of his room, everyone else on the floor who he'd woken up saw his bloody handprint on the wall of his room, and the red bedsheets he'd bundled onto the floor.

Oh thats not fail, thats Epic Fail!

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I was just thinking of getting off my arse and going out to do some shopping when it's suddenly turned dark and started pelting down with rain. :angry:

Oh well, back to the golf until it passes over! :rolleyes:

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