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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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How many other colour options are available Mozza? Saying that, beige is more a state of mind than a real colour

When you get to Mozza's age beige is the best colour for showing up dribble stains when you don't want a job.

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I'll tell you what gets on my wick, when people are speaking and put an 'r' in the middle or end of words when it shouldn't be there. People have started to talk about "drawrings" (drawings), or they "sawr" (saw) something, or the old favourite "lawrandorder" (law and order). Just a few examples of this rapidly increasing habit. I sometimes think friends and colleagues do it deliberately to wind me up, (which it obviously does), because the same people were not talking like this a year or so ago. Newsreaders, TV and radio presenters are the same. Go back a year or two and they are talking properly, now they are all adding the extra "r" into words and the public follow like sheep. PLEASE STOP IT NOW!

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Interview tomorrow for a job that I dont want.

Might wear beige slacks.

I had one of those today, they arrived thirty mins late and when he did I took a pack of biscuits off his desk and told him thank you for wasting my time but I don't want the job. Edited by BaSeDG0DSA1NT
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^^^kens, been there, done that, got the pish stained breeks.

Too true. As a solidly middle aged man I'm thinking of setting up an advice line for those just entering it. I'm a font of information on piles, dribbles etc. Could make a killing.

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One of my interviewers is also a former politician of fairly prominent standing.

I wish I had a pair of yellow breeks.

Would this ex MP enjoy Railways and Rail Travel by any chance..?

Anyway, if the job up for grabs isnae to your liking why not wear something from your Mrs wardrobe.? At least that way you are more than likely offered the job, but you get the satisfaction of 'politely declining' the opportunity.....

Mind and send the pics to PnB if you do, guaranteed Gold Thread I reckon..

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We're getting paid on Friday because Monday is a bank holiday 8).

My work somehow managed to think the Monday just gone was a bank holiday and fucked everyone's shifts up.

I'll tell you what gets on my wick, when people are speaking and put an 'r' in the middle or end of words when it shouldn't be there. People have started to talk about "drawrings" (drawings), or they "sawr" (saw) something, or the old favourite "lawrandorder" (law and order). Just a few examples of this rapidly increasing habit. I sometimes think friends and colleagues do it deliberately to wind me up, (which it obviously does), because the same people were not talking like this a year or so ago. Newsreaders, TV and radio presenters are the same. Go back a year or two and they are talking properly, now they are all adding the extra "r" into words and the public follow like sheep. PLEASE STOP IT NOW!



Or Jessicar Ennis

Jessica Rennis, as Brendan Foster likes to call her

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