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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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, my mum has fibromyalgia (a rare, whole of body arthritis type condition) and

My uncle has that and it is so debilitating. His was misdiagnosed as ME for years but it was confirmed as fibromyalgia few years back.

I came home sharp as Dr's said my Grandfather ony had couple days left due to phnumonia, I haven't seen him in years as he's completly demented. Mum and Dad went to the care home today and he's rallied and sitting up! This may sound cruel but it would just be fairer if he went as he has no life and is an empty shell.

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My uncle has that and it is so debilitating. His was misdiagnosed as ME for years but it was confirmed as fibromyalgia few years back.

I came home sharp as Dr's said my Grandfather ony had couple days left due to phnumonia, I haven't seen him in years as he's completly demented. Mum and Dad went to the care home today and he's rallied and sitting up! This may sound cruel but it would just be fairer if he went as he has no life and is an empty shell.

Yeah, my mum was misdiagnosed for 7 years and given umpteen treatments and operations for totally unrelated conditions.

Sorry to hear about your grandfather, C.J

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The bird I was meant to be going out with tonight cant go as she has had a family member who has had a stroke and is now up in Inverness. Quite night in for me then.

Party tomorrow night tho! :D

The sympathy is just dripping off this post.

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Bit of a rant here, so feel free to not read any of it.

I was at supported study last night, and my ex stormed in with the biggest scowl ever. Seriously, if she looked someone in the eye with it they'd be dead within seconds. I haven't spoken to her in, ooft, probably since we split up, so it was pretty awkward when she was sitting in front of me. We had to sign this wee register thing to show we attended the extra help, and it just happened to be that I had to pass it to her. So, politely, I called on her name, and as I did, she started to ruffle her hair or something, turn round right at me, gave me a massive growler and turned away. Not even a thank you, or a ta, just a look straight in my eyes and turned round. What a fucking boot, if you don't like me, so fucking be it, but at least have some common bloody courtesy and have some goddamn manners you piece of shit.

Feels better typing that all out. :lol:

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I hate referees.
It's not that I hate referee's, well, I do hate referee's, but only for the time they are refereeing. It doesn't help that I'm a horrible, complaining, yappy, dirty b*****d when I play football, but referee's always seem to take exception to the fact that I volley people off the ball, or trip defenders up when they're running back to goal.
Count yourself lucky. I'd hate me if I were a referee.

I'm much the same (albeit with much less ability and pace ;) )

The majority of my bookings or 'talkings to' are for talking back to referees or silly fouls, very rarely for 'worthwhile' offences.

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