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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Also people who didn't give a f**k about people suffering from those diseases before contracting them, and suddenly are all over the media begging for research money. The usual reaction is how brave they are.

I've always given something of a fùck, but being diagnosed myself didn't turn me into some kind of hero - just the same bloke as yesterday, with added cancer. My subsequent support of McMillan is more down to the realisation of what a seriously amazing job those working in oncological treatment do (Hiya, Debbie, hiya Michelle!) and the shameful lack of funding allocated to this area. From the domestics to the consultants, everybody at Jimmy's just raises the spirits of all who have to come for treatment with their efficiently positive attitude.

Yet another charity which could deliver so much more if we weren't spunking billions on a fucking train line and nuclear weapons.
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16 minutes ago, supermik said:

You also forgot about people that die. They are always the best person in the world, a real salt of the earth who would do anything for anybody..... Most of the time they never leave a pot to piss in and some other poor fecker has to pay to bury them.

If they were young, they always had a "bubbly personality." And wherever they lived is "a close knit community."

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12 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I've always given something of a fùck, but being diagnosed myself didn't turn me into some kind of hero - just the same bloke as yesterday, with added cancer. My subsequent support of McMillan is more down to the realisation of what a seriously amazing job those working in oncological treatment do (Hiya, Debbie, hiya Michelle!) and the shameful lack of funding allocated to this area. From the domestics to the consultants, everybody at Jimmy's just raises the spirits of all who have to come for treatment with their efficiently positive attitude.

Yet another charity which could deliver so much more if we weren't spunking billions on a fucking train line and nuclear weapons.

Stop whining, you win the quiz every week.

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5 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

"The school's headteacher said he/she was an exemplary pupil, who was popular with the staff and the other pupils".

"A loveable rogue" or "cheeky chappy" invariably means "fucking arsehole who was widely disliked".

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2 hours ago, smpar said:

This might seem extremely harsh, but it does my head in nonetheless. When people have to shoehorn something - normally some kind of illness/disease - to claim that it's such a personal issue that affects nobody more than them.

For example, people giving to Cancer Research because it's "personally something that has affected me and my family." Is there honestly anyone in the country that doesn't know a close friend or family member who has had cancer?

See also; dementia, Alzheimer's, heart attacks and strokes.

You don't see so many people bragging about AIDS these days? :rolleyes:

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5 minutes ago, smpar said:

Aye, I bet Ewan McGregor doesn't give a penny to these charities.

He has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for kids' charities and delivered vaccines to remote settlements around the world. He doesn't steal napkins either. 

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He has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for kids' charities and delivered vaccines to remote settlements around the world. He doesn't steal napkins either. 

You're normally quite good at noticing sarcasm, unless I'm being whooshed myself?
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3 hours ago, supermik said:

You also forgot about people that die. They are always the best person in the world, a real salt of the earth who would do anything for anybody..... Most of the time they never leave a pot to piss in and some other poor fecker has to pay to bury them.


2 hours ago, Bold Rover said:

If they were young, they always had a "bubbly personality." And wherever they lived is "a close knit community."

I'd love to see comments about me if I died.

"Really popular fun loving guy committed to his work, widely respected by his colleagues."

When in actual fact this would be more apt;

"Daft juvenile tit who dicked about at work cos he was bored as f**k".


"He will be missed by his community"

Should be;

"Cunto hasn't spoken to anyone in his block of flats let alone his fucking neighbours."

Indeed taking it down to a really basic level and using an example already given;

"Salt of the Earth."

Should really be


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