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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People who with they are better than others just because they have a different opinion. In the last few months I have seen a rise in people on FB and twitter who are either vegetarian or vegan posting link after link on stories about animal abuse and slaughter houses etc. I have no problem with these people's choice not to eat meat or farm produce, but don't ram it down my throat (totally not intentional btw!). It's my choice that I like to eat meat, I don't need other people to tell me otherwise.

Here's my PTTGOYN. People who go on Facebook and Twiiter then complain about what's on Facebook and Twitter.

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People who with they are better than others just because they have a different opinion. In the last few months I have seen a rise in people on FB and twitter who are either vegetarian or vegan posting link after link on stories about animal abuse and slaughter houses etc. I have no problem with these people's choice not to eat meat or farm produce, but don't ram it down my throat (totally not intentional btw!). It's my choice that I like to eat meat, I don't need other people to tell me otherwise.

Vegans were just born like that and cannot help their unfortunate condition.

Edited by WFAANW
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I have no problem with these people's choice not to eat meat or farm produce, but don't ram it down my throat (totally not intentional btw!).

Aye it's the gay vegans who really do my tits in. Do what you like, whatever. But don't mess with my kharma bitches.

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People who pick up their dogs shit in a little bag then proceed to launch the bag into the bushes so now what we have is bags of rancid dogshit swinging from every branch for 1000 years like a christmas tree from hell.

This really is all the rage these days, isn't it? Absolutely bizarre passive-aggressive behaviour.

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Enough is enough. We've had gale force winds all winter, it's time to stop building these wind generators everywhere.

Absolutely. There must be folk getting smacked in the face with wee baggies of dug shite all the time at the moment.

We should start a petition.

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A conversation every person has faced at least once in a bar/restaurant.

Waiter - can I get you something to drink?

Customer - can I have a cola please?

Waiter - we only have pepsi, is that ok?

Has anyone in the history of the world ever said no to this?

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A conversation every person has faced at least once in a bar/restaurant.

Waiter - can I get you something to drink?

Customer - can I have a cola please?

Waiter - we only have pepsi, is that ok?

Has anyone in the history of the world ever said no to this?

I did once. The Hibiscus in London didn't have it on draft so I couldn't get a pint of it.

I went for water instead.

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The "first one and a half touch" is the ability for a ball to be rolling towards you along the ground then for it to inexplicably jump off your toe into the air and bounce off your knee.

Maybe the player has Scottish lineage.

The half touch is the defence of a beast, as it doesn't exist they can say in court that they never abused anyone as it was only 'a half touch'

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