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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Radio in the office for background noise is good eleven months of the year............

Just take your constant irritating happy Christmas / Yuletide / Frosty the Snowman & c**t and fucking ram it.

Season Greetings one and all.


The sleigh bells can f**k off too.

6 Music is the answer

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When I was in London back in August, I seen the whole glued to your phone thing taken to a whole new level.

From the lassie who was on the tube trying repeatedly to get her pout photo just right to the guy who decided that crossing the road was the perfect time to change what tune he was listening too just as traffic came round the corner and had to stop for him.

Guy was in his 20s and still can't cross a road. Fuxake.

Edited by Gaz FFC
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Places like Frankie and Bennys/TGI's are pretty poor overall and definitely expensive for the standard of food you're getting, but I absolutely love buffalo wings and not too many places do them.

The buffalo wings are the one reason that I will countenance a visit to Di Maggios. They are as good as anything I had in new York.

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Congratulations to Parcel Force on becoming the new leaders in the F*cking Useless Delivery Company competition.

Somebody has signed for a parcel addressed to me, but the name doesn't match anyone in our building, there is no other card/info to suggest where it might be, and the squiggle masquerading as a signature looks like someone was testing their pen.

^^^^Seething, etc.

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Congratulations to Parcel Force on becoming the new leaders in the F*cking Useless Delivery Company competition.

Somebody has signed for a parcel addressed to me, but the name doesn't match anyone in our building, there is no other card/info to suggest where it might be, and the squiggle masquerading as a signature looks like someone was testing their pen.

^^^^Seething, etc.

That was probably me. Have you ever tried to do a proper signature on their handsets? Takes you back to primary 2 levels of calligraphy.

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Congratulations to Parcel Force on becoming the new leaders in the F*cking Useless Delivery Company competition.

Somebody has signed for a parcel addressed to me, but the name doesn't match anyone in our building, there is no other card/info to suggest where it might be, and the squiggle masquerading as a signature looks like someone was testing their pen.

^^^^Seething, etc.

What exactly does one do in this situation? I presume Parcelforce will give it "not our problem, guv'nor" and claim that they've fulfilled their end of the contract. I know you're supposed to sue your neighbour if they take in a parcel for you and keep it, but that's a bit hard to do if all you've got is a vague signature.

Not sure if I mentioned this, but I recently had a bit of brown cardboard shoved through the door with RETURNED TO DEPOT written on. Not even a mention of the courier firm they worked for, never mind a parcel number or anything else. Not a single f**k given. Impressive.

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30 second unskippable YouTube ads, especially when it shows the same one repeatable: The Celebrations Christmas ad ATm.

I've been getting some screamingly turgid ad about American soldiers returning home for Christmas, which somehow manages to include stuff about Facebook while not actually being a commercial for Facebook. Must have been exposed to it dozens of times by now and I still don't remember what it was an advert for, so clearly money well spent.

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I frequently get letters with "No entry (date)" written on the front. The date is invariably one where I was home in the morning to let anyone in anyway if necessary, which it isn't because the service button is on until half eleven. I'm sure living on the third floor has no bearing on this occurrence.

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