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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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8 minutes ago, Bert Raccoon said:

First World 80s problem was you would need to buy a Radio Times for BBC content AND a TV Times for ITV & Channel 4. Obviously I was a small child and it didn't affect me but the point still stands 

Wow, I'd forgotten about that.

Nostalgia is shite.

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The celebs won the 140k on the Chase earlier btw. Sean Wallace got his very first question wrong, which was an absolute banker. 
Why the f**k do they insult us with this pish. 
^^^Still seething
I once stumbled upon the American chase and it was the same, the chaser deliberately getting questions wrong to keep it interesting.
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8 hours ago, Am Featha *****h Nan Clach said:

Forfar gave no away allocation for the Boxing Day game v Stenny. Only option to buy tickets was at Station Park, in person, with cash 7-8pm tonight, 11am - midday tomorrow. 

I have recently returned from a 6 hr round trip to Forfar.

You're not wise...

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of all the days to break up with her. harsh.

Harsh but fair imo. She was told not to eat that fruit and she made friends with a snake. I’m no too keen on them to be honest. If one approaches me, i will back off. If it starts talking, i’ll shit maself.
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12 hours ago, BFTD said:

Very much First World Problems when compared to actual relatives dying, but I thought I'd relive my childhood by buying a Radio Times today and see what's playing on cooncil telly over the festive season.

£5.25. Five pounds and twenty-five pence. Pretty sure the last one I bought cost £1.50, and had naked 40-year-old Helen Mirren on the cover.

To be fair it's a double issue covering two weeks. Though when I used to buy it I always noticed that the price of the next issue didn't quite go back down to what it had been before.

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Fuckin' Hermes.
Yodel have lost a parcel containing some the kids xmas presents

Hermes gets an awfy abuse but we haven't had any bother with them. The lassie who delivers for them is spot on. She knows the neighbours take in parcels for one another as well so it's rare for our parcels not to be delivered by 'Hermes'.

Yodel on the other hand are very hit or miss. We've had parcels just left in the front garden by them in the past. They haven't lost anything so far though.
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12 hours ago, Andy Dufresne said:

Yodel have lost a parcel containing some the kids xmas presents

DHL delivered the wife's present next door. No idea why - we were in. 

Shat myself when I got the "delivered" text. Proof of postage was a blurry photo of the box. Was really panicking until the neighbour chapped the door. 

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Disingenuous brags that don't stand up to any scrutiny.

"THE #1 TV SERIES!"...huh, must be pretty popular..."ON OUR LIMITED SUBSCRIPTION STREAMING SERVICE"  :rolleyes:
"THE NETWORK TELEVISION PREMIERE"...so, it's been in the cinema, on DVD, then streaming services, then the satellite subscription channels, then the terrestrial channels that were willing to pay a premium, and now that everyone else has shown it, you've finally stumped up the minimum price to transmit the film that everyone saw ten years ago? Cool."
"THEIR FIRST WIN AT <big team ground> FOR 77 YEARS!" - they played <big team> two times between those games. Bit embarrassing that <big team> got pumped twice in four games against lower-league shite IMO.

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11 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Disingenuous brags that don't stand up to any scrutiny.

You don't tend to see it often nowadays but remember in the 70s/80s when films were promoted with "If you were scared by 'Jaws' you'll be terrified by 'Attack of the killer capybaras!"

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2 minutes ago, Shotgun said:

You don't tend to see it often nowadays but remember in the 70s/80s when films were promoted with "If you were scared by 'Jaws' you'll be terrified by 'Attack of the killer capybaras!"

f**k's sake I want to watch that film, imagine being lazily snuffled to death with some naps in between.

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