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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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My mother died earlier. What a Merry Fucking Christmas this is going to be.

I'm so sorry to hear that. My first Christmas without my mum was a terrible time but we got together as a family and it brought us closer together. We spent a lot of time talking about her and even managed to have a few laughs about some of our memories of her . You just get through it as best you can but the first few years are hard.

I know that this is a terrible time for you and I can only send you my honest sympathy as another human being. Talk about how you are feeling with somebody close to you if you can as it does help a little bit. Hard to say anything which will mean much to you. Hope that you can get through it and have people around you for support.

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I'm so sorry to hear that. My first Christmas without my mum was a terrible time but we got together as a family and it brought us closer together. We spent a lot of time talking about her and even managed to have a few laughs about some of our memories of her . You just get through it as best you can but the first few years are hard.

I know that this is a terrible time for you and I can only send you my honest sympathy as another human being. Talk about how you are feeling with somebody close to you if you can as it does help a little bit. Hard to say anything which will mean much to you. Hope that you can get through it and have people around you for support.

Yeah, ditto to all of that. I've been there too - it's not easy and the first few years are hard.

Keep posting, Mozzamozza whenever you can.

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I've just finished work for the year and been to the shops for last minute drinks etc. It was incredibly busy, and people seemed to be cramming things into their trolleys as if the Mayans have got it right about tomorrow. I'm sure many people have families coming round, but I saw one guy lift TEN 1kg tins of Quality Street into his trolley.

Is all this squalid excess really necessary? :(

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I've just finished work for the year and been to the shops for last minute drinks etc. It was incredibly busy, and people seemed to be cramming things into their trolleys as if the Mayans have got it right about tomorrow. I'm sure many people have families coming round, but I saw one guy lift TEN 1kg tins of Quality Street into his trolley.

Is all this squalid excess really necessary? :(

Hallmarks of a beast IMO. Those sweets will be placed in a luring trail.

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First time I've been at home during the day for ages - is this cold calling bombardment thing pretty standard? dry.gif

Saying that, this was a new one.

"Hi, my name is Jack Hofferman (odd name for someone with an Indian / Pakistani accept, but hey) and I have noticed that your computer has reported an error"

"I don't own a computer".

"Everybody must own a computer"

"I live in the north of Scotland"

"OK, thank you for your time."


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I've just finished work for the year and been to the shops for last minute drinks etc. It was incredibly busy, and people seemed to be cramming things into their trolleys as if the Mayans have got it right about tomorrow. I'm sure many people have families coming round, but I saw one guy lift TEN 1kg tins of Quality Street into his trolley.

Is all this squalid excess really necessary? :(

Did you get his address?We can all go round for a sweetie

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I've just finished work for the year and been to the shops for last minute drinks etc. It was incredibly busy, and people seemed to be cramming things into their trolleys as if the Mayans have got it right about tomorrow. I'm sure many people have families coming round, but I saw one guy lift TEN 1kg tins of Quality Street into his trolley.

Is all this squalid excess really necessary? :(

It's not necessary. If we are going to die, what's the point in stocking up on food? You're going to be unable to eat it. You'll be dead.

Silly humans.

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or pronounce, "definitely"

Aye, it's not 'definetly' so why pronounce it that way? Occam's razor would say that the folk doing this (usually Glasgwegians) simply lack the basic reading or literacy skills most of us take for granted. Although many West Coast accents can be painful on the ear at times, this 'word' always bring out the worst in it.

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Aye, it's not 'definetly' so why pronounce it that way? Occam's razor would say that the folk doing this (usually Glasgwegians) simply lack the basic reading or literacy skills most of us take for granted. Although many West Coast accents can be painful on the ear at times, this 'word' always bring out the worst in it.

West coast accents are great, it's those mumbling teuchter accents that do your head in.

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Aye, it's not 'definetly' so why pronounce it that way? Occam's razor would say that the folk doing this (usually Glasgwegians) simply lack the basic reading or literacy skills most of us take for granted. Although many West Coast accents can be painful on the ear at times, this 'word' always bring out the worst in it.

Every Scottish footballer seems to start every sentence with it, in an interview.

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First time I've been at home during the day for ages - is this cold calling bombardment thing pretty standard? dry.gif

Saying that, this was a new one.

"Hi, my name is Jack Hofferman (odd name for someone with an Indian / Pakistani accept, but hey) and I have noticed that your computer has reported an error"

"I don't own a computer".

"Everybody must own a computer"

"I live in the north of Scotland"

"OK, thank you for your time."


Oh god, I know the one. Virtually everone I know has had that cold call about your computer.

Basically its somebody who phones up, says that your computer is reporting an error (sometimes the guy claims to be from microsoft) and they tell you that your computer has a virus and you need to buy their anti-virus software.

Vaguely recall somebody telling me that the company responsible for those calls got in a bit of shit for it.

Cold callers usually don't annoy me, because I'm far too zen to do a Stuart Dickson and start frothing at the mouth with rage at someone having the audacity to take me away from my 14 plasma-screen TV's by calling me to do a 5 minute survey on behalf of some market research company.

The calls mentioned above grate, however, because they are literally lying through their teeth by pretending to be from Microsoft. I know that some poor saps will be taken in and spend £44.99 on antivirus software they don't really need which they've been scared into buying but using such tactics doesn't sit well with me.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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First time I've been at home during the day for ages - is this cold calling bombardment thing pretty standard? dry.gif

Saying that, this was a new one.

"Hi, my name is Jack Hofferman (odd name for someone with an Indian / Pakistani accept, but hey) and I have noticed that your computer has reported an error"

"I don't own a computer".

"Everybody must own a computer"

"I live in the north of Scotland"

"OK, thank you for your time."


One of our asian cousins phoned me last year with a similar tale. Told him my computer couldn't possibly have a fault because it was water powered and I ran it directly from the river outside my house.

Strangely enough, he had difficulty grasping this concept!

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