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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Just took my sock off and it's swollen to f**k, presume if I'd broke it then it would be too painful to put weight on it? #p&bmedicaladvice

Where is it? Probably ligaments if you can do that. Done them twice playing football, sure doctor told me I would've been better off breaking my ankle as it heals quicker and properly, got to build your ligaments back up

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Just took my sock off and it's swollen to f**k, presume if I'd broke it then it would be too painful to put weight on it? #p&bmedicaladvice

Hopefully, shouldve just pussied out the tackle

Paging Dr Throbber; Dr Throbber to the PTTGOYN!

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Schools being off (in Dumfries anyway) due to a daft bit of snow. Or to be more precise, being off with conditions that would NEVER have passed for 'Schools Closed' when I was at school :angry: Seriously. When I was at school we would never have been off on a day like today. The world's gone mad I tell ye!

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Schools being off (in Dumfries anyway) due to a daft bit of snow. Or to be more precise, being off with conditions that would NEVER have passed for 'Schools Closed' when I was at school :angry: Seriously. When I was at school we would never have been off on a day like today. The world's gone mad I tell ye!

They used to make us shovel show off the paths :(

My father loves to tell about how Ayrshire Council used to drag the cripples out to clear the roads and grit the pavements on pain of losing benefits (or whatever passed for benefits when he was a wean). Nice snapshot of society's differing views on the disabled.

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Really enjoyed my time in the Cubs, and I don't remember anything remotely rapey. Might have helped that several of our scout leaders dosed our orange juice with rohypnol.

Funny, I don't remember us ever having orange juice.


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As Jupe has said the Sevco fans acting like they don't care is a total embarassment, making out the Rangers fans cared more about last seasons semi v Dundee United because they sold more tickets than they have for Hampden v Celtic (have Rangers not sold out their Hampden allocation????)

No surprise to see 8 at the heart of it having a disaster

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As Jupe has said the Sevco fans acting like they don't care is a total embarassment, making out the Rangers fans cared more about last seasons semi v Dundee United because they sold more tickets than they have for Hampden v Celtic (have Rangers not sold out their Hampden allocation????)

No surprise to see 8 at the heart of it having a disaster

TBH both sides are as bad as the other in this case, and going by the punters I've spoken to have been having poisonous wee wet dreams about the fixture since it was announced. The odd thing about this one is that both sides are going out of their way to prove how not bothered about it they are: loads of damage limitation from one side in as much as the result however much of a pumping is an irrelevance, and the other side taking out newspaper ads to show how not bothered they are.

Having the fixture back is about as welcome to the rest of us as having smallpox back.

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Trying to finish off my SVQ for Quantity Surveying atm. Done everything Quantity Surveying related and now have to do about 80 questions on a load of shite about health and safety.

I don't give a flying f**k how you should manage hazardous waste or a permit to work system for machinery and all the associated legislation I'm no a site manager!!! I get to site about once every 2 weeks for a few hours FFS.

Lot of shite. Not a scooby why this is compulsory for me to do. One of these things where I'll answer them and I'll never ever have to know again.

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Trying to finish off my SVQ for Quantity Surveying atm. Done everything Quantity Surveying related and now have to do about 80 questions on a load of shite about health and safety.

I don't give a flying f**k how you should manage hazardous waste or a permit to work system for machinery and all the associated legislation I'm no a site manager!!! I get to site about once every 2 weeks for a few hours FFS.

Lot of shite. Not a scooby why this is compulsory for me to do. One of these things where I'll answer them and I'll never ever have to know again.

:lol: :lol:

All building related courses have it as mandatory. That said I'm meant to do with every time I go out, which is virtually every day. Monitoring things like slip hazards and potential risks to my health in someone's homes. Not that I do it, it's H&S gone mad for sure. It's getting ridiculous really.

They do all this, but then don't teach you the first thing about talking to people and actually having to interact.

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:lol: :lol:

All building related courses have it as mandatory. That said I'm meant to do with every time I go out, which is virtually every day. Monitoring things like slip hazards and potential risks to my health in someone's homes. Not that I do it, it's H&S gone mad for sure. It's getting ridiculous really.

They do all this, but then don't teach you the first thing about talking to people and actually having to interact.


I know. I sat and did an E-Learning thing in here the other day for this SVQ. Honestly the biggest heap of shite. Was an hour and a half long and it was all about how you should sit at your desk!!! It covered how you should be sitting, how your feet should be, head, neck, shoulders, eyes etc etc etc and then went into all the potential risks of not sitting correctly and then a Q and A thing on it in the end.

I completed this whilst being sunk right back into my chair sitting exactly the way the thing was telling me not to. :lol:

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Had to use my first aid training this morning after an older man slipped on ice and cracked his skull.

His eyes were in the back of his head and he didn't have a scooby where he was.

He walked with assistance in to the ambulance though so hopefully he is alright with no lasting damage.

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I know. I sat and did an E-Learning thing in here the other day for this SVQ. Honestly the biggest heap of shite. Was an hour and a half long and it was all about how you should sit at your desk!!! It covered how you should be sitting, how your feet should be, head, neck, shoulders, eyes etc etc etc and then went into all the potential risks of not sitting correctly and then a Q and A thing on it in the end.

I completed this whilst being sunk right back into my chair sitting exactly the way the thing was telling me not to. :lol:

I did the exact same one last week, with the laptop on my knees whilst lounging in my chair!

The worst ones how to lift a box correctly. Basically says get someone to help, it's all such basic stuff it's unreal, yet we're made to do it. Yet at the same time I can go out on my own in blizzard conditions and nobody would know where I was if I didn't update my calendar, ohh well.

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