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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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No, not justified at all. I've met Ayrgirl. xbl and Santana do not know me nor have ever met met so cannot have a justified opinion on my posting or behaviour! I know Rowan. No more need be said. BUST!

What the actual f**k? I've met Santana, Nizzy and The Arch but I don't go around calling them by names colloquially uncomfortable for them! What is your point caller?

So what if people haven't met you? It's the mannerisms you put forward on here upon which they judge you. If anything, surely they're in a better position to judge (more objectively) the way you conduct yourself on here.

"I know Rowan"

SO FUCKING WHAT? I know a lot of people, but it doesn't mean that there aren't those who find me thoroughly dislikeable! Those who I get on well with can still dislike elements of my personality! You've completely missed the point.

Kilt, you're acting like a fucking moron. Just f**k off.

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You could try spelling correctly, for a start! :P

They were my neighbours and local lads, and your boys 'fight' for the Yoker TOI? I doubt it very much, but can ask Paul, Chrissy and Beezer to check it out - oh, and are you suggesting I'm a peadophile? Are you? Go on , say it!! Paul, Bassa B, Stagey, Byron S and the rest lived by me. How could I not be inovolved if I wanted my hoose and family to stay in one piece. The Yoker TOI are no different from any other scheme.

Just hope your pants will wash and dry by tomorrow! ;)

"Byron S"


Sounds well hard.

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I'm eternally grateful for my neebur Scotty. We've known each other practically all of our lives and have that almost psychic knowledge of what each other is thinking.

He's my best man in November as a result. :)

Well, that's nice, but it doesn't help me! Now, you're going to sit there and figure out what I'm supposed to do with my own little mess. :angry:

I'm glad I went to bed when I did last night.

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Guest BullyWee1878


There should probably be some research done by the relevant authorities as it seems with all the cock that Kilt has been getting its sending him even more crazy.

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lol, if the authorities are going for bisexual pagan kilt-wearing weird-beards then I guess I'll live a full and prosperous life before they get to my grouping within society.

The last four pages go excellently with a strawberry Cornetto.

Edited by vikingTON
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There should probably be some research done by the relevant authorities as it seems with all the cock that Kilt has been getting its sending him even more crazy.

I can't really be arsed to tell you to Fúck Off You Tedious Cúnt anymore - just take it as a given now you obnoxious excused for a pice of humanity.

Whatever you get - I hope it's serious! :)

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Or maybe the people who feel uncomfortable with the way he posts/reply could just put him on ignore. :rolleyes:

I'd love to, but like all the horrible things that make you cringe, you just can't look away!

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"Salutations old chap. My name is Byron S and I fully intend on giving you a jolly good lancinating."

Without the use of my ear trumpet, which is currently away being de-waxed, I couldn't quite hear your outpourings, however I suspect they were of the pugnacious variety and were that the case I should tell you that when the nurse next visits to help me from this ghastly bath chair I will not hesitate to present you with a bunch of fives. Stand down sir!

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