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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Don't worry, it gets a bit easier as you get a bit older.

It was probably down to the fact she was younger than me, and not quite as mature as she thought she was.

I haven't had to deal with any hassle like that for sometime, and I can't say I miss it. Then again, things will likely be different this time around. Even if I do go out with a girl who is a year or two younger than myself this time, at least there's a higher chance of her being less likely to start jumping to the wrong conclusions over nothing.

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Guest The Phoenix

Just tell her she can do what (or should that be who) ever she likes, as long as she buys you popcorn and you get to watch.

I believe we may have pinpointed where you're going wrong in your continuing quest for cherry popping.

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I believe we may have pinpointed where you're going wrong in your continuing quest for cherry popping.


On our drive into work this morning, George Bowie was going on about getting pelters from his Mrs for being "too nice" and opined that he couldn't understand how being "too nice" was a problem. I (stupidly) merely commented out loud that I knew how he felt, when the accusation of being "sickly, slushy and romantically sentimental" was levelled at me.

So I said "Shut it, big bum" and was told "that's better".

Wimmin, just accept that you are never going to be right!dry.gifrolleyes.gif

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Wimmin, just accept that you are never going to be right!dry.gifrolleyes.gif

Just to clarify, that should be "Wimmin (pah, grumble, moan, etc), (men should) just accept that you (ie us, the men) are never going to be right!

Ach bollox....I'll get my brain in gear by lunchtime.....sad.gif

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On our drive into work this morning, George Bowie was going on about getting pelters from his Mrs for being "too nice" and opined that he couldn't understand how being "too nice" was a problem. I (stupidly) merely commented out loud that I knew how he felt, when the accusation of being "sickly, slushy and romantically sentimental" was levelled at me.

So I said "Shut it, big bum" and was told "that's better".

Wimmin, just accept that you are never going to be right!dry.gifrolleyes.gif

I get the accusation that I'm too mean-spirited and uncaring towards the world and its many woes, which, to be quite frank, is entirely true so I can't take the huff about it.

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Cyclists really are scum of the earth, apart from female ones who wear low cut tops and cycle over cobbles.

Home Office under attack again then.....

‘Leading a healthier lifestyle and saving money on my commuting costs are the two main benefits for me,’ explains Lee, who has signed up to the Home Office’s cycle to work scheme.

Lee saved 30 per cent on the cost of his brand new bike, thanks to the government initiative.

The government’s cycle to work scheme – provided by Cycle Scheme means you can buy a new bike up to the value of £1,000 tax free from a network of more than 1,000 local, independent cycle stores.

The Home Office is serious about reducing travel-related emissions and encouraging more environmentally friendly modes of transport. All staff have a role in making this a reality by taking sustainability considerations into account in travel planning and encouraging others to do the same.


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I say "Jings!" quite a lot. Usually if I'm trying to avoid swearing.

Or, bizarrely, if there's anyone overtly English in the area. For some reason, English people make me talk like a Broons character.

Unfortunately, I live with an Englishman.

I don;t think I ever said "jings" before I lived down here. It's a strange one this. :huh:

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I don;t think I ever said "jings" before I lived down here. It's a strange one this. :huh:

Probably something to do with being oppressed!:D

FWIW, something similar seems to happen to me. Whenever I'm in England and under pressure (say, lost in an airport), I open my mouth to speak, and this weird teuchter accent (like Dunc, straight from the Broons) seems to escape. Its not planned, and I don't speak like that normally, but for some reason, I can't stop myself.

Help, I'm being oppressed! :(

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Not for that reason, just their general level of ignorance of the rules of the road and cycling merrily down the road through Holyrood Park, adjacent to the cycle path. c***s

So I'll put you down for a tenner for my Pedal For Scotland charity bike ride then wink.gif

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So I'll put you down for a tenner for my Pedal For Scotland charity bike ride then wink.gif

I have nothing against cycling for charity (unlike Perthshirebellend), but cyclists who don't use frikking cycle paths that they probably moaned for years to get the council to build at great expense to the taxpayer, and also cyclists who cycle side by side with a big queue of cars behind really f**k me off. Every frikking day on my way to work this happens, one day i will snap and end up running one of the c***s over.

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Not for that reason, just their general level of ignorance of the rules of the road and cycling merrily down the road through Holyrood Park, adjacent to the cycle path. c***s

I would offer some sort of protest, as an ex-cyclist myself (knees got too creaky), but I witnessed one today who merrily ignored the red traffic light as applying to them and whizzed across the junction with the rest of the pedestrians crossing at the Green Man signal.dry.gif

You're right - bunch of c***s!mad.gif

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I would offer some sort of protest, as an ex-cyclist myself (knees got too creaky), but I witnessed one today who merrily ignored the red traffic light as applying to them and whizzed across the junction with the rest of the pedestrians crossing at the Green Man signal.dry.gif

You're right - bunch of c***s!mad.gif

I had forgotten those c***s that disregard traffic lights as having any relation to them, RAAAAAARRRRGGHHHH. CUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNTS. Ah, that's better.

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you know that bit - you know the bit- in four weddings, yes I know I dont like it either but its relevant to this gripe so just go with it for now, where grant is at a wedding and get stuck at a table with every possible evil ex that he's ever had?

I just had this experience at a function I was just at. safe to say I finished the meal, drained the bar of decent beer and left sharpish I suppose its enough I showed face,

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