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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Personal references.

A friend asked me for one and even though she's already in the job for 2 months, they sent thru the form. Need to fill out how I know her, how long for and the fact that she isn't an arsehole. Fine. Then they want to know her entire work history. Whatever. Print name, address, email, signature etc etc. Oh, and you have to do it twice - to cover two different time periods - even though the time periods are fecking consecutive. Emailed them for clarification. Was roundly ignored.
So scanned and emailed the whole lot back, INCLUDING their own covering letter and instructions as requested (maybe they've lost them).
Then got an email back almost instantly stating that there was a discrepancy in the work history dates between her version and mine and I'd have to do it all again.
FFS. Who the hell keeps a note of their friends' work history to the exact day? Do they not realise that the only way I'm going to get this info right is by asking her anyway? In which case what the f**k is the point in me writing it all out as well?

I think you've just been unfortunate enough to be sending the reference to an office where they don't have a clue what they're doing, although there are quite a few of those. Only had to write one personal reference so far, which was for a lassie entering the civil service, and all they wanted was a quick email. If anyone would be a nightmare for red tape, you'd think it'd be the government.

But yeah, MozzaMozza FTW :P

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Actually, scratch my last comment. That wasn't really an option. She lives down in England as well so it would still have been a helluva lot of back and forwards via email etc.

Wasn't even the government Dave. Some security company. Tempted to name and shame them, but I don't want to put my friends job in jeopardy.

Although, apparently it could be. Instructions warned me that any discrepancies between our versions of her work history, my failure to use the same coloured pen or handwriting for both copies of the reference, or the heinous act of forgetting to write my signature beside any mistakes I make, could mean she fails to get / keep her job.

What a farce.

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I think you've just been unfortunate enough to be sending the reference to an office where they don't have a clue what they're doing, although there are quite a few of those. Only had to write one personal reference so far, which was for a lassie entering the civil service, and all they wanted was a quick email. If anyone would be a nightmare for red tape, you'd think it'd be the government.

But yeah, MozzaMozza FTW :P

Her Majesty and I have streamlined the system to facilitate expedient recruitment of the correct staff.

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Have a wee word with her regarding road fund licence as mine is due at the end of the month. Ask what form she filled in for the free version she gets.. <_<


Her Majesty's Private SecretarySecretary would be happy to deal with such requests through the proper channels if DVLA has provided unsatisfactory service.

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Some Indian c**t, who is apparently mutual Facebook friends with two pals of mine, but who I have never heard of, has just shared a photo of me and my son to some other Indian c**t I've never heard of. My Facebook security settings are set to the highest possible setting, so these two c***s shouldn't be able to even see my pictures let alone share them. No idea how this has happened. I contacted Facebook and they have pulled the post and I have reported and blocked the two c***s. Worst part of it is that both the two profiles just seem to endlessly share photos of random babies with each other, and both appear to be adult men. I feel sick with anger.

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She must be hot, its looks like she's taking all her clothes off. I suspect the thermostat is broken in the office.

I'm sure I saw a movie where a repair man turned up to repair this faulty 'stat and she ended up taking off all her clothes. Obviously he couldnae fix it...

I never watched the rest as I'm not really into thermostat repairs...

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Seriously contemplating totally deleting my Facebook profile to avoid the possibility of anything like this ever happening again. The thought of some strangers poring over photos of my baby make me totally reviled and angry beyond belief.

Really quite important things that get on your nerves for this Pish.

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Some Indian c**t, who is apparently mutual Facebook friends with two pals of mine, but who I have never heard of, has just shared a photo of me and my son to some other Indian c**t I've never heard of. My Facebook security settings are set to the highest possible setting, so these two c***s shouldn't be able to even see my pictures let alone share them. No idea how this has happened. I contacted Facebook and they have pulled the post and I have reported and blocked the two c***s. Worst part of it is that both the two profiles just seem to endlessly share photos of random babies with each other, and both appear to be adult men. I feel sick with anger.

Seriously contemplating totally deleting my Facebook profile to avoid the possibility of anything like this ever happening again. The thought of some strangers poring over photos of my baby make me totally reviled and angry beyond belief.

Too late, Facebook already has your pictures; closing the account won't make any difference. The wean's probably already being used in advertising campaigns in foreign climes. If it makes you feel any better, the two chancers you're talking about are more likely to work for other advertising companies than to be looking for cheap thrills.

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Got to the bottom of it, sort of. They aren't two guys, they're one guy and his sister and they're quite old and are pals of my Indian friend's mum and live in Delhi. Apparently they're harmless and a bit dolly dimple, but I'm still pissed off and have sent word to them through my pal to act as interpreter. I'm not sure what the Hindi phrase is for "f**k off, c***s", but I'm sure they'll get the jist. Facebook, to their credit, acted immediately upon my complaining and removed the post and I've since blocked them and increased my security settings even more by removing the ability for friends of friends to see my posts, which is apparently how they saw it in the first place. A lesson learned and a fright had. I wasn't even aware until now that friends of friends could see my posts.

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Got to the bottom of it, sort of. They aren't two guys, they're one guy and his sister and they're quite old and are pals of my Indian friend's mum and live in Delhi. Apparently they're harmless and a bit dolly dimple, but I'm still pissed off and have sent word to them through my pal to act as interpreter. I'm not sure what the Hindi phrase is for "f**k off, c***s", but I'm sure they'll get the jist. Facebook, to their credit, acted immediately upon my complaining and removed the post and I've since blocked them and increased my security settings even more by removing the ability for friends of friends to see my posts, which is apparently how they saw it in the first place. A lesson learned and a fright had. I wasn't even aware until now that friends of friends could see my posts.

I take it that she's not very bonnie?

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Got to the bottom of it, sort of. They aren't two guys, they're one guy and his sister and they're quite old and are pals of my Indian friend's mum and live in Delhi. Apparently they're harmless and a bit dolly dimple, but I'm still pissed off and have sent word to them through my pal to act as interpreter. I'm not sure what the Hindi phrase is for "f**k off, c***s", but I'm sure they'll get the jist. Facebook, to their credit, acted immediately upon my complaining and removed the post and I've since blocked them and increased my security settings even more by removing the ability for friends of friends to see my posts, which is apparently how they saw it in the first place. A lesson learned and a fright had. I wasn't even aware until now that friends of friends could see my posts.

I work with loads of Indian guys, I'll get a team round to fill the c***s in.

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