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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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:lol: my mate got a Rolex as a gift for his 30th. Costs him a stupid amount annually to get it serviced.

f**k that

I'd just wear it as jewellery

I wear a watch all the time, if I go to check the time though 99 times out of 100 I'll pull my phone out my pocket instead of looking at my watch :lol:

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Annually? f**k that. My service book recommends a maintenance service every 2 years and a full service every 5. That's plenty enough for me. If I had to do it every year it would be getting punted I think.

Here's mine here, purely for showing off purposes...


If I ever get a ridiculously expensive watch, I've already got it picked out



Just the four grand :(

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Surely one of these fancy kinetic watches is the way forward. Do their batteries not last a lot longer than regular ones. My watch battery has ran out again and tbh whilst I really do like it, it doesn't go with anything I wear professionally which is why I've stopped wearing it.

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If I ever get a ridiculously expensive watch, I've already got it picked out



Just the four grand :(

Was that the one Walt wore on Breaking Bad? I've got a Tag as well, not in that price range though. :(

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Buses with the wrong time on their clocks, which means the majority of stagecoaches. And I'm not talking by minutes, I mean 6:24 when it's 11:56.

Selling my Nexus 7 on Gumtree and had a boy text me back and forward this morning. Turns out he can't come for it as he's in Glasgow.

Why not fucking read the advert and you'll see it's in Falkirk? Stop wasting both our time?

It's a well known fact that anything beyond the Castlecary Arches is seen as a massive expedition by a Weegie, and that they can't read of course.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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P&B'er just appeared on my Facebook timeline having a racist rant that begins with the classic "I'm not racist, but..."

Clearly not Reynard; he seemed to have given up the denials before being punted for his racism.

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Surely one of these fancy kinetic watches is the way forward. Do their batteries not last a lot longer than regular ones. My watch battery has ran out again and tbh whilst I really do like it, it doesn't go with anything I wear professionally which is why I've stopped wearing it.

I didn't even realise the thing was battery operated until it stopped. It gets sent down to Tunbridge Wells and I don't get it back for 4-6 weeks FFS. Meanwhile, I came back from that jewellers, took my DKNY watch down to the local jewellers who changed the battery in that for £3.99 in under 5 mins.

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