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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Another night, and still my flatmate is without internet...I did ask her if she wanted a hand again, and still, she said no. By Vectrons beard, my landlord asked me to have a look at his machine this morning. A couple minutes to put the right settings in, and he was connected. Girl is cutting her nose off to spite her face, big time!

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The new music is much better - the old one got nicked by BBC, ITV and pretty much everyone else for anything remotely sporting that was being shown. Here's a link to the new one:


It's okay, I just prefer the old one.

Still, I'll have to get used to it.

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True, just the gf seems to always have en excuse not to see me <_<

It might seem like that but not always the case. She might have already made plans with her friends and not want to upset them by seeing you. That happened to my mate's gf, she chose to see him one night instead of her friends once, and they got all bitchy and she didn't like it at all. Girls are strange mate you should have figured this out by now. If she's busy then just make plans with your friends instead. Don't seem too pushy remember. Show interest in her but don't be too in her face at the same time.

Fucks sake just typing this I'm remembering how fucking weird girls are. Hot and cold. You can never tell how they are feeling. If they seem down then you ask them how they are and it's "I'm fine".

"Ok that's good then".

"I'm not fine! If you actually cared about me then you'd know I'm not fine!"

If it wasn't for the nookie then I'm sure many guys would pack the whole thing in entirely. They love the attention yet don't like to be "crowded" by guys. WTF does that actually mean?

I just hope I find a girl that's fucking worth all of that. Jeeesus.

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Guest The Phoenix
It might seem like that but not always the case. She might have already made plans with her friends and not want to upset them by seeing you. That happened to my mate's gf, she chose to see him one night instead of her friends once, and they got all bitchy and she didn't like it at all. Girls are strange mate you should have figured this out by now. If she's busy then just make plans with your friends instead. Don't seem too pushy remember. Show interest in her but don't be too in her face at the same time.

Fucks sake just typing this I'm remembering how fucking weird girls are. Hot and cold. You can never tell how they are feeling. If they seem down then you ask them how they are and it's "I'm fine".

"Ok that's good then".

"I'm not fine! If you actually cared about me then you'd know I'm not fine!"

If it wasn't for the nookie then I'm sure many guys would pack the whole thing in entirely. They love the attention yet don't like to be "crowded" by guys. WTF does that actually mean?

I just hope I find a girl that's fucking worth all of that. Jeeesus.


If I was your girlfriend, I'd slit my wrists.

Then again, if I was your girlfriend, you'd probably slit yours.

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It might seem like that but not always the case. She might have already made plans with her friends and not want to upset them by seeing you. That happened to my mate's gf, she chose to see him one night instead of her friends once, and they got all bitchy and she didn't like it at all. Girls are strange mate you should have figured this out by now. If she's busy then just make plans with your friends instead. Don't seem too pushy remember. Show interest in her but don't be too in her face at the same time.

Fucks sake just typing this I'm remembering how fucking weird girls are. Hot and cold. You can never tell how they are feeling. If they seem down then you ask them how they are and it's "I'm fine".

"Ok that's good then".

"I'm not fine! If you actually cared about me then you'd know I'm not fine!"

If it wasn't for the nookie then I'm sure many guys would pack the whole thing in entirely. They love the attention yet don't like to be "crowded" by guys. WTF does that actually mean?

I just hope I find a girl that's fucking worth all of that. Jeeesus.

I love reading your posts :) They always make loads of sense!

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If I was your girlfriend, I'd slit my wrists.

Then again, if I was your girlfriend, you'd probably slit yours.

:lol: I'm normally a cheery happy guy, but it is because of the opposite sex that I have been in this pissy mood of late.

I love reading your posts :) They always make loads of sense!

Wow wasn't expecting that! Cheers Kutski that's nice to hear. :) I wouldn't say it's cheered me up though. Fucking women... <_<

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Really not looking forward to being charged about a tenner to park my car in Glasgow Airport tomorrow. Then f**k about in arrivals waiting for a flight to come in, while the folk through in the other hall are preparing to jet off to the sun. They'll be on some scorching beach while I'll be in Dundee !

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Really not looking forward to being charged about a tenner to park my car in Glasgow Airport tomorrow. Then f**k about in arrivals waiting for a flight to come in, while the folk through in the other hall are preparing to jet off to the sun. They'll be on some scorching beach while I'll be in Dundee !

Then don't. Do what everyone else who's picking up does and drive through the pick up bit. You get something like 10 or 15 minutes waiting time. Drive back out and back in again if they're not there.

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It might seem like that but not always the case. She might have already made plans with her friends and not want to upset them by seeing you. That happened to my mate's gf, she chose to see him one night instead of her friends once, and they got all bitchy and she didn't like it at all. Girls are strange mate you should have figured this out by now. If she's busy then just make plans with your friends instead. Don't seem too pushy remember. Show interest in her but don't be too in her face at the same time.

Fucks sake just typing this I'm remembering how fucking weird girls are. Hot and cold. You can never tell how they are feeling. If they seem down then you ask them how they are and it's "I'm fine".

"Ok that's good then".

"I'm not fine! If you actually cared about me then you'd know I'm not fine!"

If it wasn't for the nookie then I'm sure many guys would pack the whole thing in entirely. They love the attention yet don't like to be "crowded" by guys. WTF does that actually mean?

I just hope I find a girl that's fucking worth all of that. Jeeesus.

But, I'd arranged to meet her when I finished work today, and was really looking forward to seeing her. So I wasn't best chuffed when I went into my locker when I finished and saw a text from her saying she was off to the cinema with her mates instead.

Women, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em <_<

Oh, and I agree with kutski Fraser, you always seem to make sense.

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Then don't. Do what everyone else who's picking up does and drive through the pick up bit. You get something like 10 or 15 minutes waiting time. Drive back out and back in again if they're not there.

Its a bunch of females I'm picking up. By the time they've dragged the suitcases that are clearly too heavy for them, out to the pick-up-point, I'll have driven round the Airport about 10 times and probably burnt off the Parking fee in petrol!

I could suggest that they phone me when they reach the baggage hall - but that suggestion will likely be met with a series off groans.

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Really not looking forward to being charged about a tenner to park my car in Glasgow Airport tomorrow. Then f**k about in arrivals waiting for a flight to come in, while the folk through in the other hall are preparing to jet off to the sun. They'll be on some scorching beach while I'll be in Dundee !

That's the least of your worries fúckface - I'm on duty tomorrow! ;)

I assume you'll be greeting the relatives with the customary lederhosen and Nazi salute!? :rolleyes:

I'll be watching out for you Spewbo/NAZI!....... :ph34r:

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But, I'd arranged to meet her when I finished work today, and was really looking forward to seeing her. So I wasn't best chuffed when I went into my locker when I finished and saw a text from her saying she was off to the cinema with her mates instead.

To me, that just shows a complete lack of respect/caring. Maybe you feel like there is a lot at stake, but seriously, take her to task for it. Ask her why she arranged to meet you, then completely disregarded it to go to the cinema with her friend.

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Guest Dunc?
To me, that just shows a complete lack of respect/caring. Maybe you feel like there is a lot at stake, but seriously, take her to task for it. Ask her why she arranged to meet you, then completely disregarded it to go to the cinema with her friend.


Let her know about it, until she feels guilty enough to make it up to you with sexual favours.

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Some girls are just weird and hard to understand but if you find yourself saying it too often about your girlfriend, you probably shouldn't be with her.

I think going out with girls that were originally just friends is the best policy, because you know for sure that they're ace.

Some of the things I've done would have made most other girls cry, scream and get all arsey(I don't mean cheating) but because my gf and I actually understand each other it's fine.

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Let her know about it, until she feels guilty enough to make it up to you with sexual favours.

My ex just cried when she did a similar thing and I took her to task for it :(

If she wants to see her friends, that's fine, but it's pretty poor if she suddenly decides to go out with her friends after arranging to meet her boyfriend. You can only imagine how upset/suspicious/paranoid the girl would have been had SB went out with his mates rather than meet her when he'd arranged too.

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That's the least of your worries fúckface - I'm on duty tomorrow! ;)

I assume you'll be greeting the relatives with the customary lederhosen and Nazi salute!? :rolleyes:

I'll be watching out for you Spewbo/NAZI!....... :ph34r:

Should I then expect to be delayed a further thirty minutes as the veteran baggage handler takes his time ?

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But, I'd arranged to meet her when I finished work today, and was really looking forward to seeing her. So I wasn't best chuffed when I went into my locker when I finished and saw a text from her saying she was off to the cinema with her mates instead.

Women, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em <_<

I could certainly live without a woman like that.

Bin her! Fuck putting up with that.

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Should I then expect to be delayed a further thirty minutes as the veteran baggage handler takes his time ?

No, you can be expected to be arrested as a fascist foreigner "whose presence is not condusive to the public good". My 'K' Divison buddies have guns BTW! And I ain't no baggage handler, you twonk. :rolleyes:

Although I can have a word with my Aviance and Servisair chums and see what damage can be incurred between the flight and the baggage hall, before we rummage through all your parties belongings in the Customs Hall! :P

I'm assuming it's a standard 'bucket and spade' flight from somewhere shitty like Faro, Malaga or Alicante - around about lunchtime, yes? Should be easy to profile! ;)

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