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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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You don't say 15 mins to 4, you say quarter to, therefor quarter of an hour is acceptable.

Not the same thing though. If saying "a quarter of an hour" was shorter than saying "fifteen minutes" (like "quarter to four" is shorter than saying "fifteen minutes to four" then I could understand. It's actually 3 syllables longer though. There is absolutely no need for it.

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Old firm day. Scotland's shame, when the very worst sections of Scottish society come out from under their rocks. No matter what happens, football loses. I'd love it if both clubs could go somewhere else and take their fans with them. Spare a thought for all those wives who'll be used as punch bags today.

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Old firm day. Scotland's shame, when the very worst sections of Scottish society come out from under their rocks. No matter what happens, football loses. I'd love it if both clubs could go somewhere else and take their fans with them. Spare a thought for all those wives who'll be used as punch bags today.

On a brighter note, it will be Sports Direct Soccer Team's biggest crowd of the season.

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I think this shift away from using simple fractions for reporting the time is a mental arithmetic thing. Until recently, it was just the way everyone was taught to think of time, but kids don't seem to be taught to perform these quick standard calculations now.

The same seems to be true of reporting the time in "minutes to" the hour. Last couple of times I've been asked the time, I've been looked at like an alien when I responded, say, "25 to 4". I think the accepted form among younger folks would be 3:35.

Works the other way too; there are plenty of older folk who struggle with the 24-hour clock on bus timetables and the like. Americans seem to have big problems with it too - I was told several times that only servicemen use it, and it's called "military time" over there.

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One of the pads on my glasses decided to split. Unfortunately it's silicon based, so I ended up with silicon all over my face and a pair of very uneven, wonky glasses.

Lucky enough I had a pair of contacts in my bag.

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I think this shift away from using simple fractions for reporting the time is a mental arithmetic thing. Until recently, it was just the way everyone was taught to think of time, but kids don't seem to be taught to perform these quick standard calculations now.

The same seems to be true of reporting the time in "minutes to" the hour. Last couple of times I've been asked the time, I've been looked at like an alien when I responded, say, "25 to 4". I think the accepted form among younger folks would be 3:35.

Works the other way too; there are plenty of older folk who struggle with the 24-hour clock on bus timetables and the like. Americans seem to have big problems with it too - I was told several times that only servicemen use it, and it's called "military time" over there.

I have to check with people when they give you a rough time like " the back of five". Is it this side of 5, or the other side? I'm a bit thick though.

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Not the same thing though. If saying "a quarter of an hour" was shorter than saying "fifteen minutes" (like "quarter to four" is shorter than saying "fifteen minutes to four" then I could understand. It's actually 3 syllables longer though. There is absolutely no need for it.

You don't say all the syllables though. It's more like quarter fnowr. One less.

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When you are in work, and someone says to your workmate "good weekend".

Now everyone knows its just a phrase. Not this guy. We then get about half an hour of details about where he went for dinner, what film he saw etc.

I want to punch him

Or people who go out of their way to ask supervisors or managers if they had a good weekend and kid on they like everything they say.

Wow, rockclimbing really? Well you do look strong, must be all those gym sessions paying off. New shoes eh? Wow, really they really suit you.

Worst thing is that pish actually works.

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I hate it when someone asks you the time and the minute hand is directly in the middle of two numbers so you don't know which one to use

Imagine asking someone the time and seeing them stand looking gormlessly at their wrist like they've never seen a fucking watch before

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USB drives going in on the third attempt (second turn). Problem is when you race over the 2nd attempt to get to the third and then you need a forth.

Scum of the earth, and yes I book that shit in the company timesheet.

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