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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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4 hours ago, supermik said:

Being sat at a table at wedding receptions with a load of unknown randoms.

Waiter put 2 sliced loafs and butter on the table. 3 daft bints decided to get wired in about it like they had never seen food in their lives. 

Waiter then arrives with the set starters for everyone.

Pate! To go with the now non existent bread. 


No cheese in the kitchen fridge then? Bummer.

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12 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Yeah, emailed an enquiry but nothing back from it.


8 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Yeah, emailed an enquiry but nothing back from it.

Try again. 3rd time lucky and all that!:P

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Rebranding. Highland Council are going mental for it, some tossers want to change Inverness Airport to Loch Ness Monster Airport or some shite. Even worse, some other overpaid consulcunt wants to change the Victorian Market to "Old Town Arcade Inverness". Wankers. 


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Mother in law left the lights on in her car today whilst visiting. Car did not have enough power to turn over. Sister in law had half inched my jumper cables when she did the same a month ago.

Two mechanics in the family who not only live local but have jumper cables (one being married to the half inching sister) I get home at half 6 to find this nightmare scenario has been going on since 12 and no sign of the mechanics who could sort this in a jiffy.

Get out my battery charger and realise my clamps have come a cropper at some point.

Masking tape and some fiddling with A stanley later and the thing is charging. Not good enough for mother in law and she demands a spin home. Nae bother hen. It's 7pm and I have two boys who haven't seen me all day.

One 20 min round trip later, battery replaced in car and it turns over first time and I have to reverse it round the house cause she parked in a daft place .




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Mother in law left the lights on in her car today whilst visiting. Car did not have enough power to turn over. Sister in law had half inched my jumper cables when she did the same a month ago.
Two mechanics in the family who not only live local but have jumper cables (one being married to the half inching sister) I get home at half 6 to find this nightmare scenario has been going on since 12 and no sign of the mechanics who could sort this in a jiffy.
Get out my battery charger and realise my clamps have come a cropper at some point.
Masking tape and some fiddling with A stanley later and the thing is charging. Not good enough for mother in law and she demands a spin home. Nae bother hen. It's 7pm and I have two boys who haven't seen me all day.
One 20 min round trip later, battery replaced in car and it turns over first time and I have to reverse it round the house cause she parked in a daft place .
The joys of....

You marry the family not the wife
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47 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

You're watching C4 News too? I'm seething.


They're all at it, mate.... Sky News, BBC Radio 4 news, BBC TV 6'o clock news.

The only person I've heard pronounce the word correctly has been Sally McNair on Reporting Scotland.

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