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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Anyone who asks for either Miller or Millers in a pub is a fucking peasant. Even if its literally the only thing they have.


Bad enough they ask for it.....but then they can't even get the bloody name right.

Should be an instant barring offence

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People who leave their trolleys perpendicular to the shelves, blocking the aisle.

People who leave their trolleys across the middle of the aisle while they dither about over whatever rubbish they plan on firing down the porcelain throne the next day.

People who block the entire aisle while discussing pressing issues of state with the braindead friend they've not seen in, ooh, at least two hours.

People who moan about what losers like themselves get up to in supermarkets with their wheeled metal cages of future faecal matter.


Me :angry:

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People who leave their trolleys perpendicular to the shelves, blocking the aisle.

People who leave their trolleys across the middle of the aisle while they dither about over whatever rubbish they plan on firing down the porcelain throne the next day.

People who block the entire aisle while discussing pressing issues of state with the braindead friend they've not seen in, ooh, at least two hours.

People who moan about what losers like themselves get up to in supermarkets with their wheeled metal cages of future faecal matter.


Me :angry:

I'm not a people person. What's quite bizarre is that my job, which includes selling to the public, brings me into contact with new people every day and based on our success I must be reasonably good at my job. I find that a conundrum.

However if I could avoid folk I generally would. I dislike when I'm on holiday and someone tries to strike up a conversation with me, usually about something totally irrelevant or trivial. It's different if it's an attractive woman but very rarely have attractive women have ever tried to start a conversation with me. I really don't blame them.

Edited by Granny Danger
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It's not really petty, it's fucking atrocious behaviour.

We have one microwave in the office and people put their stuff in for 2 minutes then f**k off for 10. I just took this woman's stuff out and put mine in. She is now moaning that she puts it on for 2 stirs it and then puts it on for 2 again. Well don't f**k off half way through then.

I'm utterly seething

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The vast majority of people in supermarkets are utter c***s who should not be trusted with a trolley.

I firmly believe there should be a test carried out and you should be licenced to enter a supermarket. Once you've passed that test, only then are you allowed entry.

Criteria to include but not be limited to:

Being ready to pay when the cashier tells you the amount

putting your trolley at the bottom of the bagging area so people on the other checkout can pass you

Not blocking the entrance/exit with three of your moronic friends and their trolleys to discuss the weather or any other shite

Not blocking aisles with three of your moronic friends and their trolleys to discuss the weather or any other shite

Looking where you are going with a trolley

Having everything you need when you get too the checkout, and not doing a last minute dash whilst your stuff is on the belt.

Exiting when you have paid and not stand at the bottom of the checkouts with three of your moronic friends and their trolleys to discuss the weather or any other shite

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There is genuinely a majority of the people who frequent my local Asda who are unable to use a trolley. The people who leave it in the middle of an aisle and go away to do something else (because clearly they're no longer as interested in shopping as they were originally), how do these people exist? How can anyone be stupid enough to think this is acceptable behaviour?

Edited by Miguel Sanchez
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It's not really petty, it's fucking atrocious behaviour.

We have one microwave in the office and people put their stuff in for 2 minutes then f**k off for 10. I just took this woman's stuff out and put mine in. She is now moaning that she puts it on for 2 stirs it and then puts it on for 2 again. Well don't f**k off half way through then.

I'm utterly seething

There are 3 microwaves in my office. Most people use 2 main in the canteen, everyone forgets about the wee secret one on the other side of our floor. utterly glorious as im in and out without this shit.

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It's not really petty, it's fucking atrocious behaviour.

We have one microwave in the office and people put their stuff in for 2 minutes then f**k off for 10. I just took this woman's stuff out and put mine in. She is now moaning that she puts it on for 2 stirs it and then puts it on for 2 again. Well don't f**k off half way through then.

I'm utterly seething

Tell her f**k off and then throw her lunch off the wall

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The vast majority of people in supermarkets are utter c***s who should not be trusted with a trolley.

I firmly believe there should be a test carried out and you should be licenced to enter a supermarket. Once you've passed that test, only then are you allowed entry.

Criteria to include but not be limited to:

Being ready to pay when the cashier tells you the amount

putting your trolley at the bottom of the bagging area so people on the other checkout can pass you

Not blocking the entrance/exit with three of your moronic friends and their trolleys to discuss the weather or any other shite

Not blocking aisles with three of your moronic friends and their trolleys to discuss the weather or any other shite

Looking where you are going with a trolley

Having everything you need when you get too the checkout, and not doing a last minute dash whilst your stuff is on the belt.

Exiting when you have paid and not stand at the bottom of the checkouts with three of your moronic friends and their trolleys to discuss the weather or any other shite

Add to that list the absolute scum that allow their children to get stuck into food before paying
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Add to that list the absolute scum that allow their children to get stuck into food before paying

Absolutely. Especially when it's something charged by weight. Oh he's ate the banana, just charge me for it. HOW THE f**k CAN THEY!?

I hate people in supermarkets.

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One more thing learned from the great world that is Pie and Bovril: PnBers don't like shopping. Chill folks :ph34r:

FWIW my biggest annoyance in supermarkets (mostly Tesco) is when you are being served by someone who is having a conversation with a co-worker. Don't get me wrong, I don't care if the cashier/assistant scans my items and doesn't utter a word to me; that's acceptable. But to speak to someone else while dealing with me is extremely fucking rude, especially if they've not so much as acknowledged me and have just been speaking with their colleague the whole time.

Self-service checkouts: one of the best initiatives ever! ;)

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