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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People who don't call their husband/wife/partner/children by their names when talking about them to other people, and refer to them as 'him/her/missus' etc. A few of my colleagues are bad for this. "I'm meeting up with the missus after work", "had to go home and make him his tea", "he was up at 5am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep". I've been working with a guy for nearly two years now and only recently did I find out what his wife was called. Why do people do this? It would be ok if the other person knew them personally, but it is ok to do this when they've never met them?!

Not sure I'm understanding this. Surely people refer to "the missus" in order to prevent having to constantly explain who "Sally/Barry/Charmaine/whatever" is? Sounds like you've got your whole rationale backwards.

Maybe it's just that I've never worked anywhere that anyone gave a single f**k about the people they work with. Also, I've always got the impression that most people hate their spouses, which explains the whole "he/she/it" thing. I've worked with several people who seemed one snore away from hacking off their husband's genitals; the use of third-person pronouns seemed positively warm in comparison to the rest of the stuff that came out of their mouths.

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You should watch some James Randi videos on youtube, it's funny when he calls them out on the bullshit.

I don't know who he is, but I like his name.

Does he drive weirdcal's Free Candy van?

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Zane Lowe and his constant ass kissing.

I like most of the music he plays but some of it is shit and he bangs on about it as if it's the next best thing.

Fern Cotton is exactly the same.

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I need a new job. And for once I am motivated to fo something about it.

been feeling like this for three years, finally got my finger out & handed my notice in at work in the family business. Finish at end of October & no fucking clue what I'm going to do...

Any P&Bers give me some advice...


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been feeling like this for three years, finally got my finger out & handed my notice in at work in the family business. Finish at end of October & no fucking clue what I'm going to do...

Any P&Bers give me some advice...


Depends on what you want to do. Police Scotland are recruiting right now

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been feeling like this for three years, finally got my finger out & handed my notice in at work in the family business.

They didn't make you an offer you couldn't refuse?

I'm with NBB; +1 gigolo.

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been feeling like this for three years, finally got my finger out & handed my notice in at work in the family business. Finish at end of October & no fucking clue what I'm going to do...

Any P&Bers give me some advice...


Become a boss.

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Depends on what you want to do. Police Scotland are recruiting right now

thanks Rico but I fear I may be too old already at 38...?

In the family business eh? Have you considered becoming a Gigolo?

Is there a demand for middle aged, overweight, balding men in this industry?

They didn't make you an offer you couldn't refuse?

Yep, I thought about it and refused it... Not really about money etc, I just want some kind of life back so I can watch my kids grow.

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thanks Rico but I fear I may be too old already at 38...?

Got that Monday morning feeling? Need a new challenge? We're recruiting police officers now http://bit.ly/1wbAM0g #PolScotRecruit

"Cast aside any doubts or fears about your age" - advice from PC Siobhan Dickson who joined at 41 http://bit.ly/1uF4YRq #PolScotRecruit

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y274n3aJ_normal.pngPolice Scotland @policescotland · Sep 21

"Cast aside any doubts or fears about your age" - advice from PC Siobhan Dickson who joined at 41 http://bit.ly/1uF4YRq #PolScotRecruit

Good lord. I'd think about it myself, if I wasn't so fat and useless.

And, come on, chaps - PC Dickson looks like she's pure filth!


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I might join the Rozzers :)

ETA: fcuk all to do with that munter though.

I've been giving it some thought aswell for a career change.

I'd probably be happy doing a Reg from The Bill, 20 years later and still a PC

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