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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Is there even a subway in Elgin?

Heard there was a mass frenzy a couple year ago when a kfc was opened

The highlands seem there about 30 years behind everything.

There's been a subway in Elgin for what, nearly 10 years?

I'm glad that Elgin isn't in the highlands, though.

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Did anyone else hear this headcase on the BBC Scotland phone in hour today?

Rosie Kane

Was on in relation to the story about the female barrister on LinkedIn who went off the nut when some older dude said she was "stunning" and shared the screenshots on Twitter. Link

Like walking on fucking eggshells, any mention of a female's appearance had her wailing like a banshee. I can't be sure without listening again, but pretty sure it included a muffled "f**k off, mate" directed at a male caller.

I had the misfortune of hearing the entire show today and have never wanted to kick anyone in the pie as much as that feminist psychopath. It takes a special kind of loonball to take the extraordinary leap of linking a compliment on someone's looks on the web to violence against women.

My favourite moment was when she continued to refer to women as "we" as though she spoke for every female on the planet until a woman phoned up and basically told her to shut the f**k up.

Also when the guy told her that Charlotte Proudman had been discovered to have a history of complimenting guys on facebook and Rosie's response was "Yes but people are looking for compliments on their facebook photos"?!

I'm going to stop now because I could rant about Rosie and Charlotte's feminazi agenda all night.

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After 5's the other week I went into Subway. I ordered a 6" (lol) and the (stunning) girl sandwich slave asked if I'd like to go footling for an extra 18p. I was lost in her eyes and just mumbled 'no'.

What a dickhead.

You did OK. Repeating the question to the stunning girl sandwich slave just makes you look creepy.

So I understand.

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Is there even a subway in Elgin?

Heard there was a mass frenzy a couple year ago when a kfc was opened

The highlands seem there about 30 years behind everything.

There was a frenzy when Krispy Kreme opened in Edinburgh.*

Possibly due to Edinburgh residents all being c***s.

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People who put Cryptic status on Facebook, either tell us what you mean or fucking don't put a status up you attention seeking p***ks. Also people on Facebook who communicate through emojis. Absolute cretins

Also known as Vaguebooking.

Post all of your facebook related frustration on here:


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In bars, when folk suddenly decide that the table you're using is a suitable replacement for the bar where they dump their empty glass.

WTF? :huh:

That deserves a Franco Begbie style explosion of rage IMO. Demonstrate that their colon makes for a more suitable replacement.

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My Dad always gets to the point where he's ridiculously tired and a tad drunk on Sunday mornings and refuses to leave me in peace to watch my shows (no not porn or babestation I'm no 12) and f**k off out the livingroom to his bed, so he's up for about 3 minutes, then asleep, then snoring ridiculously loud, then I wake him up and tell him, he refuses and denies this and then this process carries on again and again for a good 45 minutes to an hour.

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