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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Folk that don't use the tongs provided to pick up bread and pastries in the bakery bit at supermarkets. They are disgusting clatty b*****ds.

While I do use the tongs, surely it isn't an issue if you take the bread that you pick up? Isn't it only an issue if you have a rummage around or put it back again?

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While I do use the tongs, surely it isn't an issue if you take the bread that you pick up? Isn't it only an issue if you have a rummage around or put it back again?

I think the point is, if someone before you has a rummage around and paws all the rolls, then you stroll in 5 minutes later and pick up one that their bad AIDS infested hand has touched.

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While I do use the tongs, surely it isn't an issue if you take the bread that you pick up? Isn't it only an issue if you have a rummage around or put it back again?

You could drag your sleeve over a roll that you don't pick up. It's best just to go with the tongs.

That said the tongs are also probably fuckin' filthy and never cleaned, which is why I like the greaseproof paper solution best.

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Might be a bit of an unpopular view, but is it really that big an issue? Again, I use the tongs out of politeness, but I reckon part of the reason why people are becoming sicker and sicker despite being cleaner and cleaner, is our fanatical obsession with germs. Is it really THAT big a deal? Don't we need some of those germs to help build an immune system?

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This is very true. The exception is if they use a bit of greaseproof paper as a kind of mitt. But folk who just use their bare hands... absolute scum.

Yeah but the folk I just watched doing it just wired straight in using the same hand they probably used to wipe shit off their dangleberried arse while failing to wash their hands afterwards.

I'll fucking bake my own tonight.

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Might be a bit of an unpopular view, but is it really that big an issue? Again, I use the tongs out of politeness, but I reckon part of the reason why people are becoming sicker and sicker despite being cleaner and cleaner, is our fanatical obsession with germs. Is it really THAT big a deal? Don't we need some of those germs to help build an immune system?

There's a difference between going all Howard Hughes and having someone with a cold handle your bread. There's a safe middle ground.

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I worked in a supermarket in my youth, and the amont of people you see handling food who don't look like they have had a wash in weeks was disgusting.

I remember once seeing some stinking old guy pick up donuts outside the bakers, lick the icing off and put it back down again

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I think this is probably one of the more petty complaints but the use of the word 'must' as a preface to any argument you see in a newspaper comment piece - either it's on the increase, or I'm simply more aware of it but i hate it when you see something like 'the government MUST do X' or 'the Chancellor MUST do Y'

It's presumptious and arrogant is what it is, it should say 'we believe' or 'there is some advantage in course x' not as authoritative I suppose, but I guess it's the very presumption of authority from these half bright hacks that grates on my nerves. Especially when you see it deployed on both sides of the one argument: 'he MUST do y' followed by another commentator saying 'he must do x'

Makes me think these newspapers are run by a battery of grumpy cats.....

Edited by renton
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I think this is probably one of the more petty complaints but the use of the word 'must' as a preface to any argument you see in a newspaper comment piece - either it's on the increase, or I'm simply more aware of it but i hate it when you see something like 'the government MUST do X' or 'the Chancellor MUST do Y'

It's presumptious and arrogant is what it is, it should say 'we believe' or 'there is some advantage in course x' not as authoritative I suppose, but I guess it's the very presumption of authority from these half bright hacks that grates on my nerves. Especially when you see it deployed on both sides of the one argument: 'he MUST do y' followed by another commentator saying 'he must do x'

Makes me think these newspapers are run by a battery of grumpy cats.....

You MUST learn to chill.

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To carry on with the bakery point. I was in Morrisons the other week and went to help myself to some rolls and when I went to pick them up (with the tongs) I noticed that one basket was crawling with wee bugs! Needless to say I didn't buy any and probably won't in future.

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I need to phone someone back and it's pretty important I think. It's just the football is in and I can't be bothered atm. Still I'll get round to it eventually.

Oh aye and I've got man flu.

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Naps. I can never nap properly. I either nap for twenty minutes and feel horrible when I get up, or nap for about an hour and feel slightly less groggy but it means it'll take me ages to get to sleep at night. The latter happened this evening and when my alarm woke me up I tried to just go back to sleep and it wasn't for happening. I'm really tired but I'm going to be up until about 2am...

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I bet that the guys who work in Bakery departments use the tongs supplied to hold their tadger when they go for a piss and then have a right laugh at the germ phobics.

As a lad I used to work in a supermarket deli. If there was an utter c**t of a customer who required something from through the back, they would always get an added extra, the most hygienic being a big greener.

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